OK soooo how about you check out this vid BY THE SAME CHANNEL on why the vid you posted is a problem LMAO [MEDIA] :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:...
I have a Tesla Model 3 (also a Charger, a GLE Coupe and a Panamera for perspective)... And I'll say the Tesla is great for daily activities and...
People get too hung up on semantics. I really don't see how sampling this as you would a break is any different than finding some obscure record....
You could easily cut up all the percussive elements from the 1st 30 secs and have these EXACT sounds, unless I'm missing something :dunno: Its...
Neither was Shade, sparkverb, or thorus
Soooo did the big GONE, as we're affectionately referring to it, affect the EW release?... because I've been confused on how/when that was...
Exactly, it seems everyone saying "meh it was only ok anyway", haven't fully grasped exactly how deep it is :dunno: Its basically Nexus, Serum,...
LethalAudio is a solid rompler, especially in terms of being similar to Nexus.
This reminds me of when I first discovered the McGurk effect as a child. One day I realized saying fu#k it with 2 "it's" can sound similar to...
I have been using win11 since it leaked and I have not had any issues with my audio production related apps/plugins/etc... I also would not say it...
Just wanted to mention that AT&T owns WarnerMedia who owns HBO, thus there is no partner ship or licensing, its THEIR platform. Similar to how...
You need more than just pcie slots for the add on card, you also need a TB header on the motherboard. And your mb doesn't have the required...
After a quick search I came up empty at first, but then I realized you have to search for "blue cat audio" (three words) and not "bluecat audio"...
Ahhhhh so you indeed can't relate [anymore], gotcha... The end was a bit snarky but I can actually respect and appreciate this response! Bravo.
@recycle I could waste time explaining the lyrics to you even tho it seems you wont be receptive and your judgement is predetermined either way....
:facepalm:Why is it always the Wang Dang Doodle heads who say rap has no substance:hahaha::hahaha:
@recycle your "I can't relate is" showing :wink::rofl:
Wow this a terrible hot take lol. While I agree most of the rap you hear on the radio is trash, there are amazing lyricists out there who will go...
Uhhhh we've definitely been doing that for ages lol... I used to have a group and that was one of the many ways we would practice to keep each...
I see this is mostly solved but the entire bluecat bundle is on the sister site. Just saying.
Separate names with a comma.