Thank you everyone for your votes!
Ich bin mir da nicht so sicher. :no: Not so sure about that. :no:
That’s simply because multiple choices are allowed.
So who voted for the second Android, he? :unsure:
If you use both Mac and iOS you can choose both. I actually use both, too. Sometimes I even use an old Windows machine for some plugins. The main...
There was a lag on the site and I accidentally doubled it. Now I can’t undo it. :dunno:
P.S.: I have even added iOS and Android! :yes:
Well, I guess you're right. This should be informative to everybody, not just me. So poll edited and topic question changed accordingly. :wink:
Okay, guys! I have changed the vote to accept both choices. You can change your vote accordingly. :wink:
Oh and also please just answer with your main system. If you really use the systems 50/50, well... then please just skip the voting. For me most...
Thank you all for your answers so far! This is very interesting! Well you can all add which hardware you are using for sure in the comments...
Hey guys, I'd like to know which operating system you are using (for music especially). Let me know, please. Thank you!
Tried with BlueCat Audio Patchwork and Ableton, but no, it does not save the GUI options.
Thank you, but actually it is not... I'm on a Mac with Mojave and Logic Pro X. But I will try to save the GUI state in another daw now.
Can anyone please help me saving the GUI options in Reveal Sound‘s spire? I would like to have a zoom of 150% and the Dark Skin by default. How...
5 bucks is much too expensive. I would rather go fo $3.80. :rofl: Note from moderator: Links cleared. Please no links to what is most probably a...
Try this one:
Damn, we need BEHRINGER „THE DONGLE“! Uli, can you hear me??? :rofl:
Eltima does not work with iLok or eLicenser unfortunately.
Separate names with a comma.