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Mar 12, 2025 at 9:40 PM
Nov 23, 2011
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June 28
The bottom of the rabbit hole, next to Alice's


Audiosexual, Male, from The bottom of the rabbit hole, next to Alice's

So this is what happens when you take the red pill. Aug 24, 2016

mercurysoto was last seen:
Viewing thread K-sytem metering. Big question., Mar 12, 2025 at 9:40 PM
    1. mercurysoto
      So this is what happens when you take the red pill.
      1. Margaret and SAiNT like this.
      2. spacetime
        thats what happens
        Mar 28, 2017
      3. Margaret
        I know your pain man.
        Mar 28, 2024
        mercurysoto likes this.
    2. woodywood
      Thank you, I have waves 9.6 and was using soundtoys, mcdsp and sonnox through blue cat(Trans vst never worked on mac did it?) Pro Tools 10 is just so stable, I don't like the win PT 12 crack it's buggy. I was thinking of buying pt 12 but i want to use the utopia plugins with that possible? It needs to be stable tho.
      1. mercurysoto
        I'm on Mac 10.9.5 and I have Pro Tools 11. All I know about 12 is that it's the same 11 with the bonus of VCA tracks, track freeze, and online collab (which is actually a downer for me). That being said, 11 is rock solid. All the serialed plugins work with no issues in PT11, including the newest HorNet plugins that have entered the sister site.
        Jul 30, 2016
      2. mercurysoto
        BTW, I own some of the HorNet plugins and legit and [k]'d plugs live side by side. I barely use Patchwork, it kind of kills my workflow, even though plugins like Eventide H3000 or the Soundtoys stuff makes it worth it.
        Jul 30, 2016
    3. woodywood
      Hello Moto I mean Not sure if you remember that commercial. So I need some help buddy. Can you tell me what plugins I can run with openssh pt10?
      1. Margaret likes this.
      2. mercurysoto
        Hey buddy, you can run any RTAS plugin you find cracked at AS and those AAX plugins that are serialed, not patched. Amog my favourite now you can find the latest Melda Production stuff, Waves 9.6, almost anything.
        Jul 28, 2016
    4. Zentropy
      Heyo just tagging you so I remember you in a week or two when I've got a PT beta ready for my auto gain plugin!
      1. mercurysoto likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Zentropy
        It's almost done! Ready for Beta, anyway. Maybe. I ended up spending a long time creating and implementing a unified GUI design and assorted code library for all my plugs, then revamping all of them to use it. Spent the last week or so investigating exactly how AAX needs to work..apparently Avid charges developers to allow them to build the AAX format while saying it's done to prevent piracy 0.o
        Jun 16, 2016
      4. Zentropy
        No way I'm giving them $500 a year for the privilege of releasing something free when ProTools is clearly cracked already anyway. Since there's no info out there on compiling to AAX explicitly for a cracked ProTools version, I'm figuring it out myself :/ I hope to have a first version for you to try out in a week or two though!
        Jun 16, 2016
      5. Zentropy
        OK fuck Avid. They block debuggers from attaching to PT at all, then charge developers $500 to access a version of PT you can debug your own plugins with. I'd rather give an African warlord $500 than them at this point. TransVST seems to be working, you want to try that?
        Jun 18, 2016
    5. superliquidsunshine
      Hello made mention of dedicating a USB port..."If the USB root is freed and dedicated to an audio interface, performance is smooth" on a thread a few days ago, could you explain what you meant by that if you have some free time? Have a good one.
      1. mercurysoto
        Mar 7, 2016
        superliquidsunshine likes this.
      2. superliquidsunshine
        Thanks, I thought that is what you meant. Have a good one!
        Mar 8, 2016
        mercurysoto likes this.
    6. mercurysoto
      Bowie, Lemmy, Glenn Frey... One of these days someone I do care about will go too.
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  • About

    June 28
    The bottom of the rabbit hole, next to Alice's
    My Gear:
    MacMini Core i7 with 16 Gb of RAM
    Apollo Twin Duo Interface
    Allen & Heath Qu-16 Mixing Desk
    Presonus DigiMaxD8 ADAT Preamp
    Genelec 8020 Monitors
    ProTools 11
    Mics: Neumann TLM 102, Rode NT3 and M5, MXL 2001; beyerdynamic, Audix, and Sennhriser drum mics, Shure SM57 and SM58
    My daytime job supports my music career, but my music gigs give me the strength to go to work the next morning.


    I don't mind being wrong, but I really hate to stay wrong.