The Mac App Store kills developers!

Discussion in 'Mac / Hackintosh' started by Kookaboo, Oct 14, 2014.

  1. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Here and there.

    The Mac App Store kills developers!
    (I wonder how much developers piracy has killed until now…)

    Milen Dzhumerov, a software developer for OS X and iOS, has posted a concise breakdown of the problems with the Mac App Store. He says the lack of support for trial software and upgrades drives developers away by preventing them from making a living. Forced sandboxing kills many applications before they get started, and the review system isn't helpful to anyone. Dzhumerov says all of these factors, and Apple's unwillingness to address them, are leading to the slow but steady erosion of quality software in the Mac App Store.

    "The relationship between consumers and developers is symbiotic, one cannot exist without the other. If the Mac App Store is a hostile environment for developers, we are going to end up in a situation where, either software will not be supported anymore or even worse, won't be made at all. And the result is the same the other way around – if there are no consumers, businesses would go bankrupt and no software will be made. The Mac App Store can be work in ways that's beneficial to both developers and consumers alike, it doesn't have to be one or the other. If the MAS is harmful to either developers or consumers, in the long term, it will be inevitably harmful to both."

  3. AKMusic

    AKMusic Kapellmeister

    Feb 1, 2014
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    Minneapolis, Minnesota (USA)

    That's fine with me... most of the software developers are absolute bullshit trying to turn a buck with a lame idea anyway.
    Too many inferior developers just like there are too many inferior musicians and DJ's that think they belong because they pieced together a string of loops and samples! :rofl:
    Only the best survive, to hell with the rest!! That's Mac's philosophy too. :wink:

    And that's why sandboxing exists, to drive away the inferior developers who cannot sustain and support their concepts beyond stage 1 or 2.
    Sandboxing is also why there aren't viruses in Macs like the infected, Zombie-like world that is PC. I know because I converted from PC to Mac and haven't looked back.

    Only the best survive, to hell with the rest!! *yes*
  4. Guitarmaniac64

    Guitarmaniac64 Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Did a viruscan today on my mac pro late 2007 and it found 10 viruses
    I only use it for internet nowadays as i like my pc better for making music.
    I know that i would never ever buy a shitty expensive crappy mac again what a piece of shitty junk.
  5. Gramofon

    Gramofon Producer

    Jun 22, 2012
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    Amen, our lord. Mighty MA(C)S be blessed. Thanks for the food on our table and the eternal happiness.
  6. Quakeaudio

    Quakeaudio Producer

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Zeta Reticuli
    Im using macs since 1989 :) Never Change!
  7. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Macs disgust me, never mind the shitbags that sell them.. :rofl:
  8. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Since my first iDevice I always wondered why Apple cared so little about the AppStore. It has always been the most buggy app in iOS (well, I admit that in iOS6 it had improved quite a bit, but still not user-friendly) and Apple were slow at fixing issues and even slower at adding new features.
    But on Mac, I wonder why app developers use the app store anyway?
    You can still install non-Appstore apps on the latest MacOSX, but in fact even many good software developers chose to *only* use the app store, no alternative download or purchase! Certainly a matter on convenience, I believe.

    I don't understand. You can offer both freeware and trialware, upgradeable over In-App-Purchase.

    Have you guys read these original posts?

    To get around the sandbox, they chose to remove their app (Coda, a great dev app btw) from the AppStore completely and distribute it over classic channels. Some apps just don't work well in a sandbox.
    Note that they want to be able to potentially get full access to your system, even to files that are reserved for administrators, so you have to really, really trust them.

