Cubase 8 Rumors

Discussion in 'Cubase / Nuendo' started by bresilla, Oct 2, 2014.

  1. bresilla

    bresilla Newbie

    Sep 26, 2014
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    Come on, The Robot, i just wrote what i was trying to get from you all, since i like a lot this forum, thats why i asked this question. Dont be like guys from newspaper portals in my country, when i write something, few people just replay offensive words. I mean, it was a rumor, does not mater where i heard from, i asked, the one interested to share their thought, can do it. If it would be nonsens this topic, probably administrator would have deleted. Anyhow. Just respect the other members of this forum, because at the end, we the members make the forum important with thoughts and appropiate coments.
  2. 2poor2

    2poor2 Producer

    Jul 13, 2014
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    without having sales sheets, one thing i've noticed, for sure, was:
    2 years ago and older, it was almost impossible to find recent cubase tutorials on youtube. it was populated by fl studio, logic , etc, but those damn cubase tutorials, apart 1 or 2 videos here and there, and some old videos at 480p, from cubase 5, there was almost nothing.
    one thing is sure: for a guy that just watched his bud doing a beat on his computer, and decides to make some beats as well, because is isn't really really serious about it yet, he will not want to pay 500 euros for a daw... and will look for some cheaper solutions. and the cheaper solutions are fl studio and ableton live, which is cracked, has no dongles or whatsoever. all the guy needs is an internet connection.
    just watch this, 10 seconds and everything is said : [media][/media]

    of course, there are tons of Live and FL studio videos, because, let's be real, it's much easier to get, as a first DAW. Ableton and the fl studio guys took the decision to not put any dongles on their softs. and i guess they were successful with it. tons of edm producers are on fl studio. like garrix, with his cracked apps. he must be one of the dozens thousands guys from that generation, that grew up with those 2 daws, and later, they probably decided to go "serious", and started buying some stuff. all those guys who have been using cracked fl studio and live, 2-3-4 years later, because they already know the app, they stick with it, instead of moving to another daw.
    and that's where i think ableton and fl studio were successful, even without dongles.

    but things have changed, i think. today, we can find lots of cubase 7, and cubase 7.5, on youtube. whereas 2 years ago, as i said, all we could find was some old cubase 5 videos, from a few guys using the emu syncrosoft. i remember reading a post on a cubase forum, and one guy was asking for help, and complaining about some bugs... and on his system tray, we could see the AIR EMU syncrosoft ICON !! the guy was asking for help on some official cubase forums, with a cracked version. shit, LOL.

    i think all the videos we can see about cubase 7 and 7.5, on youtube, today, compared to 2 years ago, is a good evidence that cubase is doing pretty well, and MUCH more people is buying it. i had bought cubase sx 1-2-3, but didn't update to 4,5,6... there was nothing really great about those versions. but cubase 7, wow, it's like a brand new app. the same with 7.5. a true pleasure to use. even though i would like to have +50 basic features i think are missing. but everything that can be done, is just fantastic.
    i think cubase 7 version made a lot of people go back to steinberg. we can see youtube videos where guys had 2 daws, and after cubase 7, they started using it more and more often, until it became their primary daw. and cubase 7.5, with the fantastic groove agent one se4 and some reverbs, effects, etc, just made it even better.

    today, most daws do the same things, they all have time stretching features, the same export features, the same audio and midi options... they all can handle the same plugins, standards, etc.. it's almost like a question of "i prefer this daw because i prefer the darker interface.. or how the toolbars are.. or the windows system..."

    bitwig could have been totally different.. but at the end, it as 95% of the features other daw already have.

    that's why i'm really betting on cubase 8. most daws have been upgraded, like the recent logic 10, but it was pretty much the same. studio one has, i think, melodyne. other daws have a complete drum app.

    i think cubase needs to bring a bubch of new apps, to please people. it has became like "which app gives me the best stock plugins, best features, etc".
    cubase 8 is the next big thing, i think. even no-cubase users must be curious about what steinberg will give us, specially when it won't be a .5 version: no, it's supposed to be a big fucking major update. and close to 2015, there is no place to simple cosmetic upgrades here and there. cubase lacks at least a good spectrum analyser, even better variaudio features, a better GUI, a good delay that will include the mono delay, stereo delay, pingpong delay, all in one, instead of separate plugins(ok, separate, maybe the eat up less cpu, than on a single plugin??).
    with the recent groove agent 4, for sure, cubase 8 won't come with a virtual battery a la ezdrumer.. they want people to go GA4, and that's normal. otherwise, people can load up to 8 velocities on each pad, on the GAOse4 that comes with cubase, and load their drum samples.
    maybe they could give us a Grand Piano ? there is no real piano inside cubase...ok, there are the pianos that come with halion sonic se 2...

    i think they could include some 3rd party plugins in cubase 8. just like they added voxengo curve, they could add some nice plugins. maybe not by buying a complete company, but maybe via some partnership... for example, soundtoys make plugins no other daw has. everybody loves soundtoys "echoboy". what if cubase 8 came with echoboy ? that could be a good deal. there are a few plugins everybody would love to have. maybe they could add 1 or 2 3rd party plugs... who knows...

    one thing is sure. cubase 7 and 7.5 must be doing great. tons of people are using it. again. cubase 8 needs to really ROCK. if 7.5 update gave us all those new things, i can only be optimist regarding cubase 8.
  3. The-RoBoT

    The-RoBoT Rock Star

    Jun 16, 2011
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    Plan 9

    English please
  4. shike

    shike Noisemaker

    Sep 5, 2014
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    McCookie:guess days when get answer from everyone:you need Cubase,is gone and now you get:download FL and so on,but I have a feeling more and more are getting legit because after 6 they saw it is not going to happen again,but again,just theory,probably stupid one,but many started like 4-5 years ago when 5 was hot and cracked,now they changed to something else or went legit,some are still using 5 maybe,but this is just again theory for a very small percentage of users,but this topic is rumors,how serious we can get about anything really.
  5. 2poor2

    2poor2 Producer

    Jul 13, 2014
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    just arrived in my "recycle bin-spam" email address.

    well, after all these long comments and dumb theories about some eventual future partnerships for Cubase 8, between steinberg and other companies, specially those who use the e-licenser ,
    it makes me smile, seeing these 30% off on this screenshot, for waldorf stuff.
    why not a mega partnership between all the current e-licenser products, everybody inside Cubase 8. Does it seem so impossible and stupid as a way to transform cubase 8 into a super desirable hot complete and sexy package ? of course, each product would receive a little cash on each sale... or each cubase buyer would have a big 70% off, on the e-licenser products.. in 2015, with all these Daws that have 95% of features in common , with the lastest big feature quickly being copied by the competition, no matter who...
    having a new version, in this case, cubase 8, and including a shitload of great apps and plugins, to make people think twice : "do i buy that daw a bit cheaper, and i will need to spend another 400-500 euros in 3 or 4 plugins and 1 or 2 instruments that i will need, or will i buy cubase 8, at 650-700 euros, which is a bit more expensive, but it comes with a nice virtual piano, a nice synth, and 3 or 4 great e-licenser plugins, like Vengeance stuff, arturia, etc"

    inside me, and against all the opposite opinions, i still believe in something like this. but hey, maybe it's just me, and i don't have a perfect and global vision of the market and people needs.

    a little ppg wave anyone ? :rofl: (i wonder what kind of sounds this vsti can do)

  6. Rafadecai

    Rafadecai Newbie

    Apr 20, 2014
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    Cubase 8 coming soon in 2015
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