Perhaps you should have read my post more carefully Even on the enterprise edition, setting the Group Policy does nothing to stop the automatic...
My 2 cents First you will need a bootable linux ( puppy linux) on a usb stick and delete the Antimalware and the Cortana executables on the drive...
I will wait for macOS 12 Screw U Features: - Online installation of applications, offline installs are now banned, severe electrocution if...
Windows 10 is a complete joke of an OS, I know most are being forced to move to it due to software companies not having the balls to tell...
LOL I meant it as a joke since if you watch that video you will notice many Problems All singers and instruments are going through the Console....
"bMxSD5Jrrv2vORDfvuI8mvbq5FuVMWooETicP7khKgP3o7P4AwYiQojs5J/f95Cl fsp/J9DJ9zFM6elNarfrbh+8S/TSonD4GEpwYLqLX7Gsu2R7dq6BQPYoXutR4qir" That was most...
As stated above MIDI OX 1. run midiox and set your in and out midi ports ( make sure all midi cables are hooked up correctly) 2. Inside MidiOX...
It was once craked simply due to UAD using their external hardware as a dongle and lied to users that you needed the external hardware. In that...
Sysprep is not for that!!! I use Sysprep to setup a system with the hardware drivers already put in. So that when I install Windows 7 for example...
Thanks for the clip I stand corrected. Thanks for posting it.
No one listens when I talk ( those who do are aware of future events and get ready) The difference between 2 people is money always will be and...
Some interfaces support both outs seperate but some may not, if you mute 1+2 main outs on your daw on some interfaces you may also loose the...
You could build your own box and add some 1/4 jacks then add a $5 push switch ( or toggle switch). You hook your monitors to this box and then the...
Before you ask for money... How old is it? Check the Warranty for dates and how long it's covered for/ Out of warranty? GET YOUR HANDS DIRTY!!...
I swear ( no profanity) with Reflect Macrium it has save my ass many times with client machines. I used to be a big user of Acronis untill they...
Indeed now that Reaper ( $60) added a full VCA group automation control every daw now ( Cubase, Studio One) are adding it LOL Kind of pathetic...
Reaper has had VCA groups for a while now and they actually work better than even Protools VCA's In terms of stability and using your daw to...
In my opinion ( I could be Wrong!!) Sony Vegas 10 ( a bit older but hell faster than any of the newer versions. You can find it in the usual Dark...
This may help
The Delay should always be in front of the amp there are no exceptions if you play with delay in a live situation. The critical element is what...
Separate names with a comma.