Need help for Organ Library

Discussion in 'Working with Sound' started by SmileVanShooten, Sep 22, 2014.

  1. SmileVanShooten

    SmileVanShooten Newbie

    May 27, 2014
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    Hello Guys,

    first of all this is a great forum!!!I found a lot of cool tips and hints that really helped me out a lot. But now it is time for my first Topic.

    A little background of me:
    I´m working at a theatre in Germany as Sound Technician(Live and Studio) and as wanted I compose for our productions.

    This is my problem:

    We have a production that is placed in a local church, where we usually used the pipe Organ of this church. When we play next time the organ will be in restoration. So we have no organ at all. A Keyboard is not an option, in fact it cant compare with a huge organ. So I need help.

    Did anyone of you guys have a good option for a Kontakt Library. I know there is one from Sonokinetic but I have no experience with that Sample Library and not the time to search out the internet for reviews.
    There are three requirements:
    1.: I need to adjust the Sound of the samples as dry as hell. I dont need any room on it, the samples can evolve in a real church.
    2.: The quality of the samples has to be good that I can compensate the missing Organ.
    3.: A natural playability for our organist if possible.

    I know this is a lot but if you know a library that works out for me I will be really grateful.

    I hope you guys can help me.

    Big Thx

  3. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Hauptwerk Virtual Pipe Organ
  4. SmileVanShooten

    SmileVanShooten Newbie

    May 27, 2014
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    Thanks a lot man!!! :wink:
  5. sideshowbob

    sideshowbob Producer

    Apr 17, 2014
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    Brave New World
    It`s for free at least. I´ve very little interest in "most" authentic sounding Kontakt Libs and this one isn`t? Around 3 gig but Samplephonics is known for good quality recordings? It`s not clear to me if you can/want spent money on it.
    Welcome to the forum, btw.
  6. SmileVanShooten

    SmileVanShooten Newbie

    May 27, 2014
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    Thanks man!

    As in every little city theatre it must be the best solution for the cheapest price, there is always not enough money.
    I have a budget for this but as you can assume it is not that big for an exquisit solution and even if I had the money I cant compete with this monstrous instrument.

    This is just a compromise, my goal is that the visitors (except for trained organ listeners) dont even noticed that they not listened a real Organ at the theatreplay.

    Could be difficult but not impossible. And even if it dont works I dont get dumber with that experience^^

  7. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    Also HamMR+ from SoundDust is great as well!
    Check the walkthrough bellow:

    You can turn off all the effects with just a few clicks.
  8. mono

    mono Audiosexual

    Jul 23, 2014
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    Floating Amongst the Stars
    hi i was starting a new topic in a week or so about the best plugins and how they came to be,

    over the years i have found that if a vsti can make a real sounding organ its on the right track.

    i have put togeter a collecting of organ presets from some of the top vsti plugins

    and was going to post them with my vsti topic but ill post them here as well seen as there ready,

    if you like you can download the demo verson of each plugin
    and try them out frist,each vsti name is on the preset,
    this way you wont have to buy any-thing thats not going to work
    and you can also set the sound as you like wet dry ect,
    the plugins run about 200 euro or so and can be used to have lots more fun.

    just dont press on a dubstep preset when your playing there. :break:

    here is the eight presets i put togeter,
    there is also a few other vsti plugins you can try / vb3 /organ 3/ B4,
    and Native Instruments Vintage Organs for Kontakt whats just been updated,
    The more organ sounds you can try the better,
    i play organ and piano myself,best of luck :)
  9. SmileVanShooten

    SmileVanShooten Newbie

    May 27, 2014
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    So I get a trial Version of everything you showed me except for the Hammot.
    Next step build up a PA and test it at the Venue.
    I´m excited how it and if it works.

    Thanks Mates, all the best to all of you!!!

    Greets :wink:
  10. ovalf

    ovalf Platinum Record

    Feb 27, 2012
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    a cheap solution is

    Wavesfactory 1850 pipe organ PRO

    Project Sam Organ Mystic 1.3

    Soundirom Lake Side Organ

    They are different, but the most complete is Toccata 1.3.

    For the accoustics just add a lot of different reverbs and delays. algorithms and convolution, long, mediums and short.
    Other solution is recording video (especially the director). When the pipe organ is finsihed give the organ player a phone with the video playback and record :wink:
  11. chopin4525

    chopin4525 Producer

    Jul 23, 2013
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    Not to be harsh guys but he is looking for a pipe organ sound not a Hammond! Totally different beast! :wow:
    First of all, welcome to the forum VanShooten! :wink:
    Now back to the business. As for now there are various sample libraries for Kontakt (some of them were already mentioned) but in terms of script quality, sounds and features, none of them comes even close to what I consider a basic organ sound.
    If I had to suggest a generic dry organ sample library which covers various historical organs my first suggestion would be Garritan Classic Pipe Organs Collection. It uses the Aria player, loads fast, it is dry but you can easily add any amount of convolution or algo reverb,it offers a wide selection of stops from the oldest to more modern organs all under your fingertips. You simply have to invest a little bit of time setting up the basic midi messages and then you're ready to go.
    If you want a specific organ and the best software emulation out there, then Hauptwerk is your choice without further words! Check out their site and their organs and look (be careful!) for the dry ones! It is a bit hard to suggest any organ already available because you have not specified anything about the instrument that is in the church! What is it? A baroque, classical, romantic or modern organ? Who made it? What's the size of the church? How may seconds of reverberation do you have inside? It is not for being paranoic but this things are crucial to chose the right sound: you don't want to place a supermonsterorgan in a small church or viceversa. The acoustic is important especially when you have to voice the pipes. :wink:
    So I would suggest you to look for an organ which is the same size and possibly of the same era, with similar stops. :bow:
    There are some already free (with one exception) which I will mention but please, keep in mind what I wrote earlier and choose wisely if they fit your context or not:
    1. The first one has been around for a while, made by Jeuxdorgues and its samples come from a small Stiehr-Mockers organ. The good thing is that is free and you can choose any platform you want and you have a really basic selection of stops;
    2. St. Anne organ is not free but it comes free with Hauptwerk if you buy it; it is a very good modern organ which can fit many situations. Sound quality is awesome, it is dry, it has multiple releases but it does require a lot of RAM and CPU;
    3. Another free organ for Hauptwerk is the Jorgensen Tribute Organ (be careful because it is a very particular organ in terms of sound) and even if it is not dry, the reverb tail is very small because of the location where it was recorded;
    4. Another free organ for Hauptwerk is the one from the Burea Church (you might also want, or better you must check bigcat version for Kontakt which is free). It is a three manual organ so even if does not present some important features it is worth checking for the selection of stops available and the quality of the recordings.
    The list is endless if we add also commercial ones given Hauptwerk as a platform. Specify your particular needs and maybe we will deliver the present. :bleh:

