MatcherCL Copyright (c) 2014 Sergeev Kirill deLuther Tech. The MatcherCL software is provided free of charge without warranty of any kind. Usage: Run MatcherCL.exe and follow dialog prompts, SOURCE is file to match to TARGET file average spectrum. Optionaly convolved SOURCE can be saved, if you don`t need it - just press Cancel in dialog. Impulse length set to 150 ms internally which gives acceptable low end response and artificial reverberation. To properly use impulse better to turn off auto gains in convolution plugins and set gain to 0 db (unity). MatcherCL.exe can be used as standalone offline convolver, just add -c to the command: MatcherCL.exe -c (can be done in shortcut to application) Optionaly, processing block size can be specified (default is 256), for example: MatcherCL.exe -c 128 For testing purposes pulse signal (with default length of 150 ms) can be generated: MatcherCL.exe -pi Optionally, sample rate can be specified as: MatcherCL.exe -pi 96000 Default is 44100. Author writes "I think that Voxengo Deconvolver using Fourier transform for whole file, while MatcherCL uses averaging (like Ozone or CurveEQ, but with larger block size), sliding frame with KBD window (Welch analysis). There are no special requirements for files, just sample rates must be the same. I.e. MatcherCL is replacement for Deconvolver" Demo / instructional video: Download link in comment of video. If you read/write russian, visit
Not amp sim, but app to create impulse response to use for example in amp sim. In video, he mic'd a guitar amp, he recorded clean and amped, the program compares the two files and see's what the amp is doing to sound, then extract that info, to be used later without the amp or mic's. From reading, the author wants to make the creation of impulses as simple as possible, so more people make them
Alright, interesting- so what's the deal compared to say (from the top my hat) Nebula and the likes? FWIW, it used to look like PIA to create IRs in Neb but haven't followed their stuff for a long time so dunno really what it's like ATM.. "the author wants to make the creation of impulses as simple as possible" Nice! *yes*
Well, with nebula, you must use N.A.T. (Nebula Application Tools). This is the "effects sampler". Nebula takes multiple snapshots, where .wav file IR's are a single thing. What you find all over net is that nebula is more dynamic than .wav IR. AFAIK nebula can only read its own files. This little app makes single .wav Impulse response, that you then load into something like voxengo boogex, ignite amps nadIR, lepou lecab2 (this one can load 6x IR), then there is amp sims that can also load them. I dont know how complicated NAT is to use personally. For .wav IR creation theres two methods i have read, one is to use a sweeping sine test tone to play through the thing you want to sample, the other is to use something like a starter pistol (loud burst sound). Here is one tutorial method to create IR, using test tone and Voxengo Deconvolver. Nebula might be more dynamic but that plugin i dont like much. Also i like simple .wav instead of closed file format, able to share across different loaders, a bunch use way less computer power than nebula too. All that said, i am no Nebula, NAT, or IR creator pro, so if i wrote something not true hopefully someone else post and write better
New version 0.2 changed command line parameters handling, introduced additional parameters: now impulse length, block size for analysis and convolution can be specified (check txt file inside)