as far s I'm concerned this place was a graveyard until we started bumping and grindin on it.
Hey I went from being a cool status to being a member. All my wallpapers are blended with other people not that credit is the way but it almost...
thanks bro, condensing the thread really helps.
I agree the more the better. i love the unusual and surreal…keep em coming troops
sweet! you know how i like it :) thnx
@NYCGRIFF request : frozenplain - phoenix :) let your imagination soar
thanks my friend!
don't have it but would be nice if i did. lmk if you get it.
@NYCGRIFF adam monroe - beats frozen plain - dual music box :)
@NYCGRIFF I feel if you enjoy doing it , it will that much more magical - which it was my friend. Sometimes when your creating music and your...
:like::wink: thnx man, great job! I love how your writing fits perfectly on my player :like::wink:
how about q up arts voices of native america with some stars and atmosphere?
@NYCGRIFF cool i'll let you know , what about pyramids? :)
sweet, thnx mang!
@NYCGRIFF xtant - cz alpha please with sugar on top genius… :) and feel free to go space/cosmic/atmosphere with it hahaha
yes I love that kind of stuff.
request: :) sonic sound supply - oasis soundiron - noah bells sound iron - aztec death whistle sample logic - the elements expand rhythmic robot...
awesome thanks @NYCGRIFF
2 more request, three total synth magic -mini magic 001 The 2600 synth magic oberheim xpander :)))
request : synth magic - mini magic 001
Separate names with a comma.