Turns out I forgot that I added the direct IP to my hosts file. Mystery solved. Gonna turn off the adblocker until this thing is resolved. I...
Weird thing. Doesn't work for me on mobile, does work on desktop.
Too much shisha, man. What I'm saying is, you just gotta look past what's on MTV to hear good contemporary music. Yeah there were times when MTV...
What is this comparison? OGG is a container, and LAME is an .mp3 encoder. Let's compare .flac to .zip while we're at it.
What happened to mainstream music* Yeah dude, go listen to Leprous, King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard or IDK, VOLA or something, since you like...
Let me guess, you downloaded the mp3s of these songs and "analyzed" those? This rolloff is a 128kbps .mp3 file. And if you try and mix the song...
30yo here, can't stand dumb shit I listened to as a kid. Won't even post it, it's just bad. However, it turned out that not all the things I used...
Well mate, you don't. These are rarparts. Extract the main .rar and it'll automatically catch up all the other ones. Then you can delete them.
Also RIP their alerts tab
Nyahahahaha, fresh meat for the grinder :mad:
What are you agreed upon? RC-20 is amazing, however it's not a tape sim.
People here mentioned RC-20 a bunch of times, but I'm not sure why really. A better option is to gate each separate drum sound first to cut off...
Liberal use of tape saturation and clipping, and a slight off-beat. Also they poke through because everything else is so quiet, not due to some...
Ideally you should be able to tell by ear what compression does to your sound, and not theoritize on paper.
Dafuq LOL First world problems, your strings are not lubricated.
Using any Acustica Audio plugins? They work poorly with higher samplerate. Maybe some other older and shittier plugins?
ProMB with attack and release at around 30% and up.
Non-R2R versions often aren't cracked completely. Seems their magic only lasted for one update.
Had this issue once. Added the following: api.presonus.com api.presonus.com.cdn.cloudflare.com to my hosts and it didn't...
Oh, you figured it out by yourself. Aight.
Separate names with a comma.