ok I just saw the frozen plain slow a little while ago that was posted as wallpaper, can I get the ncint for frozen plain slow if you have it...
frozen plain slow ncint, wallpaper unless i missed it somewhere
@NYCGRIFF thanks for the rattly and raw wallpapers. now just need the ncint @celtic3342 did you mean to put a link to the zero-g stuff or was...
@celtic3342 cool i'm interested in any ncint you have etc.
Thank you :) @celtic3342
ok here are a couple of requests, the rattly and 60's raw organs and oddities, stupidly huge toy piano. spitfire audio producer portfolio gwilym...
@celtic3342 when you get some time can I get a Julez Jadon Studio Essentials ncint :)
@celtic3342 Thanks brother! I appreciate it man. Thanks to @celtic3342 and @NYCGRIFF for putting out the ncint and wallpapers. Great team!
@NYCGRIFF and @celtic3342 yes those are the ones. thanks guys.
can I get those ncint files from you brother? :)
btw thanks for the wallpapers , I still need the ncint files because i haven't found a compatible way to make them with mac. osx needed
yes i can't find anything like that for mac. any suggestions that work as good without the drama of spam?
yeah NICNT files are what i need. both are awesome!
Julez Jadon – Studio Essentials ncint and wallpaper would also be awesome.
Does anyone have the atom hub Planet, frozen plain coulorform, useful noise vol 5, ncint's and wallpaper? appreciated or any other ncints :)
Thank you so much Celtic! I have the wallpapers already so this is awesome.
hi Celtic, the ncint's i need are rhythm robots shortwave, uproar, grit kit, q of a arts voices of native america, coulrform :) also the program...
voices america vol 2 ncint and frozenplain coulorform ncint
do they have something similar for mac?
also frozenplain colourform would be awesome with ncint. :)
Separate names with a comma.