I have no idea what you mean, what file isn't there anymore?
Mu understanding of Cableguys Shaperbox, at least when I installed it, was that you installed, had to download the presets after, as irrc,...
Yeah, I can see this situation causing problems for a lot of people, where if they have one Cableguys plug installed, and then go to get...
Fine here.
I haven't used it, but that just seems way too slow for 2025. (up to 330 MB/s* with SATA III or 260 MB/s* with SuperSpeed USB3.0 ... and...
I think I read your post wrong at first @taskforce , and I agree with pretty much all of what you have typed on this thread, or rather 'all',...
As you said, if you don't have to spend money on r&d, and surfing the wave of someone else's marketing hype and hard earned generational acclaim...
Yeah, you could shuffle libraries back and forth to the google drive etc, but I'm not sure if that might cause issues with how Kontakt currently...
no worries mate... Yeah, I would keep that ssd myself, and ~also~ use the Google Drive if you want... The google drive isn't going to be fast...
I adhere to the 3-2-1 rule myself. (and sometimes more depending) (I'm sure it's been mentioned in this thread, or explained, but just in...
Sorry friend, I apparently had horse blinders on regarding the thread topic and was myopic on the digital data storage, and not the analog... I...
yeah, re:^ what @Semarus was saying... everyone approaches this differently and has different needs and tastes and history and proclivities,...
Sounds like you have figured out a plan that works best for you, and great. Just take your time once and do it right and carefully correctin...
I agree with you having used damn MCU's/NI Kontrols/and the f'n Automap and more.... sigh.. and a standard, rather then trying to get other...
I gotta dig into the press release, but what do you suspect that can be done that the others don't or won't easily? (and I'm not asking...
that is a great point tzzsmk, agreed in it's disruption, as worthy inclusion, and important/relevant enough to delay on... We didn't need...
Yeah, I think there are many daws that can accomplish similar ends, and while I'm not as familiar at all with Cubase, from what I read, it...
Christ, I have been reading about Midi 2.0 since before I had the internet easily available in Keyboard magazine and the like (hell, like 1989?...
I am a firm advocate for KLU 2 as it has worked fine for me closely following the faq's and instructions. Kitty Scripts, while I haven't used...
KLU 2.4 is great @ted2020 , read the whole thread and the faq's and whatnot to get it right and avoid gotcha's......
Separate names with a comma.