Finished Trance Product

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by AudioDoct3r, Nov 30, 2011.

  1. AudioDoct3r

    AudioDoct3r Newbie

    Oct 10, 2011
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    What do you think this one is final

    :grooves: :grooves: :grooves: :grooves: :grooves:
  3. n3k0

    n3k0 Newbie

    Nov 30, 2011
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    like it however if you can re submit it I would change the following:
    The mix seems like it's choked. The highs seem like they have to fight to get to the top instead of being clear.
    The kick should be a tad more prominent.
    The high hats again seem choked and fighting with the bass.
    Also during one of the builds again it seems like you could have gotten a bigger effect if the bass didn't choke it.
    The melody might need some work to, not quite feeling a consistency or feel like it's going anywhere.

    the beginning works very well, and I love the groove that was set up.
    Again just work on the mix and melody a bit and it will be pristine.

    Also what competition was this submitted to so that I can submit my own track?
  4. AudioDoct3r

    AudioDoct3r Newbie

    Oct 10, 2011
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    damn mp3s... armin 550
  5. smartlad

    smartlad Member

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Dude, not to sound harsh but why? Surely you know its below par. I'm not saying not to make the track in the first place but why submit it?

    Be realistic about where your at right now and set goals. Don't be in a hurry to get a track signed for the sake of it. It will make you a better producer :wink:

    I do like the intro, and the bit from 4:15 to around 5mins sounds really nice too (that sould be the intro), just needs cleaning up abit and the bottom end is really muddy. The lead is what really lets the track down for me. Sorry but its awful, sounds like its an old preset straight out of nexus ran through some distortion. The hi hats sound like you've done crazy boosts on them (not sure how their fighting with the bass though as previously stated as their at opposite ends of the spectrum). Quite like the techy stabs also, but not to sure on the 303 sounds, its too dry and don't really fit. The kicks probably fine if you sort the bass out, but overall the mix just sounds way over compressed and fuzzy with no dynamics.

    Please take this as constructive criticism, just trying to be honest, which is what I think we all need, not misinformed advice which will get you nowhere.
  6. AudioDoct3r

    AudioDoct3r Newbie

    Oct 10, 2011
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    Thanks for the feed back but "honestly" you can't get anywhere with a negative attitude, I don't give two fucks if I get signed I make music for me and I enjoy doing it. It's better to have them at least listen to my track, I am grateful for that. everyone has their own taste and their own concept of music theory. This doesn't sound like constructive feedback starting it off with "Be realistic."
    and I assure you I make all my synths. I even duplicate them for people who want them.
  7. smartlad

    smartlad Member

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Its not being negative at all its the truth (and I actually took bits out in fear of offending). Seriously I promise you when your track is listened to by who ever gets the job to, by the time the lead comes in (if it gets that far) they will stop. Everything else I said was constructive. Would you rather I kissed your ass and told you its amazing but you need to make alittle change here and there then its pristine? Thats not guna help at all is it? I was only asking why you entered it? Whats the point unless you actually think you have a chance, and if that is the case, you do need to be realistic. I didn't say stop making music, you don't enjoy it or out like that. I never questioned if you make your own sounds either, was simply comparing the lead to your typical early nexus detuned saw sounds that have been way over used. Loads of people use nexus, nothing at all wrong with that. I also told you all the bits I did like, and made comments on your mix as a whole. Its got nothing to do with being an mp3, it is way over compressed period, then squashed some more on the master.

    Am not on here to wind people up. I give my opinion, some was good, some was bad :dunno:
    That how I like people to be with me, its the only way to learn.
    Sorry if I did offend, its not my intention.
  8. AudioDoct3r

    AudioDoct3r Newbie

    Oct 10, 2011
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    Yes people are different... I appreciate the feedback but I don't need some one to tell me I can't do something or I have no chance. You have no fucking clue who my competition is. You don't know what the people like. You don't know ...
  9. smartlad

    smartlad Member

    Jul 4, 2011
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    You still don't get it. All this because I asked why you entering? I'm not telling you not to do anything, just saying you have no chance what so ever. Sorry you find this so hard to deal with, but you just aint ready yet. Its the asot 550 comp, a massive release on armada, I know who will be entering and a can assure you I have a good idea what their looking for (a good mix for starters, and that won't count for much either!).

