Hello all,been a hot second since I've been here.Life is hectic. What have I missed? How is everyone?
Oh man, it'd take too much to show you around now. We've made renovations and shit! Just click on that "View new content" button and take the tour. Welcome back... :D
We passed last week pissing on each other in a "how teams should or not give developer a grace period on just released product" debate *yes* nothing specialâ„¢ Glad to see ya back home Check out this nice videotut by our demoniac friend if you haven't yet That's pretty much the only thing worth. Ahah no kidding, I'm just sick of the Serum/Scene debate, so
Welcome back Levitate. It's not that you missed it's that you fortunately could escape from a debate where a lot of persons give their opinion without knowing what their speaking about. It was suppose to be about " how teams should or not give developer a grace period on just released product, and if internal releases were a representation of egoism". It seems that some people think that releasing teams ow them something.. This was similar to a bar dispute, ridiculous, so as is, at the end there have not been any improvement. Beyond that, the usual good friendliness and positivity, Evo posted a lot of news from AES. Catalyst is still our best mentor patient animator and moderator. A bunch of updates: Hofa, Waves, Xfer Serum, Reaper (like always), D16 etc...
I think that I am an old-skool grandpa engineer/musician with the oldest software from the 20th century if I do not have the Internet for weeks, months... If a year without it - I will die because of it's-so-much-to-update... Like Samplitude 7 updated to 12, or FL 7 to 10 etc. :DDDDD Note: I'm 23 y.o., I'm not a grandpa :D
Sup Levi? Great to have your positivity back on board. As for what you missed, mostly covered above. Although you might wanna check out the current "some in, some out, some shaking it all about strike" that is / isn`t happening. Regards the "How is everyone" part of your post, back on 24hour call out from midnight tonight till next Sunday at midnight. Carpenter for a social housing provider with 17,500 properties. Be blessed Brother.
I thought the title had something to do with Aerosmith's "Back in the Saddle" from Rocks LP... Apparently not I'm afraid Listen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uIPS4LyveJs
"Opinions are like a**holes. Everybody's got one and everyone thinks everyone else's stinks." Thats's why i gave mine on Serum. And yes, it stinks too Welcome back and enjoy positive stuffs !
Hi Levitate, missed you already! I`ve been switching from working too much, to working my ass off. My little "show" here became a pretty desperate affair, lately. Even right now, I`m at work and just "have to" come here, lol. Actually, it`s not funny ... So many good conversations I would love to reply to and every day something new and interesting and/or important going on. Things turned out rough for me, I need to find a new home and a better payed job, which appears to be a big deal in the region I`m living in. To take a full break from AS could make it easier, doubtless, but I can`t stand it ... I love this place and I`ve a deep lack of people on the same "wavelength" in my daily life. The Hip Hop tracks you posted are awesome! (I felt free to download them for inspirational purpose.) Thanks again and wish you relaxed times.