Last Activity:
Sep 24, 2024
Jun 22, 2012
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lukehh was last seen:
Sep 24, 2024
    1. TronV2
      hi, i'm see you have the 3 mQ & KOmplexer sounds, is it posible to have for me, will be great and nice
    2. Babarosa
      Hi lukehh!
      Sometime ago you wrote

      "Hmm...I have 3 preset packs.
      "Waldorf microQ and Komplexer over 1000 presets"
      "Waldorf microQ Komplexer Mathew Laws Trance Vol 3 For Komplexer"
      "Giga Loops Waldorf Q & Komplexer Vst Sound Bank"".

      Would you please be so nice to send me those soundsets too?
      I am still using and liking a regularily purchased version of Terratec Komplexer.

      Thank you in advance, Michael
    3. Lolo799
      Hello mr lukehh, I saw your long list of Radium releases and there's that one elusive software I've been after for years on and off:
      122297 Virtual.Waves.v2.1a-Radium

      I somehow found the v2.22 version on emule years ago but the v2.1a is the last version compatible with Windows 3.11 and I very much would like to get a hold of it, if you still have it.

      Thank you for your help, and for your archiving effort!
    4. juno106
      hallo lukehh, I'm looking to you for your help. I'm really struggling to obtain a copy of the C-Mexx C-Console for DSP.Factory v 1.4 which I noticed in an older post of yours in the OXYGEN Profile you listed. I cannot find this software anywhere on the Net - hence my post to you!

      153 001026 C.Mexx.C.Console.For.DSP.Factory.v1.4 [Your posted Ref.]
    5. John Thompson
      John Thompson
      Hi lukehh,

      I have been looking for the following for well over 5 years. Is is possible to get it from you?

      Oxygen release
      103 000723 SC.Virtual.Sampler.v2.0

      Thank you for your effort.
      1. lukehh
        I will search my archive at the weekend and will let you that OK?
        Oct 11, 2019
        Gyro Gearloose and John Thompson like this.
      2. John Thompson
        John Thompson
        Thank you so much
        Oct 11, 2019
      3. lukehh
        I've sent you a PM in conversations! Look in your inbox.
        Oct 11, 2019
        Gyro Gearloose likes this.
    6. oma-tasty
      im bumping an old thread but would you do me a favour and send these? much appreciated : )

      Hmm...I have 3 preset packs.
      "Waldorf microQ and Komplexer over 1000 presets"
      "Waldorf microQ Komplexer Mathew Laws Trance Vol 3 For Komplexer"
      "Giga Loops Waldorf Q & Komplexer Vst Sound Bank"
      1. View previous comments...
      2. lukehh
        But I'm from germany and also used Browsec to upload! Without Browsec I cant access zippyshare!
        Sep 22, 2019
      3. lukehh
        Sep 22, 2019
        John Thompson likes this.
      4. John Thompson
        John Thompson
        lukehh can I get in line for this also - sorry I have been out of the loop. I am working with Komplexer with now.
        Mar 29, 2021
    7. jonathanrodhes
      how can i send you the sf2s?
      1. lukehh likes this.
      2. lukehh
        WOW...this would be nice...I just wrote you a mail about it.
        The easiest way would be to pack them to an archive and upload it to
        you dont need an account...and send me the link. I would appreciate it!
        May 17, 2019
        dobabel704 likes this.
    8. Seckkksee
      DUUUUDDDEEE! I can't believe I found you!. Can u do me a favour I'm looking for SampleTank version 1 (or 2), or LinPlug Cronox 1 or 2. I'm tryna do a y2k thing using ONLY Cubase vst32 and vsts of that time. I NEED a sampler, but can't find any decent one, I have Emagic EXSP24 (NOT EXS24!) but it's just not doing what I need, I have to "roll my own" sample pack and it's getting tedious and annoying. Can u help?
    9. TehSl0th
      Hello, do you still have "Sound.Forge.Batch.Convert.b205-Radium"?
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