Xfer Serum released on AudioZ?

Discussion in 'Software' started by DeepStar, Oct 9, 2014.

  1. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    Of course they are doing us a favor. I can't imagine the thousands of dollars I would have spent on crap, real crap, when I have had the ability to test stuff out here. I DO buy what I like and use and respect. Whether it's buying a Mazda or a guitar, I like to play it before I drop money on it to see if it accomplishes what I want to artistically. I wouldn't buy a stratocaster on ebay and assume the neck wasn't warped, and I don't mind checking out spire before I know what it can do etc... I can deal and live with that. and I can certainly deal with this site in that regard. Sure, there are a lot of edm-skrillabeez-hoarders on here, but they aren't shelling out the money for the waves mercury bundle anytime soon, i can guarantee that... whatever, these arguments have been hashed over ad-infinitum and are tired. Christ, I think I bought the first plug in ever, DiNR for protools, (is that the first?, memory fails), and turbosynth and all that other stuff... back when floppies came in the mail.... and sometimes you would get the biggest piece of s*** that you just spent a months rent on....

    I just know that for many years I was living in regret of purchases, and junk that could have put food on someones table... But if you are even replying to this thread, its a little disingenuous to then take some high road or to not recognize the fact that indeed, yes, you ARE getting a favor done FOR you. and it seems some of these guys work tirelessly for you to take a test drive.

    if you do not understand the politics going on right now (and I won't claim to), then pull back a little bit. This is just a flash point, and a possible reckoning, all things considered, with the scene and releases..., that actually might make some of the snarks here take notice when they drop $500 for bigwig when it kinda, well, doesn't really do the holy grail we all wished it would as promised... this could go away...and then you can rely on MusicRadar for new uberawEsome soft synth roundup.....think about the reality of that for a few...
  2. don_questo

    don_questo Noisemaker

    Aug 30, 2013
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    I love this thread. Finally something interesting going on in this forum. Finally people discussing something rather than announcing new Kontakt libraries.
    Keep it on!!! :grooves:
  3. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    yeah, :), i like this thread too, air it out! (and not talking about the relative merits of steiner-parker filters over curtis vs. moog etc...:))
  4. don_questo

    don_questo Noisemaker

    Aug 30, 2013
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    And where is Catalyst? Dont tell me its sleeping time in your time zone :rofl:
  5. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
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  6. 2poor2

    2poor2 Producer

    Jul 13, 2014
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    don't like how linplug spectral sounds.
  7. 5teezo

    5teezo Audiosexual

    Feb 2, 2012
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    I just wanted to get in line with the guys who bought Serum.

    So did I a week ago. It's the first Synth I actually bought. And the first one which actually let's me do what I want it to do quite easily. And I've tested A Looooooooooot of them over the years.

    The Level of control and ease of use you get with serum is so good, that I don't even want to use the presets but instead WANT to create my own sounds everytime I use it. If you can get that excitement out of any other synth you know I suggest you buy it right now!!!

    Like with every synthsizer, you need to understand the fundamental principles of signal flow, sound synthesis and modulation if you don't want to flip through 11.500 Massive Patches for example to find a sound you like.

    But if you have an Idea of a sound in your head you can bring it to live very easy. It even helps you to understand synthesis better altogether. If I was a scholar I'd use it in class. So I was more than glad to give money to Steve and his assciates (the guy from ohm force, the guy from cytomic and the guy who did the interface and the guy from TAL) for this great piece of software by guys who's products you all like who worked 3 years on this! Let him/them have his/their bread!

    Oh, btw: Registered Users can find the latest builds in the XFer Forum.

    And for all the haters who are whining about not getting shit for free as early as the ones who pay shit and to all the people who are talking about double standards by withholding k'ed stuff: are you on crack or something? I hope you only get Version 1.0, you pricks! ;)

    Extra Special Thanks to all the Hackers with common sense!
  8. 2poor2

    2poor2 Producer

    Jul 13, 2014
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    sometimes, zeta 2 is sold for about 50$ or even less, on dontcrack website(once, i bought cakewalk rapture and the other one, for 19$ each, instead of 99$).
    zeta 1.5 was fantastic. it could easily sound like a virus b, or even better. i think it was one of the first vst instruments to feature many oscillators, envelops generators, big complex mod matrix, etc.
    zeta 2 sound great, but i think nobody has really exploited its capabilities yet. most sounds i've heard, even from pro soundbanks, we feel like they aren't really using even 20% of its power. too bad.