    Ok, enough of this already. Post your track on the asot forum and ask them lot what their opinion is, or anjunabeats or even tranceaddict. There is some excellent trance producers on there. You think I was harsh?? You've got no idea. Don't forget to ask everything I've pointed out and ask them if you think you have a chance. Seriously like I said in the first post (which I stand by is good advice) you need to be realistic about where your at right now at this moment in time, and for some reason, especially going from you last post alone, your clearly not.

    Swear at me some more if it makes you feel better, I've tried to tell you am not having a go at you. :(
  10. AudioDoct3r

    AudioDoct3r Newbie

    Oct 10, 2011
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    whatever man
  11. smartlad

    smartlad Member

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Well if you won't take my advice here's some from Jono Grant (taken from anjunabeats).. (they all apply but 3 and 4 in particular to you)

    Your track is not acceptable to be considered for this competition you've got to realise this. I've not personally insulted you, swore at you, or told you to give up all together. I questioned your reason to enter the track and you took it bad. You then implied you thought you stood a chance (below) which proves your unrealistic about where you are at right now.

    I genuinely do like parts of your track. You do have potential and I don't doubt you can't reach the level where you want to be, but you have to accept people arn't guna kiss your ass and say positive things all the time. I'm still expecting another whatever, thats fine. Sorry for trying to help by putting things into perspective for you, even if its not what you wanted to hear.
  12. AudioDoct3r

    AudioDoct3r Newbie

    Oct 10, 2011
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    what and or who are trying to prove something to?
  13. smartlad

    smartlad Member

    Jul 4, 2011
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    can someone upload me a facepalm picture?

    Its all advice. Shall I be blunt, will that help you understand (at the risk of a warning or even banned)?

    Overall your track is crap the mix has serious issues to the point where people won't even listen to it for a minute who are judging the contest(they'll get 100s each week, and won't listen to them all from start to finish) and seriously you need to get your head out of your arse if you think you have a chance in this competition. You need to stop believing the people who write omgomgomg amazing etc on your sc because their full of shit. You brush it off as if I aint got a point what so ever but then you wont post it in a forum where pro trance producers (the guys you listen to) give honest opinions, because deep down you know I'm right. You've been on the defencive from the start because I asked you why you entered the track. You even made a point that you make all your sounds and share them for some unkown reason?
    To say your touchy would be an understatement. I've even stated I think you have potential its just your not ready YET, but even that didn't help you realise.

    People wonder why Edm (trance in particular) is going down hill and beatport has so much crap on it. Its because of deluded people like yourself who think they make good music.

    The "who" is you and the "what" is all of the above :)

    Do you get it yet? Probably not because all you wanted really was an omg!
  14. AudioDoct3r

    AudioDoct3r Newbie

    Oct 10, 2011
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    I hate cocky people like you
  15. AudioDoct3r

    AudioDoct3r Newbie

    Oct 10, 2011
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    And also the sound quality is shotty because I am putting up this song on my ep and I get my tracks mastered by a 3rd party. So I put my quick master up then I have the actual mastered one for sale
  16. smartlad

    smartlad Member

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Hadn't you best wait. Armin might pick your tune!

    Stop being silly, you really are deluded!!

    You can't polish a turd, never mind sell one..

    I give up! :sad:
  17. AudioDoct3r

    AudioDoct3r Newbie

    Oct 10, 2011
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    Let me hear some of your music...
  18. smartlad

    smartlad Member

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Wasn't going to post because why should it matter how my productions sound? Do they have to be good for me to have an opinion?? Secondly I don't need anyone to judge my music, I know where I'm at right now and I certainly don't kid myself into thinking I'm something I'm not (unlike some).

    Anyway I can imagine the response if I didn't post so to keep you happy here is a melody I'm currently working on.

    Feel free to say what you wish, like I said, I don't kid myself in thinking I'm better than I actually am.

    No "quick master" as you put it, it's far from finished. Still working on the bassline for it then will start arranging, add more fx then mix it down properly.

    Here is the link

    Still not sure what your hoping to get out of hearing this :dunno: although I can pretty much predict whats coming *no*
  19. AudioDoct3r

    AudioDoct3r Newbie

    Oct 10, 2011
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    just making sure you are in a proper position to give such harsh critique.
  20. zspin.stomp.shuffle

    zspin.stomp.shuffle Newbie

    Jul 30, 2011
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    u have big potential..but take your time for now leave the 'label' out of producing just as i leave the 'gigs' out of dj'ing until the best will say...he's ready.
  21. AudioDoct3r

    AudioDoct3r Newbie

    Oct 10, 2011
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    Thanks man I am staying away from labels trying my best to be independent.
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