Got a number of those plug-ins free when I got a Volt 2 interface.
My main pension came from a government job with benefits, health care and decent wages. I paid 49% for it and the taxpayer 51%. Couldn't afford it...
My passive income derives from 3 pensions. I'm old :guru: but at least I won't starve making my crazy non-commercial music :wink:
After finding free downloads (especially large files) nearly impossible I finally broke down and hooked up to Debrid-Link. No problems since and...
I'll do the show for 500 grand a pop. Of course, I'm a 68 year old male so I might need a diet to fit in her dress:rofl:
From Shure: We recommend keeping an inventory of spares instead of cleaning the grille and windscreen whenever possible. If you have spares, there...
My mother and sister both killed themselves. I suffer depresssion and anxiety and self-medicate with beer and cannabis to survive because...
Roland is so desperate to sell product that they sponsored a 12 month interest free deal on their gear at Long & McQuade Music. I got the TD-17...
Only 61:woot: I'm 68 next month and suffer from atrial fibrillation. Getting old sucks. Dying before getting old sucks worse:(
Had a real MiniMoog around 1978. Bought it instead of a car and rode the bus. Am really looking forward to trying this 6 oscillator turbocharged...
There is no freedom of speech:no: Political correctness and virtue signalling ensure that. We are prisoners of the current social and political...
The most compelling story of human creation came about in an old, obscure science fiction book called Son Of Man by Robert Silverberg. In it, an...
The only musicians I knew who made money made it by selling dope to other musicians:winker:
Will be interesting to see how this compares sonically to the Behringer clone which has 11 more voices, a five octave keyboard, is bi-timbral and...
I avoid content creators and personalities and only watch old live music concerts and listen to old music because I'm old, too.
Can't come up with your own music? Play someone elses, you talentless loser:rofl: At 2x speed :rofl::rofl:
"Money, it's a hit. Don't give me that do goody-good bullshit." Never liked money till I had it. Now I love it:wink:
On a 3 tier stand to the left of my monitor desk. I also keep the router there away from my Neumann speakers because it causes a ticking noise in...
He doesn't have any money to give away:( He had to borrow from the queen to pay the 12 million pound settlement to Virginia Guiffre:bleh:
Separate names with a comma.