New Hackintosh here, need some info

Discussion in 'Mac / Hackintosh' started by Mostwest, Oct 13, 2014.

  1. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    Hi guys, how is going? Yestarday i installed Mavericks 10.9 on my pc alongside my beloved Win7, just for fun. i've struggled 1 day with my graphic card (yes, the famouse Ati Radeon HD5450) but now everything seem work fine. i have some question because i'm totally new to the Mac world after 16 years of Windows.

    1)I installed Logic 9, how can remove it (make a full unistall) in the correcty way?

    2)In windows i used a wifi adapter (Netgear wg111) because my modem is in another location, i didn't find any mac driver compatible (tried also with 10.5 driver but faild). So i was planning to buy a new wi-fi adapter, which adapter works best with Mavericks?? i tried install Logic Pro X but it fails without internet connection

    3)i was looking for famous (cracked) vsti like Sylenth and Massive, how can install them in the correct way?

    4)thank you guys!
  3. copylefter

    copylefter Producer

    Mar 3, 2012
    Likes Received:
    1 - I don't have installed Logic9 since a couple years so I don't remember, but it comes without an installer like LPX, just the app to place in Applications folder if I remember well, so deleting the apps, the Logic folder in Users/YOU/Music/ and the .plist in /Preferences and /User/YOU/Preferences should be enough.
    Mybe use uninstall feature in CleanMyMac to be sure, anyway on Mac leaving some leftover from a partial uninstall is not a big problem like it may turn on Win if you then install a newer version. If you install i.e. LPX, it will just overwrite previous install keeping user created content and necessary files for compatibility.

    2 - If you have a free PCI-E slot, this probably will be ok:
    I must say I never built an hackintosh (I will build my first one very soon) but if tonymacx86 advice to use this
    its cause its tested and known to be the best option.

    3 - When you download it and unpack just follow the infos. Installations are way easier on Mac than on Win usually.
    Not that on Win are difficult, but for Massive and Sylenth its a matter of launching the installer .pkg and click next some times :rofl:

    4 - No problem mate :thumbsup:
  4. charleskeyz

    charleskeyz Newbie

    Feb 1, 2014
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    Hollywood, CA
    i use "clean my mac" to uninstall programs .... u can just drag the application from the app folder directly to the trash can but sometimes there is leftover files.... be careful with clean my mac though.... i never run automatic cleanup or large file cleanup....
  5. charleskeyz

    charleskeyz Newbie

    Feb 1, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Hollywood, CA
    and aftermrket wifi cards and osx dont get along often it might say a certain brand but if you crack open the plastic shell and look at the actual chip the manufacturer is completly diff...... normally all of the cards work you just have to dig deep to find the drivers online... theres always some generic driver that doesnt even match your card that gets it to work... Im currently using a generic RAlink driver ...
  6. MrLyannMusic

    MrLyannMusic Audiosexual

    Jan 31, 2014
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    Tunis, Tunisia
    Well i'm running a Hackintosh my self, and i would love to help you, i know what you're going through but with the time you will get it,

    1 - Download this Program and install it, it's like the Perfect Tuneup Utility but for Mac, you can clean uninstall, and do a lot more Click Me!

    2 - Check these 2, Best choice for Hackintosh : 1 2

    3 - Follow Included NFO files with the releases.

    4 - You're Welcome.

    Few stuff that may help you :

    Install this in order to have full access Read/Write on NTFS hard drives : Click Me!

    Check these 2 Websites for more Hackintosh Stuff and Support ! : Tonymacx86. Hackintoshosx

    You can MP me when you need Help!

    Good luck.
  7. lemjello

    lemjello Ultrasonic

    Aug 18, 2014
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    Florida, Bedroom
    I, running a hackintosh myself, can tell you that, the tp-link wi-fi card works perfectly, on both win 7 and mav 10.9.5. On OSX, it shows up as an airport card. I think for windows you may or may not need a driver.....don't remember, but, if you do, it comes with it. Also, the TonyMac site has been extremely helpful in getting me through at least 10 hackintosh builds for both me and a few customers. Invaluable when it comes to picking parts, etc.
  8. oisinn

    oisinn Ultrasonic

    Jul 6, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Wild West
    Hello my friend. Since when do you need an internet connection to install Logic X???? I suppose you mean to download the content from Apple. Well don't bother just download the content from sister site here and keep it for whenever you need to reinstall. For an internet connection on Hackintosh I have found this usb wifi connector excellent and cheap: EDUP EP-N8508 USB Mini WiFi Network Adapter.
    As MrLyann suggests the Tonymac site has the answer to everything hackintosh
    All the best
  9. Guitarmaniac64

    Guitarmaniac64 Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Oh i NEVER have problem when uninstall anything on windows where have you got that info from?
    And installing sylenth and massive on win is a matter of click next 2 or 3 times whats the difference?
    B.t.w can you choose where you can have your vst dir or installing program anywhere you like on a Mac?
    I dont know but it seems i cant point to where i want it to be installed.
    So if your "program" HD is to small your fucked up or can you install it on another disc like you can on win?
  10. copylefter

    copylefter Producer

    Mar 3, 2012
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    I wasn't saying Mac is better than Win in any way if you read it that way :mates:
    I don't know much about Windows, I was just saying that i.e. previous installs (especially with k'd stuff) may leave registry entries that may interfere with a new install,
    on Mac you can care a bit less about previous installs leftovers.
    Yeah, Sylenth and Massive are just package to install both win/mac, so no need to worry about installing a simple plug-in.
    On Mac you have 2 VST folder: system folder (Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST) and user folder (User/Library/Audio/PLug-Ins/VST),
    but on most host you can point to a custom VST folder that can be anywhere. Not for AUs though, those must be in standard folder.
  11. 5teezo

    5teezo Audiosexual

    Feb 2, 2012
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    I am about to build my first Hackintosh too, since I don't want to burn money on Apple products (any longer).

    So, I would highly appreciated if you guys could throw some links at me as a starting point.

    My technical knoledge is: advanced knowledge of PC and Mac Components and OS structure. Can operate Terminal,
    DOS Prompt and Regedit.

    Primary Goal: Building a dope PC optimized for Audio Stuff and Video Post Production (primarily Sound for Videos). So it should be quiet and powerful and not cost more than round about 2000 Euros with a 27" screen. I have an external USB Audiodevice. So no need for internal Sound. I guess this will be on-board anyways.

    Thank you in advance
  12. sideshowtmc

    sideshowtmc Producer

    May 14, 2013
    Likes Received:
    for installing software here is a good place but for mackintosh questions id try tonymac just because they will tell you exactly what you need
  13. sideshowtmc

    sideshowtmc Producer

    May 14, 2013
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    also these sites from google will help
    bottom one is tonymac the site i use for all mackintosh related issues but google works best in the end because every computer is different unless you got the same specs
  14. MrLyannMusic

    MrLyannMusic Audiosexual

    Jan 31, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Tunis, Tunisia

    MP me ;)
  15. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    @oisinn tried also offline installation but the core pack (1.71 gb) won't install

    thank you guys all of you for the replays, i'll look for a TP-Link wifi card in my town or i'll buy it on internet

    for anyone who is interested in a new Hackitosh those are my basic spec:

    Niresh's Mavericks 10.9.0 (Usb install version)
    Intel i3 550
    Ati Radeon HD 5450
    and so on

    guys New problem here, I change my time settings in OSX because they weren't right, now my Windows Time settings are wrong. How can link them??
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