State of the Scene

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by ned944, Oct 10, 2014.

  1. ned944

    ned944 Audiosexual

    Jun 3, 2012
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    The Underground
    quote by Catalyst
    There is no real scene anymore. Who is left? UNION? R2R and a few others are all that is left of a once thriving scene membership though technically P2P. P2P becomes the scene, the son becomes the father. The speed here was relevant to me because of the possible damage to the devs, I don't care who is first. Ego games never suited me and so I don't play them. To me who can outlast is what matters the most. And if something doesn't give there might not be much scene, original or otherwise, left for anyone. Things have changed and sharing isn't what it used to be. How long before the lamers and leechers and ungrateful pricks consume us all? How long before the teams get sick of it and say: we've got better things to do, we don't need this shit because it's slowly happening.

    Amen my friend! The Ends Raises its head again.. When you continue to bite the very hand that feeds, eventually all that's left is a bloody nub with nothing to offer anymore... just saying The scene has been in a state of evolution for a while and whether or nor it evolves or devolves remains in the hands of us that benefit. We know there are times when greed and blind ambition overcome our general sense of decency and then we are no better than the scum at the bottom of the pool. This community is one of the brighter spots in a world already succumbing to too much darkness, and if we do not stand together as one, We become like none, We search for a sense of community and then try at times to throw rifts in the community from the inside, there is no sample pack, instrument, or plugin that will make any of you the next shooting star. its the talent inside you that lights that fire, and whether it is with old samples, outdated plugs, or equipment the true artists cares not as his only desire is to truly be recognized for his art. Monetary gain is a plus, but not what started us all on the path to music. When we lose sight of that we become all the things we hate. anger against a greedy developer clouds creativity, and obscures the path we seek. The desire to produce, to release our artistic Demons per sey. Rules, Respect, honor, all of these things are important to honest men and dishonest men. they are principals that we should let guide us. Catalyst is right sometimes a conscious decision is made to protect a dev which in turn protects us and raises our credibility. Trust me Some Developers know they would not be where they are without the involment of sites like our sister site or forums like this. but they do not have to turn into bitter cesspools of greed, hate, leeching, whining members that contribute not. There are many ways to contribute. Can't crack software, help a member with a question, Have knowledge. Share with your fellow members. Enhance this family of like minded members for the most part. it's not and never has been about the taking alone, but what can you offer in return! That is how communities grow, learn, and thrive! And I for on, want this community to be the best.

    The mac this, windows this arguments are always big dividers. Be happy when one side gets a gift. It may or may not come to your os as soon as you like, but if someone is capable of making that happen, trust me they will try. Dont BEG, Berate, Whine, and act an ASS when it doesn't happen on your timeframe. and remeber it may never happen. No ones fault. so don't open thread bashing sessions whining to get it for your OS, Move on, Get lost back in your work. It'll survive without it if your are dedicated to what you believe. In this day and age we have way too many choices for plugins, daws, synths, effects, sample packs ect. If you cant make music with all that is available, lets face it you weren't never destined too at all! Don't become a hater, try a different hobby, study and learn the tools you have. if its in you it can be released. I know this is a bit of a rant but if i have reached just 10% of you then i have made progress. Peace My Brothers. Let you Creativity set you free with the tools you have, not bind you in shackles with the tools you lack..

    Hope this is in the right spot.
  3. lerkjurk

    lerkjurk Platinum Record

    May 22, 2014
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    Behind you
    Basically, i think everyone should breathe for a few days and relax. I think everyone should do everything they can in their ability to buy the software they like and forget about everyone elses doing.

    Music is enjoyed by many ppl around the world, but fewer ppl actually make music. Im a member of this forum because there are smart ppl sharing techniques, ideas, opinions about music making. Its not a lot of us, and it will be less if we fight with eachother. It will be less tools to use and talk about too if no one buys the software.