    We shouldn't forget why sandboxing was introduced in the first place. I'm glad we've got it.
    You really have to trust an app that is *not* sandboxed. Such software is offered open doors for most of your private data, internet communication etc., so I would look twice before installing un-sandboxed apps.
    Securing apps and retaining functionality is of course always a tradeoff with some overhead efforts involved.
  9. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Here and there.
    :excl: You can think what you want, but for many people a MAC machine is still much,
    much better
    than a PC-Windows machine. Despite all the stories +bla-bla around!
    Furthermore you're OFF-topic.
  10. AKMusic

    AKMusic Kapellmeister

    Feb 1, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Minneapolis, Minnesota (USA)

    You're so a PC person posting a complete lie!! :rofl:

    PC's have viruses because too many manufacturer's make the computers and the components that go into a PC with very little regard to security.
    Mac doesn't have that problem because everything is specific to Apple and has to pass its criteria for inclusion to production which includes proprietary agreements for EVERY SINGLE component. Then... every employee goes through security clearance and an XRAY machine to-and-from work, EVERY DAY.

    PC's are like dirty, little street urchins and nasty-ass, gonorrhea-infected Big Daddy pimps!!!
  11. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Nooo it's because PCs are an attractive target with a majority of the market share. Not many people would waste time writing Mac viruses to infect the two people that use them. What do the components that go into a computer have to do with viruses? Last time I checked the attack vector these days is either Java or Flash which is 3rd party software. Most security experts will tell you that Windows is actually a lot more secure at this point.
  12. copylefter

    copylefter Producer

    Mar 3, 2012
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    AKMusic, have you ever looked inside a post-intel Mac ? I don't think so. *no*
    You will find that inside there's for a good 70% the same crap used on most PC (something also in mid-low price/quality range, see (S)Hitachi drives).
    Only a few of the parts are custom made for Apple (and custom made doesn't always mean custom-engineered, just batch made for them with projects 99% identical to standard line).
    It's not a PC fanboy telling you this uh, I always used Macs and love OSX. Though my love for Apple have quickly turned years ago into
    love/hate and is going to be hate/hate with all latest bullshit. That's why I'm going hackintosh, love OSX, hate Apple. *yes*

    To stay I.T., yeah, CrAppStore is a plague. *yes*

    They eat a big percentage of the developer's incomes and give in exchange basically nothing, if not limitations
    and things one shouldn't think about when developing an app.
    Yeah you get exposure, but only if mama Apple want your creation to be exposed. If not, your thing get drowned in dust very quickly, specially with all crap there's around
    in MAS, most of which is popular just cause someone decided it has to be, not for the quality, or just cause the dev have the power to have it ranked high.

    Regarding 10 viruses on your macpro, sounds like a big bullshit.
    Maybe adware installed by so called freeware that install every kind of crap like happen on windows if you're not careful
    when installing to uncheck all optional installs.
    Makers of Mac antiviruses are so lame that I can expect them to push false positives on anything not signed
    by known devs or something like that just to justify the existence of a Mac antivirus :rofl:
    Never seen a virus nor an antivirus on Mac, and I won't for long time.

    Said so, the legend of PC infected like zombies is just a legend nowadays, if you can't keep your machine safe
    it's your fault. The only PC I use from time to time have no antivirus at all, never an infection in years.
    But maybe I'm just one of those cases of people who don't click on random buttons just cause they say "download-clickme"
    searching for things randomly in the web. And when I install so called freewares I pay BIG attention to all crap they may install.

    Like Cat said 99% of viruses uses backdoor and weak spots in 3rd party software running in background, so it's not a matter of PC or Mac.
    If malware developer would like to attack Macs, they can and that would be probably even easier for some kind of attacks.
    Maybe not to infect your machine to create damage, cause Macs are more secure regarding that, but to stole your data i.e. yes.

  13. AudioVirgin

    AudioVirgin Newbie

    Jan 4, 2015
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    Your 2 cents are worth their weight in gold. Personally I believe that 'sandboxes' are for little children. The big boys will always want to leave the sandbox and wander off into the woods. Apple actually had plans to sandbox Logic Audio until a few influential major plug-in developers forged an alliance against it. I understand Apple's motivation. The entire iOS operating system is sandboxed and it worked out really well for them. However, if you ever want to share information between two iOS apps you quickly realize how limiting a sandboxed operating system really is. It's a great concept for iPhone games but a terrible idea for pro audio apps.