I think they're all good, but after some testing I narrowed it down to AGTC, AGSC and, for jazz, AGSH. The AGSC has 4 libraries, corresponding to...
I researched a lot before settling with Ample Sound. If you learn how to play it, you'll have little tweaking to do in post. Me, I'd rather...
Yep! I used that very patch, buddy! It still deactivates by itself.
Sorry guys, this is on me. Some people call the company 'TBTECH', others 'Three-Body Technology' and other combinations in between. I should've...
Hi all! Anyone else having this issue where you must reactivate these analog emulations every session? Any workaround? Thanks!
Truly sorry if this is not a joke, but that video got me so off guard :rofl:
So this community has always been so kind and helpful, here's a little giving back: while on my endless quest towards recreating human pocket and...
I only got to test the Brit 73 from TBTECH (the R2R release time-bombed, I presume) and noticed something similar to what I get from NAM... It's...
Hello there! I found this free one and this paid one a while ago in a YouTube video, but couldn't make much use of them. I wonder if acoustic...
Yes, I use the TAL sampler often, but it has a limit per pad, and for this number of velocity layers (granted, exaggerated), RS5K works better. In...
Eventide Instant Flanger - Out-Of-It Operator
Just came across this Reddit post and found the right answer to do this in Reasamplomatic 5000: Cumbersome, yes, but I'll take that over trying...
My jaw dropped to the floor when I read about this in the manual for the current version. Lightbulb moment: 'So that's why merely sampling the...
Is it this one? Just watched a video on how to create your own library and it mentions having to code a text file and my eye started twitching! I...
Hey, xorome! Thanks for the tip. Just checked out their website. They say it supports 16 samples per pad... It's a lot, but that wouldn't work for...
It seems to me I'd have to 1) create 90 instances of Reasamplomatic in one track, 2) assign all to the same MIDI note (one by one), 3) assign all...
Hello everyone! So I have 90 samples of a single percussion instrument. It's been sampled in 18 ampitude layers from pianissimo to fortissimo....
Just watched Longlegs. Great makeup, costume design, hair etc. Very scary characterization!
Wonderful. New features seem amazing indeed. I hope they've improved their interface, mouse modifiers, shortcuts etc. Paired with Replay, this...
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