    My comment is not directed at anyone, but all. My buy comment is for all software devs.
  4. DeepStar

    DeepStar Member

    Jan 20, 2014
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    Joburg, SA
    Yeah, we need to keep our community alive and thriving as well as the very thing its built on; the software we crave and desire. The first part is easy, that's up to us. The second part? Well, I leave that up to the guys who run this place. Catalyst, SAiNT and their team. I for one love the job they do. So keep up the good work guys! :mates:
  5. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    Pirates should be scene and not heard :bleh:
  6. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    I don't know man. The same rant (in variations) goes on since day one of the scene. I can't see anything new, we're just getting older.
    Back then, cracking was done by some script kiddies to whom fame was everything, now, grown up, they don't need the ego boost from cracking the elicenser once again no more.
    Like in our society in general, the lack of youth results in a lack of dynamism.
    If leechers and lurkers were a problem the scene had died 10 years ago.
  7. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    Do we even need any more software? I know we need better ideas, so maybe we should concentrate on that ..
  8. reliefsan

    reliefsan Audiosexual

    Jul 31, 2014
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    the scene reflects and mirros "IRL".
    IRL where greed overrules the value of a human.


    You have a choise. Break the shackles. Set youreself free. :)
  9. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    That's not the point of cracking...
  10. retroboy

    retroboy Producer

    Jan 4, 2014
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    Off topic a bit but there's so much amazing software already available it's mind boggling!

    Back in the old days I'd spend a small fortune on a basic effects rack like a Quadaverb which would happily be my only source of delay/ reverb for the next 10+ years. These days I sometimes fall into the trap of constantly hunting for the newest plug-in when really I should pull my finger out and write some bloody music! :)
  11. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    No, but we are talking about the end of the scene which equates to little or no reliable new software .. hence why I asked if we even need it :wink:
  12. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Planet Earth
    Exactly the point I was making :wink: Music is about sound pallets, and we already have a mind-boggling exponential number of variations available.
  13. korte1975

    korte1975 Guest

    didnt really understand the point of Catalyst. could someone explain it further? what scene is he talking about?
  14. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    UNiON is real scene
    R2R is more like P2P Scene, even if they provide better work!

    AiR is real scene

    BEAT, H20, Oxygen, ARTIC, Radium, PDX(they are still active in other fields), etc were all real scene audio releasing group, but i fear they are private now or they only vanished, sometimes the real life is more important and you grow up too.

    honestly the scene was always there to stay private, just in the last years everything got distributed to the open web. there was a time you needed direct access to FTPs, which are still used to spread releases. But you can all read in our sister page in Scene FAQ.

    Can we get over that?
  15. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Planet Earth
    Radium used to release via DCC on IRC *yes*
  16. lukie

    lukie Newbie

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Money kills everything in the end :rofl:
  17. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
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    the scene is dead, long live the scene :bow:
  18. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    Money may be :wink: (i think money killed many good music styles and bands)

    But "society" is my main concern, not only scene.
    When you grow individualism, you just kill society.
    When you educate ppl acting for their own a** only, they don't care about others until they deliver what they want.
    What, you don't deliver anymore ? Just go f*ck yourself then. I will find someone else to exploit...until there is no one left than me.
    This is what happened in scene with ASSiGN. They left, completely bored by ppl i call "aggressive beggars" (i own a copyright on it :bleh: ).

    There is a balance between a society of machines, without any individuals rights.
    And a society of individuals thinking only for themselves...and so killing society.

    Because society and individualism are opposite sides of the same balance : life.
    Next step for humanity is "global awareness". You need to find your way, but you need to let others find theirs. If not, you loose too.
    Because we are all linked at higher spiritual level (and i'm an atheist... :bleh:)

    If humanity miss this step, it will be downstairs very fast.
    Scene state is only a little symptom from global society disease called individualism excess.
  19. Mykal

    Mykal AudioP2P

    Jun 20, 2011
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    I'm Right Behind You
    I covered all of this here

    Scene Info
  20. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    You're forgetting that back then it was more of a closed system and the real scene still existed. Now there is practically only P2P and here leechers, lamers and ingrates are destroying the scene because most of us share for the love of sharing and there isn't much ego motivation so when there is a fly in the ointment it does spoil it. Why do you think some of us are on strike? Because of the lamers that forced R2R's hand in releasing Serum early thereby destroying the goal of supporting the devs. Don't confuse then with now, now is a very different landscape.

