You mean fallen angel? You do understand that's what those beings are? Did you seriously think the Creator would allow his other non-fallen...
Actually over several years of study, I've seen this same thing occur with ALL types of people. So the fact that you are targeting religious...
Yes, but travel around the world and you quickly see how your environment is very small and thus your understanding of the many different types of...
They are. Evil seduces. The way it has always done this is through 2 paths: 1) Offering humans highly advanced knowledge 2) Offering humans power...
All crop circles come from evil. There is no need for them from God. God speaks directly to each soul. Though this statement can be taken out of...
Following Jesus Christ is not religion. Just like your child following you does not make your child religious, but wise and practical. Humans...
That statement in itself is a mini religion, of the mind, and is unseen by you. Until you observe yourself from a higher aspect than your mind....
Absolutely nothing. I've never smoked anything in my life (always thought it was disgusting that humans do that). I've never gotten drunk or taken...
Thanks r4e. Good find bro, good solution! Thanks "The Dude", for the hint. I did it, works perfectly! Also, if you have this enabled:...
It appears uBlock Origin is blocking it. When I switch it off, the option re-appears. This NEVER happened before.
Picture: [IMG] How solve dis, eh? Opera 36
Yup I've got the PC side, PM me if you want it.
This kind of low intelligence word play, with these specific words, does not work in other languages. :no::winker: Earth always was a planet. And...
You have much to learn about the nature of this world. Also, keep in mind, that no human source has 100% correct information, or all of the...
Yo everyone in this thread, you need to read this:
'Cause everything else sucks! Fuckin' shit!
The PROS cut everything below 20kHZ!!! The PROS flog everything above 20Hz.
1. LinPlug Organ should be LinPlug Organ 3 2. Under Korg Mini Pops 7 add: Elektrostudio Rhytmus Machine 3. Create new section: EKO EKO...
Anyone who uses the word "ouchy" is ok in my book!
Psychoacoustic mate, have you got Dash Synthesis daDigital50? Does it work with Reaktor 4? Btw that UVI demo ^ :like:
Separate names with a comma.