    Hope this helps! :rofl:
  12. stevitch

    stevitch Audiosexual

    Aug 27, 2014
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  13. SmileVanShooten

    SmileVanShooten Newbie

    May 27, 2014
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    As chopin 4525 wrote Hammot isnt what I search.
    But THANK You all for the Input and the time you spent on my Topic, I really appreciate that!!!


    Exactly dude. It would be easier if I specified my question more.
    Its an Organ build by Johann Nikolaus Schäfer in 1722 and was historicaly restored by Schuke in the mid sixtys of the last century. Barouqe I guess, with 3 Manuals and one pedal and 55 registers tuned in C-, its a damn pretty big Instrument.
    What do you mean by stops Dude? How the pipes linger when you release the keys?
    The church is circa 50-55m meters deep 20m wide and 25-30m high, the reveb of the room is according to the dynamic and frequency of the played tone.

    This is just a benchmark:

    Interferences of the Room dont noted^^

    3 till 6 sec for the the Low and the Mid range the higher you go the shorter the reverbaration gets

    The PA(3way) is set and nearly linear from 30Hz to 19kHz and is located near the Organ to get the audio location. Tomorrow there will be a shoot out of the Libraries i got.
  14. chopin4525

    chopin4525 Producer

    Jul 23, 2013
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    Yep, That's what I mean! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
    Courtesy of Google, I found the church, the organ and the stop list (the stops are basically what you call registers, they're the same thing). Unfortunately no sample sets of this german builder has been recorded yet but maybe there is somthing that comes close to this.

    I Positiv C–
    1. Prinzipal 4′
    2. Oktave 2′
    3. Sesquialter II
    4. Quinte 11/3′
    5. Scharff IV-V
    6. Gedackt 8′
    7. Quintade 8′
    8. Koppelflöte 4′
    9. Rohrquinte 22/3′
    10. Gedackt 2′
    11. Sifflöte 1′
    12. Krummhorn 8′
    13. Vox humana 8′

    II Hauptwerk C–
    14. Prinzipal 8′
    15. Oktave 4′
    16. Oktave 2′
    17. Mixtur V-VI
    18. Scharff III-IV
    19. Quintade 16′
    20. Rohrflöte 8′
    21. Spielflöte 8′
    22. Nachthorn 4′
    23. Nasat 22/3′
    24. Waldflöte 2′
    25. Fagott 16′
    26. Trompete 8′

    III Schwellwerk C–
    27. Holzprinzipal 8′
    28. Schwegel 8′
    29. Prinzipal 4′
    30. Oktave 2′
    31. Mixtur V
    32. Rohrflöte 16′
    33. Spitzgedackt 8′
    34. Flute douce 4′
    35. Quintflöte 22/3′
    36. Nachthorn 2′
    37. Terz 13/5′
    38. Quinte 11/3′
    39. Flöte 1′
    40. Dulcian 16′
    41. Oboe 8′
    42. Trompete 4′

    Pedalwerk C–
    43. Prinzipal 16′
    44. Oktave 8′
    45. Oktave 4′
    46. Rauschpfeife IV
    47. Mixtur V
    48. Subbass 16′
    49. Quinte 102/3′
    50. Gedackt 8′
    51. Rohrpommer 4′
    52. Bauernflöte 2′
    53. Posaune 16′
    54. Trompete 8′
    55. Clairon 4′

    The closest dry sample set I could track is this one:!/cat_tabs_history_tabbed

    It's from a different builder but from the same period. There is also a small demo for Hauptwerk:

    As for the tuning you might want to check if the Kontakt libraries you own allows this change in their options (some do not). The two suggestions I made (Garritan CPO and Hauptwerk) allow this easily thanks to scala file support or because they have options to do that. :thumbsup:
    This is the best I can do. It's up to you and your organist now! :wink: :bleh:
  15. SmileVanShooten

    SmileVanShooten Newbie

    May 27, 2014
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    Thanks really a lot Chopin!!! You were a big help! :mates:

    Let the shoot out begin :wink:
  16. SmileVanShooten

    SmileVanShooten Newbie

    May 27, 2014
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    Well after 4 hours of shoot out it will be...

    *drum roll*

    Hauptwerk with sonusparadisi Zwolle

    Our organist was totally shocked by the possibilitys of Soft and Hardware, really great!!!

    Thx again to all of you!
  17. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Van Shooten
    That's the power of AudioSex. :grooves:

    Glad you found exactly what you were looking for. All the best. :mates:
  18. mie2aud

    mie2aud Newbie

    Oct 19, 2014
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    I'm with Catalyst :mates: Hauptwerk suits best for your production needs.
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