To Battle or not to Battle

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by audiochemist, Nov 17, 2011.


To Battle, or not to Battle?

  1. yes,lets get it on!!!!!!!!!

  2. no,i prefer to stay with the pillow fightclub.

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. audiochemist

    audiochemist Newbie

    Nov 16, 2011
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    This poll is mainly to find out what ya'll think about this idea,and to give the administrators some feedback as to whether or not such a section should in fact be implemented.I would just like to thank in advance all those involved in taking part.

    Just to recap,said section would be subdivided into genres,as well as levels of proficiency.

    I would just like to state that the whole idea is not to start up some type of negative producer rivalry,but to actually allow people to get feedback about there creations,as well as to build up there confidence,and help us network better with each other.

  3. smartlad

    smartlad Member

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Thats what the "our music" forum is for.

    If you did want a "battle" just set it up in this thread. Regardless of your style or skill let anyone take part who wants to but we need something to battle with. Someone (who isn't taking part) could provide a midi or a riff/melody of some sort and then the participants do a piece of music in their own style with it.

    What do you think?
  4. audiochemist

    audiochemist Newbie

    Nov 16, 2011
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    thats a good idea,although i still think that a battle forum would be the bomb,i think that it would motivate people to push themselves more,and make them feel like they are progressing.Doing it in "our music" forum wouldn't be the same. That forum would be a showcase,whereas the battle forum would be the proving ground,so to speak.Thanks for the feedback.

  5. Rolma

    Rolma Guest

    Down the big brother!
  6. audiochemist

    audiochemist Newbie

    Nov 16, 2011
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    i dont get it rolma???what does the government have to do with this subject???
  7. Rolma

    Rolma Guest

    Hi audiochemist
    Personally I have enough competition, really this mechanism apparently based on merit brings lots of issues.
    We are all too pushed by everything.That section is kind of free and I like it.
  8. SAiNT

    SAiNT Creator Staff Member phonometrograph

    May 11, 2011
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    audiochemist, as i said, the idea is very interesting, but you need to give us a bigger picture. *yes*
  9. audiochemist

    audiochemist Newbie

    Nov 16, 2011
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    ok so what i envisioned is something along these lines.The Beatbattle section would be divided into lets say three categories.Novice,Intermediate and advanced.Obviously there would be sub genres as well(hip hop, rock,dubstep whatever)A sample or hook would be provided by members and someone from admin. would decide which one would be used.Members would be given lets say one week or a month to produce their track of choice using said sample or hook, and submit it to be judged.Judging would be done by members(in the form of lets say a poll) and results posted at the beginning of each new week or month.Within this section all winning tracks would be posted,(kind of like a wall of sound lets say) so as to create a index of all the tracks created by audiosex members.We could even set up a system whereby winners earn points or credits and at the end of each month or year the member who had accumulated the most points or credits would be named producer of the month/ year,this i think would help to set up a sort of promotional platform for up and coming producers,as well as let the novices feel like they are improving there skills.I really feel that it would take audiosex to a new level,by this i mean that apart from it being a social network of sorts it would also become a proving ground so to speak,and help members get more feedback and technical tips and have fun,and challenge themselves at the same time.Once again i would just like to thank all those who have shown interest in this topic and hope that we can find a way to turn this vision into a reality.I would also like to reiterate that this idea is not to create beef or divisions amongst members but a platform to challenge and learn from one another,while at the same time gaining confidence and the necessary tools needed to succeed in a demanding and ever evolving industry.

  10. smartlad

    smartlad Member

    Jul 4, 2011
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    I probably would like to give it ago, but will there be enough people taking part to fill all categories along with the sub categories? There has hardly been a great response to the post, and as good as it sounds, these ideas never take off on forums. Who would decide which category your entered into? (intermediate/pro etc). I still think your best bet is to have one for all, regardless of your skill level. Like you said it aint to create beef or out like that, its not a pissing contest so you have nothing to lose by taking part, even if you are a novice. A novice could even win, production isn't all about being technical, its about being creative.
  11. remix

    remix Platinum Record

    Dec 3, 2011
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    Like smartlad said...who decides what "Skill" level you are? makes no sense...

    this site isnt hip hop orientated enough to start have battles and jump offs...the music here is too diverse and the peoples opinions too varied plus Electronic music, which does seem to dominate here just hasn't got that battling culture...

    Im personally too busy trying to make tracks that have a hope of selling one day let alone wasting time trying to prove whos the best with an unknown net musician!

  12. SAiNT

    SAiNT Creator Staff Member phonometrograph

    May 11, 2011
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    i'm sorry for the delayed reply. all this time this topic was in my list, and only now i got enough time to think this through :sad:

    what you described is almost exactly what Indaba serves.
    however interesting the idea is, i simply have no resources to compete with those guys.

    and if we ignore that fact, even the smallest "battlefield" would expect awards, and yet again, i simply have no resources to organize and support that :(

    anyway, i like your way of thinking and how you described your idea.. if there's anything else on your mind, please let me know :mates: