Apple Mac : why it is going to be bad for pro sofwares soon

Discussion in 'Mac / Hackintosh' started by Pipotron3000, Oct 22, 2014.

  1. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    As you may have noticed, thing are changing fast on Apple side.
    Coming from a computer making only status, now Apple is (almost) everywhere :
    Computers (laptop, desktop, tower...cylinder sorry, mini-desktop), smartphones (almost 40% of them), tablets, Apple TV, vids, MP3, books,apps...

    Apple changed from a very limited public to a very broad public. Almost everyone use or know someone using an iPhone.
    Trust an old fart like me, it was not like that in the 90's with Apple computers :bleh:
    Computers changed from their ONLY product status, to just ANOTHER product. I know it is shocking for early Mac users, but that's reality.

    Apple sells much more iDevices than computers (around 6% computers market only, compared to 40% smartphones).
    And they sell more laptops than desktops (recent change for less than 5 years). With an high margin. Computers are marginal in number, but not money :wink:

    So Apple decided to make another step : why not using this large public audience (idevices and content) to sell more computers ?
    After all, starting from only 6%, there is a lot to improve ? :wink:

    That's when Apple started to provide FREE OSX updates (for the first time ever) with Mavericks. Combined with more iOS integration, cloud and mac store, Apple try to make Macs more "mainstream", using their already great iDevices and content market.

    Until now, this is not so problematic for us, audio lovers :mates:
    But it starts here :wink:

    -First, they are trying to release OS updates more frequently, every year.Once again, to make Macs OS synced with iDevices iOS upgrades.

    Each OS update mean more bugs to solve on the OS side, AND on the softwares/drivers side too.
    Third party devs (drivers, softs, plugins) are NOT all going to follow Apple. You think they are obliged to ?
    So read about Yosemite on Avid, Steinberg and Ableton (and more) forums. And audio hardware makers, too.
    You think you just need to wait some months to iron out all bugs ? May be...but for now, Mavericks still get some unsolved bugs with common audio softs.

    Rush is another problem.When ppl needed to buy updates, a lot less ppl upgraded on day one. But we seen what happened with Mavericks : a lot of ppl rushed...and posted all over the net to know how they could downgrade, just after they upgraded.
    Downgrade is not something Apple provide as an easy solution. You made a full backup or you are (almost) dead.
    Once again this year, with Yosemite, ppl are rushing and complaining their drivers, softwares, plugins are not working.
    What will happen next year ? I let you wonder...

    - Second point, even more problematic. Apple want their computers to be mainstream, like their iPhones.

    And to reach this point, they "simplify" their softwares. That's why Logic X looks like Garageband 10...and so GB 10 looks like LX, too :wink:
    But there is another new method : Apple mix their softwares and make them more "iOS like". That's what happened to Aperture/iPhoto (both gone) called now "Photos" (nice effort) with this "iOS like" feeling.
    Who is next ? Logic/Garageband or Finalcut/iMovie ? I bet on Finalcut :wink:

    Apple are doing that because PRO softwares dev cost them a lot of money, for few sells compared to less dev cost on simpler apps and so more money margin (even if they offer the soft, they get money back on hardware) because it is a mainstream public app.

    Like it or not, Apple is dropping his pro software line.
    Did you seen how many time it took to get Logic X ? Finalcut X release mess ? Even the most famous Finalcut tutorials maker is now offering Adobe Premiere tutorials, too :wink:

    Between confidential pro software sells and massive mainstream adoption (even for free on the software side), Apple have made their choice. Byebye pro softwares line. The days when Apple was pushing professional usage to promote them are gone.
    Apple don't care about pro audio, pro video or pro photo. Because even if you merge all those ppl, they represent pure nothing against iPhone users. And not so much among non-pro Mac users.That's the main problem we will face sooner than later.

    So there still the amazing OSX (i love it, BTW) ?
    Yes, but will third party devs follow that iOS-like path for their pro softwares and drivers ?
    I'm not that sure about it. It costs a lot more money to debug Cubase or Protools than an iOS software.

    The more i see Apple changes on the Mac side, the more i feel an era is gone for good...and nothing is coming to replace it.
    And no, an overhyped iPad DAW running on ARM like CPU is not going to replace Logic on an octocore :rofl:

    Now, you can flame me :mates:

    PS : don't take this too seriously, after all i'm not Nostradamus. Just an old fart with 25 years of computer tech on almost all platforms (even mainframe) :lmao: And i love OSX BTW (but not Apple merch) :dunno:
  3. Zeus

    Zeus Moderator

    Oct 20, 2013
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    I'm not an apple user, neither a fan, but that analysis makes lot of sense to me.

    But you know... you can always come to the dark side.........


    You'll be welcome....(specially copylefter.) :rofl:
  4. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    I'm in between. I love OSX, but not Apple way of doing business. And i'm (mostly) a Windows user.
    There is no better choice, there is just your own choice :wink:

    As a video maker, would i invest money/time on a Mac and Finalcut ? Years ago, yes. Now ? No way. May be a Mac with Adobe Premiere :bleh:
    I was going to learn Logic X, but when i seen all this x64 mess, those OS bugs...frankly, i changed my mind. Would have used Logic 9, years ago ? Yes, for sure. Like i'm using Studio One now on Win.
    Starting Logic X now ? Not, because i don't feel Apple at all now. Logic 9 now ? Not, it is too late to start with such an old software.

    One of my fav tracks ever to end my useless post :bleh: :wink:
  5. Demon

    Demon Producer

    Mar 13, 2014
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    Melbourne, Australia
    I don't use apple products. I have no macs, no iphones. Ok, I have an ipod... one of those with the wheel thing that I use ONLY for playing drumless music while I play e-drums. But when it comes to computers or anything else... no way.

    One thing that I have found is that people at Apple don't like you to customise their products. They want you to use it as it came out. Go on... try top make a custom html email signature on their native email program... I dare you :p

    I have no idea why they like it like that. I, personally, love to personalise my devices and run them the way I prefer. If I don't like the way it's running I upgrade, modify, change software, etc. What you mention in this thread has been happening for a long time, but not it is evident that it will affect specific users (such as audio people).

    I believe this is the reason why, in the end, their computer market share is so low. And most likely -HOPEFULLY- it'll stay that way. This may offend a lot of people, but I have always found the latest Apple computers to be a big iPhone with a keyboard attached to it.

    I reckon... just forget about Macs and get a PC, built by YOUR specs, for what YOU need.

    Aaaaaaanyway... I hope everyone is having a great day/night.
  6. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Using both platforms as well for a while now, I wouldn't vote 100% for one of them.
    Macs have great hardware, no doubt, driver problems are definitely not as severe as on Windows, and applications are a bit more isolated from each other and don't share a common registry database.
    Windows machines have to live with a broader range of problems because Win has to support a vastly wider range of hardware, or more precisely, the h/w manufacturers have to, and we know that some companies just never manage to write proper drivers for their hardware.
    Some audio-related functionality in MacOSX has to be added in Windows using 3rd party software, but in the end, both systems can be solid enough to do serious work on, as long as you don't play around with the OS too much :wink:

    Updates are generally a good thing, but while Microsoft focuses more on fixes and small steps of evolution, Apple tends to shift out revolution by revolution, with sometimes radical changes forced on software and hardware developers.
    Not only will the user have to decide for the best-working compromise which OSX version to use in order to run most of the software he's been using for years (including the obsolete ones that he still loves so much), often with the consequence that he simply cannot update in order not to ruin his workflow.
    No, there's also the hardware devs that sometimes, especially in the case of iOS, have to join a developer program only for being "allowed" to build Apple-certified products.
    What may have been intended as a quality seal in the first place has today achieved the opposite: More bad quality products.
    The very proprietary, dongled hardware (yes, for iDevices they must use kind of an "Apple authentication chip" in order to use the full fuctionality) suffers from:
    - High development cost that the manufacturer has to cover before even selling a single unit
    - Use of lower-quality components to cover the dev costs
    - Very long development cycle so when the product is finished, it's already obsolete.
    Examples in the case of iDevices:
    - Apple's 30-pin connector. It took ages until working hardware was available, some products became even available about the same time the new Lightning connector appeared and were obsolete from day 1. A developer's nightmare.
    - Apple's Lightning connector. Apple made it even harder and more costly to develop *any* hardware for it, so even more low-quality and feature-wise severely limited products.
    This is totally against former Apple philosophy of a great user experience. Great Apple hardware combined with troublesome 3rd party equipment and no alternative.

    How do I make use of it?
    Well, I try to limit myself to a solid, simple setup that I have arranged with great care and *try* not to change too much.
    For me it's Ableton, Kontakt and a few plugins, iPad as remote control and this works rock solid on Mavericks 10.9.0. Until today I have not had a single crash.
    Logic X is not bad for finalizing an arrangement but I seem to be more creative with Ableton because I'm not getting lost, and Ableton is still easy to use.
    I might lack some OS security updates, but hey, the machine will never be connected to the internet anyway so I'll stay out of browser trouble.

    PS: For the first time in years, I cannot recommend the Mac Mini anymore. It used to offer a great price/performance ratio, but no more today. The new "successor" is in fact a downscaled version (cheap dual core instead of quad core, only 8GB instead of 16Gb max RAM) for a higher price than before. When I saw this, I had a good laugh.
  7. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Here and there.