    it reminds me of Spire. this synth must be capable of sO SO SO many fabulous things, but unfortunately, most soundbanks are just "great new sounds, directly inspired from garrix, skrillex, van bueren, etc etc etc". at the end, of course, all the leads, plucks, basses, have the same effects and sound the same as the big guys. WHEN spire could do so much more.

    back to your video about zeta2, i think this vsti really deserves a complete understanding of the manual, all the wave modifiers, and above everything, it deserves TIME, and then, only then, zeta2 will produce some incredible sounds. but just like Diversion, not many sound designers, or rather, almost nobody, is making soundbanks for it.

    looks like only massive and sylenth deserve attention from people.there are almost 1 thousand soundbanks for each of these 2 synths, there must be some producers, whose projects have 50 instances of sylenth and massive.

    i wonder if the guy behind sylenth1 makes enough money and manages to sell a little license from time to time, as the synth must be the most pirated piece of audio software, in the whole world :)
  9. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    thats the difference, i never got warm with zeta, the sounds are thin almost noisy, it sounds not up to the standards of sylenth1 for example. i would recommend it to somebody. but good to know tast is different from people to people.

    the problem with soundsets is, that when you want to sales soundsets, you have to look, what people want and how the trends are going, this means for the moment EDM sounds, generic BSS (Bullshitsounds)
    if you could check the Luftrum sounds from spire, you will see what i mean. but for the moment nobody tries to make a step into more experimental sounds for different synths.
    not to mention these easy sounds you hear for EDM are fast done, ambient pads, drones or whatever is more complex and could charge more for preset, but people wont pay that.

    regarding sylenth1, i dont know, i dont check new soundsets anymore, it feels like everything is done with Sylenth1 and Lennardigital still has not updated it.

    i was really happy that the demo had no noise bursts or silence nags. i rather enjoy a time limited demo as that. there are devs out there who put a noise burst every 15 or 10 secs, id go with urs timing on that. luckily i started a bit reversing, so i could lift the 20 min limit, but soon after i did that, i bought it, because i really liked what i played with and the nice text from steve was nice to read in the binary.
    the problem is always to find a balance in demos/trail.
    for example:
    1) when i left the saving intact and provide a full installer - reversers can easily turn it into a full version (nice position for R2R
    2) removing saving from the code section - saving disabled always means the trail is crippled. (to leak the product, you get atleast 1 sales ;) )
    3) add noise bursts, nags (also audio nags), could make the demo not testable, but they are not easy to find for newbies/noobs
    4) addition to 2) add watermarking, really tough one, because do you really trust the guy who said that he can remove the watermarking (there are quite alot of variation in that, so you could watermark 2 times :D )
    5) online registration - a little bit harder to bypass and if the reverser is a newbie you would get a bunch of ip adresses.
    6) software/hardware dongle (you need to invest into protection and this results you product will be more expensive, but you have done no improvements. bat for both parties.
    the list could go on and on. there are some nice tricks left

    i think the Serum demo was a nice compromise. :wink:
  10. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    We should start a thread where people can post copies of their receipts for software they have bought after 'trying' it... cos along with a previous poster I blv its a tiny percentage.

    Would probably be a very...short thread.

    I honestly think MAYBE 1 in 50 people that say they use cracked software for evaluation are full of it. Humnans in general just aint that honest.. and are inherently greedy.. + this shit economy.

    And as previously stated,and as Ive said before.. If letting people use their software for free, unrestricted was as good of a business model as everyone around here seems to always say.. then why are none of the developers doing it voluntarily?

    Cos it's nonsense.
  11. tjgoa

    tjgoa Ultrasonic

    Feb 17, 2014
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    It's rare to see any thread here at audioz with over 4 pages :wow: :mates:
  12. cs2014

    cs2014 Noisemaker

    Jun 22, 2014
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    I know this is not related to that topic but isn't there anyone who had this problem with Kontakt last update??


    BTW Serum is available now :)
  13. DeepStar

    DeepStar Member

    Jan 20, 2014
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    Joburg, SA
    I would have to disagree slightly with part of your point here. By releasing the cracked version here it's not just on this website, it's basically across the entire interwebs. How many people will leech the release for other websites? How many more people will then get access to it? Instead of thousands of people it will be hundreds of thousands and that's still with a user base that will never buy the software except for the tiny few, but if just 1% of that 100k people buy the software that's 1000 people buying it!
  14. DeepStar

    DeepStar Member

    Jan 20, 2014
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    Joburg, SA
    Yeah dude... if anything this thread has made me a little more conscious of the dev's and their hard work. Yes, I know I'm a hypocrite, and tomorrow and I'll still be a hypocrite but at least I'll eventually turn my bought VST's from 1% to 2% out of my horde. lol
  15. djlight78

    djlight78 Member

    Feb 11, 2012
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    The way I see it, this levels the the playing field for the haves and the have nots. Better music will come because there are people out there making these tools available for everyone to use. I do think that people who use this stuff should pay it forward when they develop the means to do so. That means paying for the software when you make money using said software inspiring and entertaining people. Think back about the story of Prometheus. Having the tools provides us the opportunity to further art and culture, despite not being from a privileged class.
  16. dokx1

    dokx1 Ultrasonic

    Jul 13, 2011
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    Lol, while this discussion goes on R2R already released a version with keygen. Who gives a shit if it's not on Audioz when it is everywhere else?

