Discussion in 'Studio' started by psymushroom, May 1, 2014.

  1. psymushroom

    psymushroom Newbie

    May 1, 2014
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    hello all! well im planning to buy new monitors for home use and thinking to order those M-AUDIO - BX8 CARBON for 360€(pair) or PIONEER S-DJ60X for 400€(pair)...before buying them i would like to know if there are any other options for the same specs or better :grooves:
    my budget is not so big, around 400€ max(i know many of you will say "you wont get proper high quality sound with monitors of 300-400€" but thats all i can spend now..
    any info is much appreciated! :wink:
  3. sideshowbob

    sideshowbob Producer

    Apr 17, 2014
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    Brave New World
  4. psymushroom

    psymushroom Newbie

    May 1, 2014
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    yes active monitors, sorry for that!
    the A3X is great but to small for me. do you think i must wait until i have a bigger budget to get the A5X at least.(660euro pair)
    adam was always serious about sound and they also have 5years warranty but do you really think its a smart move to go with A5X & 260euro more, than the others mentioned? i mean the difference in sound is too big?
    to be honest im a crazy audiophile so i could save and spend some more on monitors, but because im not rich, im looking for a solution not so expensive and have sound as crystal clear as much possible.
    i dont want those low 100-200e crap monitors but either dont have 2000e to spend :dunno:
    i was looking/comparing the F5, F7, A3X, A5X & A7X and found these new F-Series weak compared to AX-Series. what do you think?
  5. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    You can also look out for Yamaha HS7 or ESI Aktiv 08 (I had these Aktivs and they're the best in their price range, sounds a bit like Genelecs 8040 but not that close, anyway,they're way better than M-audio, nice and also accurate sound, German Quality, they're rock solid built and you have enough bass for any kind of applications). Yammies are good too, but i don't know how much would you like their sound.
    If you have the chance, listen to them in a store, that's the best way you get an idea about each model...
    But these ones for the money are worth checking.

    Yes, Adams are really great speakers but only if he can rise the budged bar to be able to afford it. :mates: I kinda like EVEs more, the "female" version of Adam, but they're kinda more expensive. :(
  6. sideshowbob

    sideshowbob Producer

    Apr 17, 2014
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    Brave New World
    Of, course the Adam F series is the cheapest they offer. I heard A3X in action and...Yes!(Like you, I wanted to get monitors with a 400€ budget).
    My recommendation is to go to a shop (bring your own music, too!). A serious shop where they show you everthing you want and more, so you can compare with hi-end.
    Your ears are unique, just because it`s a good brand and top noch technical specifications doesn`t mean anything.
    As Evorax said Yamaha is good stuff, but their sound has a "color". Maybe you like it, maybe not.
    Try before you buy! Especially when you are on a low budget.
    It`s a important decision you are going to make.
    Whish you the best.
  7. N0Trace

    N0Trace Member

    Aug 2, 2014
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    Lower Saxony
    my beloved bx8d2. look how beautiful they are^^ :grooves:

  8. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    I own the ADAM F7 and they are so much better than I am...
    They are really great to work on, you can work for hours without ear fatigue.
    Yes, they lack a little bit of precision in the lower mids imo. But on the other hand my studio is not treated acoustically so I'm not sure if it's the room clouding the sound.
    Saving up and getting something better at a later time is something I did NEVER regret. Never ever.
    Maybe you can get some used a7s for the price of new f7s. I decided to go for the new ones instead of the used ones because speakers don't get better over time and 10 year old monitors can be "tired".
  9. sideshowbob

    sideshowbob Producer

    Apr 17, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Brave New World
    Yes, they are! And a very good choice for "low budget", in my not so humble opinion. The Axiom MK I reminds me ...
    When I ordered my Axiom MK II, they send me the old one in the first. The guys at the shop seem to felt embarrassed about it and gave me the price for the MK I (149€ at that time).

    @ fraifikmushi
    I guess it`s a bit late for recommendations, psymushroom has made his deal, already? Most likely.
    Anyway, I completely agree, it`s better to save some money ...
    I think serious monitors start by 400$ a piece and if you want to mix the bassline with the ears, 8 inch is required or a subwoofer. But that doesn`t mean "cheap" monitors couldn`t be an improvement(big). I just tried to be encouraging, of course it needs way more money: treated room.

    Love your nick, pretty "chauvi", but still ... 1 up :wink:
  10. N0Trace

    N0Trace Member

    Aug 2, 2014
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    Lower Saxony
    same here. the piece of shit of a ebay trader sent me a used MK1 instead of the MK2, which was actually shown on the preview image. so i got the MK1 for around 70 Euros, 30 Euros less. good deal i would say!
  11. shike

    shike Noisemaker

    Sep 5, 2014
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    Look no further,JBL LSR305/308 are best choice in that price range,truly bang for the buck,this speakers are so amazing for that price,these are ones to buy on budget and never look back,check them out you will be more than happy.
  12. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    lol, I didn't pay attention to the creation date of this topic. fail...
    regarding my nick: it's something eminem boasted around in a german tv-show some 15 years ago, meaning to show off his awesome berating skills in german - which was a big fail, actually, because it's there is no such word in german. Plus, his pronunciation was just lol. I just misspelled it so it slips through the spam filters :)
  13. kidvibes

    kidvibes Noisemaker

    Dec 4, 2014
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    I have M-Audio BX8a and they are working fine for me and my production (house music) but some people are don't like them for some reason...
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