    My opinion in short:

    1. I don't believe that PRO software will be problematic for MAC users,
    right the opposite: It will be better.
    2. All "big" software developers tend to develop + launch new OS, it's part of their business plan.
    3. Nobody forces you to upgrade your OS. (I still work with MAC Leopard + Tiger = no problems!)
    4. LOGIC + Garageband have always been brother + sister.
    5. If Apple sees that their previous PRO public targeted doesn't respond with new purchases,
    it's only logical that they will seek new targets.
    6. There are some very high PROFESSIONALS that use old, abandoned software or OS!
    ……regardless what the market, trends etc. dictate.
    7. It's better to have 2 MACs with different OS, one with an older, trusted OS,
    and another one with a newer OS.
    8. Strangely since Steve Job died Apple tends to deny its own identity!
    ……or has nobody noticed that they reduced it to a mere "OSX"??
    So where has MAC gone?

  8. ovalf

    ovalf Platinum Record

    Feb 27, 2012
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    Differnt instruments inspire creativity, so make sense that anyone who wants to expand use and be a master of all tool like diferentes OSs.
    I can work and have almost all OSs, but manilha prefer OSX.
    Also this debate started since the first iphone but things are greater than ever :bleh:
  9. charleskeyz

    charleskeyz Newbie

    Feb 1, 2014
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    Hollywood, CA
    lol..... in less than 5 years you will log in record log out......
    in 10 years safeway and walgreens will be replaced completely by amazon dot com for all your produce home deliveries

    id pretty much quit your job and start training to be a drone service tech ... because that will be the ONLY job ;)
  10. charleskeyz

    charleskeyz Newbie

    Feb 1, 2014
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    Hollywood, CA
    dont get to attached to the tools im nasty with the mouse..... midi what? never heard of it...... and 10 years ago.... when i could go smoke a big ass blunt ... come back... and my mpc2000 still wasn't finished time streching my sample..... i knew all this even then..... read brave new world.... a phillup k dick book or two.... minority report son.... facebook has been doing full blown facial recog software that is scary accurate for over five years now..... i just got out of county jail here in denver last week.... just to set up your phone call account i had to give a dna mouth swab and read a full page essay into a microphone..... it had large multi sylable words so they made sure they captured my voice ...... just sayin....... CHIP ME UP SON.... i cant wait to compute basic processes as fast as i can think them....... sheeeeeeesh

    and osx is dead its all java .... you will be editing .... yes even on final cut.... on a phablet(phone tablet) in less than 5 years.......

    DONT CATCH UP ..... catch on
  11. charleskeyz

    charleskeyz Newbie

    Feb 1, 2014
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    Hollywood, CA
    i know you see all the IOS DL's on AdZ.... they arent very subtle... it hurts me too ... i fought the switch to digital... i still have this sorry ass yamaha motif (holding up my mbp and my ipad stand..... haaaa im happy as well i love the newest lastest greatest..... BUT IM SURE NOT GONNA BE BETA TESTING on accident like the rest of these fish... that is the future.... im just happy snowden got mothafucka talking about encription finally....

    the most important rule to live by is to stay current with your craft ..... in medicine and law they call it PRACTICE for a reason
  12. Resonance

    Resonance Newbie

    Apr 15, 2014
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    The way it appears to me is they used to concentrate on quality, Now the competition has caught up they've switched to quantity.
    Still charging top dollar for this is a gamble in my opinion as I know of long time devout mac users changing over for the first time in their lives.
    A brand is based on reputation but how long that lasts without obvious benefits has seen giants fall before, it's a management thing.
    My possibly flawed perception, that is all
  13. cocoi

    cocoi Newbie

    Feb 6, 2014
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    I use mac book pro since 2007. Since then, i use iPod, buy another Mac Book Pro in 2012 and 2014, buy iMac on 2013. No iPhone because i still like my Blackberry with qwerty keyboard.

    In my opinion, Steve Job lead Apple by Love. He didn't cash out his stock much but demand first class facility like buy a new private jet. But above all he care with creative pro. That's why he created think different ads. Under his leadership, Pro software like Keynote, logic, motion etc get his attention. Scott Frostall make sure the software get enough attention, updates, listening what the market want etc.

    But under Tim Cook, he's actually operational manager who really care how much money Apple get from the market and how much he will cash his stock. What piss me off is he take advice from 'Snake of Wallstreet' to buyback Apple stock. It will increase Apple stock price and the company focus isn't making great product anymore, but to increase the Apple stock and profit. Seem logical but it's wrong. As a Pro, we need alternative from Adobe & Microsoft company and we need "feel secure" to use Apple software.