    Some people here clearly overestimate their influence on the 'scene'. What they can withhold are their own efforts, may it be some sample packs or home made cracks.

    But do you really think that R2R or AiR give a shit about some people here who want to educate some small time crackers by 'withholding' their stuff. That's ridiculous.
  17. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    My first impression is confirmed:

    it's a copy of circle, only with the lack of key features. Serum lacks the visual preview of the different wavetables (which actually helps more than a name like "monster") and it's less flexible and a lot less intuitive in terms of modulation.

    It sounds great though, I have to admit.
  18. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    ok, interestingly a topic off moral/philosophical rant... circle was an interesting concept in 2008 or whenever, but you cannot with sheer honesty claim Serum is devoid of features, flexibility, and I imagine and hope that once people of different genres outside of the OG obvious realm of its immediacy start having fun with it. I love to be a contrarian, and all these things are subjective in terms of what you like and are used to working with, but i can't imagine circle being more flexible and more intuitive... but again, we all have different intuitions i suppose... I got circle, was actually really really excited about it when I saw it at NAMM almost a decade ago (I guess more like 7 years or so)... but never quite blew my mind... but perhaps should revisit if it is getting high accolades... i am used to, or trained with ridiculous and painful modulation routings like the oberheim xpander/matrix 12... could do almost anything given time and a twelve pack of beer (except snappy envelopes), so I am a sucker for friendly modulation with immediate feedback and not having to resort to looking at a matrix "excel" looking page unless I need to get my head straight on what I may have fracked up... I will relook at it, but i don't remember being inspired by it heavily, can't remember using it in a track, wanted to like it, got it, looked amazing in the build up to it and at NAMM... but just didn't gel with me..... but again, to each their own, and hopefully that is why we all make different songs and productions.... thank god we don't all sound the same..... so all good:)
  19. tjgoa

    tjgoa Ultrasonic

    Feb 17, 2014
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    So great a synth and fun to explore. I get why people wanted to hold back on the release :wow: I will pick this up one day. Just waiting to see how long till some banks for this thing pops up *yes*
  20. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    Ok, I will agree with you to some element on that..., grammatical and confusing spelling issues/choices aside... and I'm sure that the large percentage of the soul suckers on this site represent little income for the hard working developers.... (And yeah, absolutely, depending on my serotonin level, I completely agree with your perception of humanity. )

    I suggest you start the thread you suggested, and I will follow, fair enough? Lets just be real about this if you want to throw it out there. I can provide my proof of purchases/screen shots/ whatnot.. and I will answer your challenge if you are serious about it... and let's see who else can. I too am curious. But since you laid it out there, let's go...

    Making money recording records was something lost upon us a long time ago, but it still has provided an announcement to the world of material that yes, has to be adapted/adoptive to in order to survive...and I have been fortunate enough to make a living doing so. Or maybe I got lucky during the last phase of the old school record business. I am not full of myself enough to claim skill and talent so much as luck, opportunity, and hard work.

    As I have said before, I absolutely test drive my purchases, rather then blind faith, "UAD" propaganda, and the like and hype. Christ, Serum sitting here on this site and I am using the underrated and old as crap GForce Oddity to record this evening? and having a lot of fun doing so? What am I thinking? I could have downloaded 52 different spire banks !! Or using my hardware p.o.s. yamaha rex-50 to get reverse reverb on guitars because it's crap sampling rate and convertors sometimes work better for me then any bland characterless CLA waves bundle? I'm all good with that.

    But at the end of the day, yeah, there are some of us who do spend our money on stuff.... and to tell you the truth, honestly, I wouldn't even know a lot of it existed unless I saw it here first. So it DOES drive purchases. I would have NO idea of some of the stuff out there.

    feel free to post some of your "receipts" and I will follow. challenge accepted. and I am not calling "you" out, I am agreeing with what you laid out.. this is NOT a personal ad hominem attack on you One Reason.... , quite the contrary...I just want to see or provoke what others can respond to your query.
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