Need help with my room situations

Discussion in 'Studio' started by Giovact, Nov 3, 2014.

  1. shike

    shike Noisemaker

    Sep 5, 2014
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    It is more than few quids and it is not serving much in present,in future he can get in even better room and add a sub even,but now,he can not get his lows right instantly either way and he will need to reference with headphones a lot,on other hand he can focus more on everything else without lows adding more mess to equation,but mess will be there either way with 5" or 7",it is common that you can find different reference sources in big studios,every solution have strength and weaknesses,some exceed others in particular aspect and are used for their strength,same way of thinking here.I gave him fair warning and something to think about,things will not get ideal and he will need to adapt to new set of headaches either way,he have a choice right now to make best out of it and save up if he can,less painful way I hope.
  2. smartlad

    smartlad Member

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Oh come on its like an extra 35gbp per monitor, that's nothing compered to what he stated his budget was.. You don't agree with me, fair enough but in my opinion and from experience since I have them and use them in a similar set up, they would be the better choice over a 5inch monitor which I have also used this setup and found they lack in the low end.
  3. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    In a "not so easy" room, the best option is to work on monitors to save ears as much as you can.
    And use headphones as dual reference for mixing, and late work.

    Any good monitors will do the trick for stereo image/real world dynamic. Just stay away from subwoofers. They are more than useless in bad rooms : they are dangerous.
    Move in your room, standing up, to evaluate bass frequencies on monitors. It is enough to get an average bass level.

    There are more tricks like this. Some very rugged professionals can even "evaluate" a room response by ears, using a sweep sine from 20 to 200 Hz. But they are at another level than me :rofl:

    A slow (20 secondes) sweep sine 20-200Hz (looped) at LOW level, and moving in the room, is a valuable tool to get hot and dead freq spots.

    You can generate one here(10s only) :
  4. shike

    shike Noisemaker

    Sep 5, 2014
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    Fair enough,we made full circle and got to the same personal grain of salt preference zone,so pretty much no point in discussing this further.
  5. Resonance

    Resonance Newbie

    Apr 15, 2014
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    Seconded for hphones only for checking bass and listening to finished tracks late at night of course
  6. Giovact

    Giovact Newbie

    Nov 2, 2014
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    As always thank you all for suggestions. Haze i can't move nothing in my room cause is the only way to have all inside, on the map i made there is not anything and i think that i forgot two important thing: 1. in front of the d2 there is an armchair that blocks the door, that is out from the wall like 40 cm, it ends in the same line of the beginning of the d1, and it is very tall; 2. between the bed and the balcony i have a library, and the balcony has not outward opening doors, that i can open with no problem. (the balcony and the d2 are recessed in the wall). But maybe there is a way to move from the corner, my bed is a loft bed so i have free space under that(it is tall 1.8m), maybe i can put my speakers under that but if i do this i will obviously have the bed that will be like a roof.
  7. Haze

    Haze Platinum Record

    Nov 28, 2013
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    Giovact, given your additional details it looks like there's not an awful lot you can do under your circumstances. Save your money, buy a cheap set of monitors for now and just use them casually and to give your ears a rest from the headphones. As you're only just starting out with this there's an awful lot of learning to do yet (I've been at it over 30 years and have only scratched the surface so far...don't tell my clients though!) and having a less than perfect listening environment won't hold you back on studying most aspects of production, so wait until after you have finished your studies and find yourself a suitable room before laying out cash for quality speakers and acoustics.

    As far as putting your speakers under the bed, this is also not a solution. A surface directly above your speakers like that would create even more problems (it would be like putting them in a box). I have thought of one possibility though, which is by no means ideal but would probably give you less problems than you would get otherwise as the immediate proximities to boundaries are reduced. That is fixing speakers on brackets directly to the wall on the right in such a way that they are at listening height. Whilst this isn't great from a working at your desk point of view, you would be able to swivel your desk chair around for listening purposes.

    Something like this:

    Finally, here are some resources for you to take a look at:

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