How to to replace sylenth1 skin?

Discussion in 'PC' started by webshark, Oct 7, 2013.

  1. webshark

    webshark Member

    Oct 2, 2013
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    Hey guys,

    The skin I got with vtx sylenth is nasty. Ive searched and all I can find is clear instructions on how to do it on mac... Nothing for pc. win 7 64.. I have one skin that's 64bit. and I tried replacing dll. but then sylenth disappeared anyone know for sure how to?

    Also if anyone can point me to a selection of the 64 bit skins be great? Thanks guys!
  3. Studio 555

    Studio 555 Producer

    Mar 7, 2012
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    @ Webshark,

    For the 64 bit Format exclusively, I'm really not sure as I can guess that most of them are in 32 bit Format, nevertheless you can take a look at a very recent article posted within this brother site : 'AudioZ'.

    That article contains 21 different 'Sylenth 1' Skins, that are in fact directly the VSTi '.dll' to place as is inside your usual VST Plugins Folder(s), whereas the 'MAC' versions are certainly separate 'Resources' (that contains all the Images).
    Within that Download Pack, you can also get not less than 463 Soundbanks for 'Sylenth 1' as well... *yes*

    Simply 'jump' to :, then within the 'Search Engine' (the 'Greyed Rectangle' in the upper left corner of the Main Page), simply type : 'Lennar Digital Sylenth1 (incl. Keygen, 463 Soundbanks, and 21 Skins)', then you'll get that article with its download Links ('Peeplink'). :wink:
  4. webshark

    webshark Member

    Oct 2, 2013
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    Thank you sir, but that is the one I have works great just cant find how skins works.
  5. Studio 555

    Studio 555 Producer

    Mar 7, 2012
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    @ Webshark,

    In fact, what you need (if you don't have it yet !) is a FREE program named : 'Resource Hacker' (available in both 32 & 64 bit versions for PC), that permits you to extract all the 'Resources' (mainly the 'Images' that you want/need to change) included inside a '.dll' file as is the case with the 'Sylenth1 VSTi'.

    Here you have the 'Official Homepage' of that program :

    'Resource Hacker' Homepage

    At the bottom of that page, you can find a FREE downloadable Version. At this time, it seems that's the 'v3.6.0'. *yes*
  6. "Resource Hacker" (or "PE Explorer") is absolutely inadequate for this task as you have to replace 20-50 PNGs, depending on the skin. I designed more than 10 different skins for DUNE, Sylenth1 (see attachment), ACE, Zebra², Poise etc. Only (illegal to share them if DLLs are affected) for personal use (because I´m a passionate web-/designer and EDM producer for over 13 years). I highly recommend RESTORATOR 2007 for this kind of work, as it allows you to assign all files at once and has a much better workflow than "ResHack" or "PEX". It also hasn´t any problems with x64 DLLs (PEX does) ...

    Generally VST(i) skins are only changeable + shareable on the net if you are able to have direct access to the respective grafics/files (ACE, Zebra², Z3ta+, Poise etc.). Sylenth1, DUNE etc. have their skins included in their dll and can only be accessed/changed via special software. As I mentioned before: I do it for fun + personal use. Making music for me personally is about emotions + a positive process and vibe/feeling in/with my DAW and plugins ... Something like Sylenth1 sounds great but looks like garbage; the choice of colours and the consistency of the GUI is simply a joke (for my it is an objective fact and not a question of "taste").

    My skins (attachement shows two of my works) are not available on the internet as it would collide with current rules/laws.

    Attached Files:

  7. hfeuhfz7342hf724

    hfeuhfz7342hf724 Noisemaker

    Oct 26, 2012
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    Well, it's all about taste.

    I once took the tedious work with ressource hacker just to revert a badly skinned Sylenth to the original skin.. :rofl:

    Sylenth is just ugly, but there are a lot of other VSTs which are not only ugly, but also not usable (small fonts, bad colouring etc.)
  8. webshark

    webshark Member

    Oct 2, 2013
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    Thanks guys yea the skin that came with the version I have is nasty I just want the original. U can barely make out what it says on this skin. Any ideas guys I have the version mentioned above
  9. Studio 555

    Studio 555 Producer

    Mar 7, 2012
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    @ Webshark,

    Well, if I well understand your last comment, you prefer to get the 'Original' Sylenth 1 VSTi (x64-64bit) with its 'Original' Skin as well, isn't ?

    As stated in my previous comment, simply 'jump' to : 'AudioZ'.

    and always within the 'Search Engine' (greyed rectangle in the upper left corner of the Main Page), this time simply type the following instead :

    'LennarDigital Sylenth1 v2.21 x86.x64 READ NFO-iDONTKNOWHO'

    ...and you'll get both versions (x86 & x64) for the same price !!! :wink: :rofl:


    @ KanadevaMusic,

    WOW ! Your two Sylenth 1 Models appear really Great...
    They're really well done (in my opinion !), and both look very modern. *yes* :wink:

    Congratulations for your Skin designs. *yes*
  10. Thanks. If someone is interested in the PNG files (23 files - for every skin - are new, designed by my person and have to be replaced), I could share them for free (RAR-archive via email). But you have to make the work youself, meaning: Get RESTORATOR 2007 for fastest results and assign all 23 PNG at once (it takes about 30 seconds to open your DLL - it works with x86 and x64 -, make the change and save it). As long as you do it for personal/private use it is totally OK with me.

    I made the two skins (attachement above) for PreSonus Studio One 2 (the blue-ish one) and for REAPER 4 (if ALBERTs "SOLARIS PRO" skin is used => looks good together). Of course because I like consistent designs/GUIs and am not a fan of i.e. FL STUDIOs candy-design (I heard that Image-Lines main man loves his style, I have the feeling of beeing a little child - comic/dancing animations etc.. - when demoing FL Studio) or ABLETONs gray-ish design approach (LIVE 8/9 is a great piece of software but its one-dimensional GUI does not invite me to make music).

    Just my two cents ...
  11. webshark

    webshark Member

    Oct 2, 2013
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    Got it thanks guys!
  12. ferhatyildirim

    ferhatyildirim Newbie

    Sep 3, 2014
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    Hi all,
    Reading all your comments Iv gotten all the programs mentions in all your posts installed and trying to figure out how to make my own sylenth1 skin.. :wow:

    -interesting stuff, hope people post more news and how to etc on this topic. :wink: Not that there is anything wrong with the original skin

    My progress so far..
    -PE Explorer doesn't do x64 - so Im disregarding it
    -Resource Hacker, I cant extract any PNG, I do not know what your all talking about

    ...and Restorator 2007 is on standby atm. I will figure this shit out.

    Thanks all

    Restorator 2007 does work extracting PNG files but, as for making and creating or even editing these PNG files I don't know but, I will also figure this shit out as well..

    We found a free program 'Paint.NET' is able to edit and create new PNG files really cool. Trying this shit out now..!