That adjective only exists in the USA, for the rest of us in the American movies only, and i can only guess as to what a douchebag actually is - some kind of shower bag?
douchebag is something ladies have to insert down there... if that is the first sense of your post, then maybe it isn't that negative ??
lol had a pm titled "For You" appears it was a link for an unregistered version of Serum vsti with a very basic keygen included don't worry though the link is now dead
From Urban dictionary: Douchebag: Someone who has surpassed the levels of jerk and asshole, however not yet reached fucker or motherfucker. Not to be confuzed with douche. Rob:He kept hitting on my girlfriend at the party, he just wouldnt leave her alone!! Sam: God, what a douchebag. by NoMerci366 February 19, 2005 Before it meant: Before disposable douche like summer's eve, women use hang rubber bags with a hose and nozzle in the shower. The nozzle was for insertion into the vagina to clean it and keep it fresh. These bags were called douche bags. I suppose this must have been very long time ago. But I don't think that any of those definition stick to you my dear SirSillySausage.
I like it. I like it a LOT! One simply cannot beat a serving of vagina. However, I really, REALLY must insist it be served fresh.