... and FireFoxy - and both open with a bunch of tabs. But as my highly esteemed mate @taskforce already said, that's only a matter of RAM and...
Not necessary, Reaper doesn't care. If you insert a stereo pluggie in a track with a mono source, it's still mono. Two tracks would be an LR...
I'm using my old home PC for multimedia, games, tools, video, audio, surfing, all good, no problems.
My reply was short for 'looking good, running fine' (severe lazy bugger syndrom, you know? [img]).
Well, close, my recent WiN7 installation dates back to May 2019 and it still boots within 25secs.
That's already the case if you can't change the values by a tiny amount. That'd be TMT 2.0 - and past due. Ha, I always forget this option,...
Pro: - it varies slightly the freq response from channel to channel. Cons: - these variations are minimal and for API only up to 0.2dB, - these...
? Ich hör da kein Audio. Wie willst Du das denn ohne zu hören einstellen??? Du machst das viel zu kompliziert. Möglichkeit A: Du probiert das...
Hömma, für'n Becken reicht das auch heute noch locker. :rofl: Im Ernst, Loops, 1/4 bis 1/1 Takt.
Das versteh ich nicht. Da kann man sich irgendwo Clips runterladen? Die müssen doch je nach Verwendungzweck völlig unterschiedlich aussehen. Wenn...
Da ich seit geraumer Zeit keine Musik mehr selber mache, sondern nur noch mische und mastere, kann ich Dir kein aktuelles Beispiel zeigen, aber...
Well, maybe, but the only thing you'll find out is that they sound different.
I'm using VST2 because: firstly, I haven't even activated this track count thingy and yet it worked because Reaper recognizes the capabitily and...
Why're you using VST3? There's no need for it with Reaper. I suppose it's working the same for VST3, but I used the VST2 version. Just right click...
Wow, a lot of guess work here. Why not measuring and testing it? No worries, I did that for you. :yes: Lavry Gold is a mono saturation extention...
I don't know who rated this Best Answer, but it should've been rated Worst Answer instead. AFAIK, the European Court of Justice decided already...
I've never seen such a long time either. Really strange.
As the others already mentioned, you can integrate a hoster's premium account into JD2 so it even enters your password automatically.
Use free JD2 and let it deal with these problems. I usually have one captcha, rarely two and no popups at all.
Separate names with a comma.