mklink /j "c:\ProgramData\Spectrasonics\STEAM\Keyscape" "X:\Library\Keyscape"
AVIdemux (works on all formats, not just avi) - can trim fast, without reencoding Also, ffmpeg...
Well, the main reason we have millions of hours of music tutorials and millions of words written in audio communities is mainly because people...
TDR Nova GE Oxford Dynamic EQ
After you press the ||\ menu to open the presets panel, on the far right on the search box, before the star icon there is a user icon. Press it...
Try this: I suppose your power plan is already set to ultimate. open and run latency monitor and on the CPUs tab, watch which core gets the hights...
HDX cards in recording studios is one reason to keep using PT. Another reason is that people just know that daw very well after decade+ working...
Here's the thing: 3 daws (Cubase, Studio One, Ableton) with bonus yesterweek's attempt ProTools, using so many limiters (you think) you need a...
You can't add more. People used to make music when it had just one: Fav For actual music making it goes quite simple: - Instruments - midi fx...
In mastering the only people who's opinions matter are the artists that made that song. What if the "horrible bits" were intentional (they often...
No plugin can do what you ask simply because when talking about mastered songs, you need to calculate the average loudness of the entire song....
It doesn't feature sidechain options (compared to Oxford) and the knee on iZotope is harder than Oxford's (oxford is really soft knee)....
It literally makes no sense to do that. Any daw can successfully do a mastering job. I noticed alot of "Samsone-vibes" from your latest posts...
It is not just the ratio. Limiting also has zero ms attack. Point being, with a limiter you can't shape the dynamics of a sound anymore. Back on...
Remove the chunk editing in the bat file (and keep the single_onnx) and try this. In the file, line 244, set a lower chunk size as...
The model requires 11 GB of video memory, otherwise will default to CPU. Edit the bat file and run it with "./Miniconda/python.exe"
First of all, fix your monitoring: it is too bright for your taste, and it makes you mix darker OR you don't properly hear the air band (10k+) and...
Assuming you want to purchase nexus as well, most likely you will only need the 4 ROM Extensions (about 9 GB). I remember from the old days of...
Screen record while playing your song in Wavelab. Lots of things happen in that interface, very catchy. You can upload it as is, or load in...
Separate names with a comma.