    But now, Apple is more consumer product company. Many Apple in house programmer' task is to expand the iOS and compete with Android. That's why Logic, Final Cut, Apperture doesn't have enough attention and we feel using neglected product because they don't update it often.

    I think we still save using Logic Pro because it's competitive product (compared to other company) and essential to many audio pro. But i'm not sure with the other products. After reviewing Windows 10, i got mix feeling and not sure we want to switch to that OS on the next year.
  14. lyric8

    lyric8 Producer

    Sep 12, 2011
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    To bad apple could not get together with all the audio software developers and just make a osx just for audio software One with out all the bells and whistles and crap And only update it Ever few years they call it pro audio OSX
  15. anvier

    anvier Ultrasonic

    Jul 22, 2013
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    I´m a big fan of Logic pro x, i have an Imac mid 2011. I have 1052 plugins of third parts running in my system (only audio plugins) and yesterday i install Yosemite and only 2 plugins don´t pass the validation, 2 old plugins. Well I´m not disagreed at all with this post but I´m not feel the problem so drastically exposed.

    sorry for my english
  16. Gaiana

    Gaiana Member

    Aug 30, 2014
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    This trend has been obvious for a while now, the first signs were back when they stopped having both a Macbook and a Macbook Pro version. Nowadays there is just the Macbook Pro, but in reality they might as well remove the Pro part, its pretty obvious they are moving towards the mainstream consumer market. And as a company that makes total sense; Why would they focus so many resources on such a small part of the overall market.

    Both the quality of the hardware and the software has been degrading the past years. I'm still a big fan of the macintosh, but i severely dislike Apple the company. Especially with Jobs gone.
  17. Moonlight

    Moonlight Audiosexual

    Jun 12, 2011
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    "I'm in between. I love OSX, but not Apple way of doing business. "
    Yeah that why we hack them and use Hackintosh ;)
  18. SonicBoomer

    SonicBoomer Producer

    Oct 6, 2011
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    Yup. :rofl:

    Decades long Mac user here and I agree it was a pretty laughable MacMini upgrade.
    Often asked for an affordable DAW setup, I usually recommended a full blown QuadCore MacMini config w/SSD and USB Superdrive for around $1,500.
    Now, that setup is a complete wrap.
    Costing an upwards of $500+ more, to get "close", which is not even close to the old config, the new MacMini's are a devolution and basically a ripoff.

    Apple has NEVER been a pricing saint but they've taken shaking down customers to another level. LOL
  19. Gramofon

    Gramofon Producer

    Jun 22, 2012
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    1) Social status/Fashion statement
    2) Marketing (See above + Shiny things)
    3) "Just works" (Pre-made, not getting your hands dirty)
    4) Quality build with re-sale value and good techinal characteristics (mostly)
    5) Standard for media work (up until now at least, a bit like Avid)
    6) Locked environment but more stable because of that (Kinda ties your hands and limits you though)

    It's like you're in a happy walled town/garden and Apple is the king. They have guards at the gates to protect you and occasionally have curfews but it's not that bad. They keep you safe. But... You can give up all the privileges and leave the town. Some prefer the forest with the occasional wild animal encounters and nature in general, others are afraid of what's outside the walls, others have gone back and forth, others have died (well, not really :rofl:)... In the end, it's your choice.

    Some of the things I see... If it works for someone, well, ok... What can you say? Not everybody's the same. When on OSX I feel like a prisoner but that's me. If someone can afford it, good for them. If it works for them, good for them. If they can't pay rent but want an iPhone, well, fuck them. But I still don't care. It can be actual value or perceived value. But I won't make blanket statements.

    And, then, there's also this:
  20. Davey Jones

    Davey Jones Producer

    Sep 25, 2011
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    Windows and their recent OS have been shaky as well. People didn't really jump to W8, or 8.1. Vista was ridiculous and now they're jumping straight to 10. While Apple are putting hands in people's pockets, their counterparts, IN MY OPINION, haven't been making most of their uses very certain in a quality product. I have both platforms and that's simply because Image-Line is slacking on a native FL Studio for OSX. (Yes, I know about the script and code differences).

    Let's not even start on companies making knockoff iPads and MBPs. I'm not here to point a finger, but while one company is exploiting people, the other hasn't been consistent as well.
  21. Davey Jones

    Davey Jones Producer

    Sep 25, 2011
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    To the topic, I don't think devs will follow Apple if they continue to do this. Working out the kinks to make sure a product is solid takes months to a year. They'll do it two, three times, the most. Then will get around to it when they want to.