Life is too short to wait ...

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by sideshowbob, Oct 29, 2014.

  1. sideshowbob

    sideshowbob Producer

    Apr 17, 2014
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    Brave New World​
  3. Rolma

    Rolma Guest

    The drummer is really cool!
  4. Diabulus in Musica

    Diabulus in Musica Platinum Record

    Jun 7, 2011
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    Nice video! *yes*
  5. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    This was a really nice idea. Never know what one little action can do for someone.

    INXS has a song called The Stairs which shares the same theme, that we pass each other on the stairs but never connect. That's why isolation is such a common theme these days especially for those of us that live the city life. It's maddening to be among millions of people and yet still feel alone. Michael Hutchence, as some of you may know, was the lead singer until he hung himself in his hotel room in 97. :(​
  6. oidua

    oidua Member

    Sep 20, 2013
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    Wov, well then again how much money did the homeless guy get from the
    17,887,251 plus views; or was he an actor as some have suggested?
    Kinda cool but... dunno, maybe.
  7. Baxter

    Baxter Audiosexual

    Jul 20, 2011
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    That footage is actually staged/directed. The "homeless guy" is not homeless at all.
    It's a promo video for the band, with a good message however.

    Depends on how you look at it.

    Maybe my band should make a video where we go and give retarded/handicapped people food and candy and beer, but instead of filming retarded/handicapped people we just film people acting like it. A really feel good music video.

    edit: 30Hz (with a big 'H' after mr. Hertz) beat me to it.
  8. 30hz

    30hz Producer

    Apr 27, 2013
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    here the backstage
  9. rickbarratt

    rickbarratt Producer

    Dec 27, 2013
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    any translation :P
  10. 30hz

    30hz Producer

    Apr 27, 2013
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    use the subtitle button(CC) in the youtube player
  11. Yes the message is a good one, we should all help those in need and to do what we can do in whatever form that takes. 12,000,000+ hits later and coin in their pockets, where is the follow-up on the donation from their direct sponsorship of the homeless? In addition, the (please excuse my language) bullshit about showing respect and not filming them before they asked is utter slop. How long does it take to play through a song, ask for permission to broadcast, and if the answer was no, go on to the next. To my thinking it is that they knew that if they had asked they would have had to share the money. They pay the actor? A similar thing happened in NYC a bunch of years ago to a homeless man that I was friends with, an amazing artist named Calvin Coffee that used found objects from his travels in the City to make incredibly beautiful constructions on fences in and around the East Village. I stumbled upon a film crew setting up a shot of one of Calvins beautiful pieces , the director and producer, two cameras, the sound guy, makeup, hair and an actor, about in my estimation approximately 8-10 thousand dollars for the day (not including camera rentals as Panavision never sold but only rented). I asked Calvin how they were paying him and he said that they bought him a sandwich and gave him 10 bucks. Knowing that they were fucked for the day if Calvin pulled out of the scene, I leveraged 150 bucks off the producer for Calvin. Slimy mother-fucker kept asking me what was in it for me, what an asshole. What was in it for me was to see that Calvin was treated fairly. Amen.
  12. sideshowbob

    sideshowbob Producer

    Apr 17, 2014
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    Brave New World
    I posted this because of the music related part of it ..., nosiness about your reactions and for my daily dosage of controversy, too.
    ... I know the town where it was "shot" pretty well, btw, "Bumfuck, Black Forest" ... however ...
    Crazy that they reach so many people, why the heck not an English video if it`s "set up" and intendend to go global, anyway?
    For me it captures very well how sick modern society is and how helpless/sustainless every attempt for "change" remains without facing the rotten core of our "value systems".
    Red or blue pill? You must "choose" ... :rofl:
  13. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    There is a difference between a good message, and real world behavior.
    Isolated, homeless ppl don't need a video, even less with actors. They need REAL food and attention.

    It may seems nice to make songs about this, trying to make other ppl think you are nice. But not. It is called Hypocrisy.
    If they moved their f*kin *ss to film real homeless ppl, giving them some money, i would have found it half-way. Half, because of doing something good, but earning from it being filmed.
    Here, it is not even half-way : it is full bullsh*t.

    Like the example "superliquid23" gave.
  14. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Yeah good message , act good and most important do the revolution.
    Solidarity is good , yes, but remember that people don't need to be poor, it's not a fatality, they are because of a system based on some few fuck us all.
    So if we do nothing to change this, there will always be homeless poor people.
  15. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    I actually had a similar debate with my ex about a video some mook put on her Facebook wall. In it was a blind person with some sad sign and some folks came by, sang a song and changed the sign to something positive. My reply was that the video doesn't mean anything for which I got called every name under the sun by her dumb ass friends. I said I'm sure that this blind person was just sitting around waiting for some know-it-all cunts to come by and tell him how he should be dealing with his immense challenge while these seeing twats exploited him for their video so they could feel important. That being said I think the important thing to take from this video is to step outside ourselves and think about someone else for a change. This is what keeps our community strong after all. If each person were only interested in themselves we'd be just like any other forum but the difference is that people here do take time out: to donate a computer, to make a video helping you install acoustic panels, work on a project whether it be an album or something else, to try to help someone challenged in another country write music, to spend time writing reviews so you can pick the best product, to inform everyone of solutions to their audio issues, to ask if everything's okay with whoever when that person hasn't signed on in a long time. If more people did that then the world would be a very different place. And that extends to fighting for change in countries that have completely lost their way because as has been already stated the system itself is responsible for much of the plight of the world.
  16. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    When you REALLY do something for others, you don't need to film, share and such crap.
    When my wife and me helped a young (18 and 16 years) homeless couple with a new born (for real), we didn't asked for any kind of return, fame or whatever. We seen their second child on Facebook some months ago, they are far away now :wink:

    I post this because nobody know my real identity :bleh: I don't care about fame and viral youtube videos. Only a few very close friends know it.
    That's how humanity SHOULD behave.
    There is no due when you do a love act for someone else.
    There is no need to "overdo" it.
    There is no need to share your act to feel good : it is inside you.

    I was thinking about my mother, who died one year ago.
    I was kind of hearing her voice : why do you bought such an expansive gravestone ? You should have given this money to homeless ppl or any helpful association !
    She could have said it, being alive. Because it is exactly what she done : helping others (abandoned animals, homeless...), without any kind of return. Sharing the few money she got from hard working in undeclared work.
    There was no TV or videocamera when we put her in the ground...if you see what i mean :sad:

    And no, i don't want to read anything back about her or me : i just want ppl to behave the right way, in memory of ppl like her and in respect of other ppl who are alive. Just real humans, not business egocentric machines.
    Sometimes, you may feel really tired, like i do. But a kind word, nice attitude, an helping hand...there is no need for more.

    You don't improve humanity by writing a book, sharing a video, going in a TV show...
    You improve humanity by REALLY going in front of REAL ppl. Not hiring an actor to play the homeless and sharing the video.

    I love you all, even if i don't know any of you in person :mates:
    Because that's the most important : love
  17. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Pipotron3000 You nailed it !!! :wink: :bow:
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