They make nice gui's but their "Virtual Player" instruments tend to not be as useful as the promo vids make them seem, for me.
Sheesh people are quick to sell their licenses lol
Only 1 instance & not if you want to be able to play more than one note per instrument or pitch your drums, which is a common technique for trap...
Fellas this is absolutely doable as demonstrated below If you are familiar with S1 and familiar with Maschine then this shot should show that the...
What he's saying doesn't make sense.... I have a template where I have machine controlled by S1, BUT if you are making sessions in S1 that are...
This section about S1 is completely wrong... Not sure where you got this "A User" quote from but you can send multiple midi channels to...
Late to the party but I'm glad you guys pointed out how incredibly terrible that initial comparison was in this thread. SMH
This is such a good deal that I even though I own NI and IZotope's respective everything bundles I've still been on the fence just to get the PA...
@samsome what you missed in this exchange is that the word "asset" already implies that its something that makes money, if you are holding cash...
[MEDIA] BAM without question, these fills are still some of the greatest ever.
If you did this, in general you would be able to see the "other" drive (meaning whichever you aren't booted into), but you could hide it if you...
I was pissed I missed this on the sister site. I noticed it in the morning and by the time I came home that evening it was pulled :(
The Toolbox is a bunch of presets and loops and such, made by a 3rd party but specifically for Studio One. It is separate from the content you get...
What made you guys think you'd be able to download the additional content directly from Presonus?
@RonnieSpectrum jumped straight into the deep end I see :unsure: But yeah I always chalked those frequencies to acoustic noise, the rest of this...
Lol I am one of those people who enjoys the chaos when I'm just dabbling alone, but I also have very precise folder structures for when I need...
:guru: Studio One says precisely eight hundred thirty nnnnnevermind :deep_facepalm:.....:knock:
As @waverider and @5teezo alluded to but didn't really explain... Its because he does those "snakeoil" videos after having only just downloaded a...
For me the gui matters in the sense of mental state as @SharkBait O-reily mentioned above. It's not necessarily a functional issue, its more of a...
I've realized that plugin boutique has endless deals tho lol... Nothing really special about these in particular. If you check back in a month it...
Separate names with a comma.