NEVER. I can't stand silence
I think it works the other way around. My vacuum cleaner was working, until i put a behringer sticker on it and it never worked again
Καλημέρα και καλό μήνα παιδιά. @SpyFx ✪ ✓ χάθηκα για λίγο .Τελειώνω σε λίγες μέρες με τη δουλειά και θα μπορώ να γράψω παραπάνω . Ελπίζω όλοι καλά
[MEDIA] Jon Bon Jovi on Sunday announced the death of John Such, the New Jersey rock band's bassist from 1983 to 1994. No details on when or how...
UK band Depeche Mode have announced that band member Andy Fletcher has died. In a statement released on Twitter, the band announced it Enjoy the...
They 've already implemented AI in some modules of RX. Automated tools are a good start , but you hardly beat a pair of ears. I use RX all day...
That was my primary thought , but I still have high hopes for AI dialogue isolation. A much better one. I don't know. We will see. Also 64bit...
Ok from time to time I go and check izotope's website hoping for something new. Still don't know how much innovation v9 will have but we will wait...
Never used that plugin
Daaaaamn. Page 2? I started from 1 and went all through 44. I guess I was wearing my avatar's glasses. Thanks anyway
anyone has the "Hans zimmer notebook" ? can't find it in this thread and I'm sure I it was here. I looked every page .
imma bout to use the left one for sure
Έχει τελειώσει και η ταινία με τον Αγ. Παίσιο. Δουλεύω τώρα σε ένα άλλο πρότζεκτ με τον σκηνοθέτη και με έστειλε το τρέιλερ.Δεν ξέρω αν το βγάλανε...
Ναι να μην τα γενικεύω. Έχεις δίκιο. Πάντως άμα προσέξεις , δεν το έκανε publish απο το δικό του κανάλι αλλά απο το IMIZ BIz . Άρα είναι κάτι...
Καλημέρα παιδιά. Έχουμε καιρό να γράψουμε εδώ και να ποστάρει και ο Σπύρος καμμιά κομματάρα οπότε αναλαμβάνω προσωρινά. Αυτό το κομμάτι θα...
Give me moooooore. I love this thread
My first reaction when I saw this was : "I'm in love". Then I realised it wasn't a real SSL bus comp and all the excitement gone
Yep they've already sampled it. [ATTACH][ATTACH]
Separate names with a comma.