    You always make allusions to that but it's not even slightly true. If you knew how few of us actually shared for money you wouldn't make these kinds of comments. I won't even get into how hard we all work to bring you guys a nice release.
  21. Gramofon

    Gramofon Producer

    Jun 22, 2012
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    There was once a man who went into the woods to cut some firewood. He went from one tree to another, but they were all too good for his purpose, as they would make good timber if allowed to stand. At last he found a tree which seemed good for nothing; it was gnarled and partly decayed, so he began to hew away at it. But just as he began to cut, he heard a voice calling to him, "Help me out, my good man." And as he turned he saw a large viper that was caught in a cleft of the tree and could not free itself.

    "No, I will not help you," said the man, "for you would harm me."

    But the viper said that it would not hurt him, if he would only free it. Then the man put his axe into the cleft under the snake, and so freed it. But hardly was it free, when it coiled itself up, hissed, put out its tongue and prepared to strike him.

    "Did I not tell you," said the man, "that you were a rascal who would reward good with evil!"

    "Yes," answered the viper, "you may well say that; but so it is in the world, that all good deeds are rewarded with evil."

    "That is not true," said the man, "good deeds are rewarded with good."

    "You will not find anybody to agree with you there," said the viper. "I know better how it goes in the world."

    "Let us inquire about it," said the man.

    "Very well," said the viper. So it did not bite him, but went with him through the forest until they came to an old, worn out horse that was grazing. It was lame, and blind in one eye, and had only a few broken teeth in its mouth. They asked him whether good deeds were rewarded with good, or with evil.

    "They are rewarded with evil," said the horse. "For twenty years I have served my master faithfully; I have carried him on my back, and drawn his wagon, and have taken care not to stumble lest he fall. As long as I was young and strong, I had kind treatment; I had a good stall, and plenty of food, and was well curried. But now that I am old and weak, I must work in the treadmill the livelong day; I never have a roof to cover me, and all the food I have is what I get for myself. No, indeed, good deeds are rewarded only with evil."

    "There now, you hear," said the viper, "Now I shall bite you."

    "Oh, no! wait a moment," said the man, "there comes the fox; let us ask him for his opinion." The fox came up and stopped and looked at them, for he saw that the man was in serious trouble. Then the viper asked the fox whether good deeds were rewarded with evil or with good.

    "Say 'with good,'" whispered the man, "and I will give you two fat geese."

    Then the fox said, "Good deeds are rewarded with good," and as he said that he jumped on the viper and bit its neck so that it fell to the ground. But as it was dying it insisted, "No, good deeds are rewarded with evil; that I have experienced, I, who spared the man's life, who has now cheated me out of mine."

    Now the viper was dead and the man was free. Then he said to the fox, "Come home with me and get your geese."

    "No, I thank you," said the fox, "I will not go to town, for there the dogs would get me."

    "Then wait here until I come with the geese," said the man. He ran home and said to his wife, "Hasten and put two fat geese into a sack, for I have promised them to the fox for his breakfast today."

    The woman took a sack and put something into it; but it was not geese she put in, but two fierce dogs.

    The man then ran out with the bag to the fox, and said, "Here you have your reward."

    "Thank you," said the fox, "then it was not a lie after all, what I said first -- that good deeds are rewarded with good." Then taking the bag on his back he ran off into the woods.

    "That sack is heavy," said the fox, so he sat down and tore it open with his sharp teeth. But as he did so the two dogs leaped from the bag and fixed their teeth in his throat. There was no escape from them, so he was bitten to death, but not until he had said, "No, what I said first was a lie, after all; good deeds are rewarded with evil."
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