BPI Hits Record Breaking 100 Million Google Takedowns

Discussion in 'Industry News' started by SillySausage, Sep 23, 2014.

  1. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
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    The BPI has reached a new milestone in its ongoing efforts to have pirated content removed from the Internet. This week the music industry group reported its 100 millionth URL to Google. Although the takedown notices are processed quickly, the music industry group believes that Google should do more to prevent piracy.

    bpiDespite the growing availability of legal music services in many countries, record labels are facing a constant stream of pirated music.

    In an attempt to prevent these infringements, the BPI and other music industry groups send millions of takedown notices to Internet services every month. Most of these requests are directed at Google.

    This week the UK music industry group BPI reached a new milestone after notifying Google of the 100 millionth allegedly infringing URL, up from 50 million just 10 months ago.


    As can be seen below, the latest update shows that the 100 million links were spread out over 274,810 separate DMCA takedown notices.

    BPI’s takedown notices



    With 100 million requests the BPI has broken a new milestone. Never before has a copyright holder representative reported so many allegedly infringing links to Google. Degban is currently second in this list with 99 million URLs, followed by the RIAA with 57 million.

    For the BPI this record isn’t something to be proud of though. The music industry group tells us that it shows just how hard it is for copyright holders to have infringing content taken offline.

    “This milestone makes two things very clear. First, that however much creators do, the system of ‘notice and takedown’ will never be enough on its own to protect them or consumers from the online black market, or to spur growth in the digital economy,” a BPI spokesperson says.

    “Second, that despite its clear knowledge as to which sites are engines of piracy, Google continues to help build their illegal businesses, by giving them a prominent ranking in search results.”

    The BPI stresses that Google should do more to lower the visibility of unauthorized content in its search results. Despite promises to do so, the music group still sees very little improvement on this front.

    “To illustrate: Google’s records show it has been told more than 10 million times that content on 4shared.com is illegal – yet it’s still the very first result today when we search for ‘Calvin Harris mp3′ – ahead of Amazon and every other legal service,” BPI notes.

    Addressing this issue is pretty straightforward, the BPI argues. Google should work with the entertainment industries to adjust its search algorithm, as the UK Government also highlighted recently.

    “Google can simply fix this problem by amending its algorithm. We hope they will respond positively to the invitation from Government to negotiate voluntary measures to do so,” BPI says, closing with an iconic lyric.

    “It’s time the media giant changed its tune – we need a little less conversation and a little more action please.”

    Google has thus far been hesitant to fiddle with its search results.

    The company has made several changes to address the complaints of copyright holders. However, it also stressed that the entertainment industries themselves should take responsibility, arguing that piracy is primarily an availability and pricing problem.

    source: http://torrentfreak.com/bpi-hits-record-breaking-100-million-google-takedowns-140922/
  3. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    It's kinda funny, when you think that Google, the giant who helps other companies's marketing in general to virtually squeeze money from people, they actually DON'T help copyright holders. :rofl: Such an irony...
  4. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
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    what's really funny is the number of takedowns being issued, it is totally out of control, if they had to pay for every wrong notice, they would be bankrupt within a matter of hours
  5. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    If Google is not legaly bound to be responsable and sanctioned for any "untreated" notices, then maybe that's why they keep it so relaxed. It would be too dumb and bad
    for their corporate sake to let a very dangerous legal mistake happen. Or... who knows.... :dunno: we'll live and see how this stuff will turn out in the end...
    Maybe they just neglect all the stuff which doesn't brings something in their pocket. Seems legit.
  6. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    I'm sorry for offtopic, but who knows, maybe Google will become (if it's not already) this type.
  7. GangamStyle

    GangamStyle Ultrasonic

    Oct 31, 2012
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    "Your broken business model is not my problem."
  8. What will probably happen is that the largest search engine in the world will be bought by the mega-giants and be absorbed into their paradigm and infrastructure. Let us play a word game. Music is to mp3 as freedom is to__________?
  9. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    Wake me up when they get to 100 trillion :grooves:
  10. Thankful

    Thankful Rock Star

    Feb 14, 2014
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    The most interesting part of the report is Google's response at the end. Are the music industry bosses so unintelligent, that they focus on the cure only, and ignore the underlying cause for piracy? It all began in the Far East, China and parts of the world where music and movies were simply not available at all, and people are too poor to buy it if it were available. In those countries they don't need internet to get movies and music, pirated copies are sold for pennies on CD/DVD on the street. Nothing new, before the internet, those countries were always a haven for imitation copies of clothes, watches, and now phones etc., (designer label) clothing imitations cannot be distinguished from the real thing they are so good. Back to the point. Piracy will never be stopped completely, they need to ask themselves 'why' well-off Westerners are pirating, and deal with that.
  11. pilz971

    pilz971 Kapellmeister

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Ah well, I guess it`s at least keeping someone busy and employed.

    I therefore suggest, in order to help this dying greed/money driven paradigm to stumble on for a few more years, we all upload as much illegal content as possible.

    There, see, you have helped, aint it nice to be nice. :hug:

    @ Evorax - Love the Burns/Rothschild parody. How must it feel to know that your family have almost single handedly destroyed a planet, it`s ecosystem, peoples and life? I guess a quick look at what`s "yours" must make all the worry vanish like scotch mist. Evil, EVIL bastards. Their lord and master must be WELL pleased with his filthy minions.

  12. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Pilzy Ok, they've done that together with some other, and they're still fucking with the world. But was this without anyone knowing?
    Isn'it a bit easy to say that these big bankers are the only one guilty? What about the guys we voted as our representatives and just let those do their trick?
    So, we, poor people are victims, that's it? What about why we don't do a real move?
    Why every guy who's living under a bridge because of a bank took his home is not living in front of the local power house? Long Etc...

    If we go on by thinking of ourselves as victims, things will never change. We need to see ourselves as actors with capacity to decide and to punish corrupted politicians, and overall we need to know our priorities. You go fishing or you go manifest?

    Ahh, about Gooffle, (No it's not a error FF) they're owning that a lot of us are going out of their system. Using other mails other search system etc...
  13. kimikaze

    kimikaze Platinum Record

    Aug 20, 2014
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    "the music industry group believes that Google should do more to prevent piracy" :rofl:

    They literally want to make billions without a work. And yes we believe if piracy will be prevented, authors will get more money. Yeah right. Good singers are getting enough monney today without a problem and they not complaining at all, so who want make more money? yes you bunch of music industry group fakers, who want to live easy life with others work.
  14. pilz971

    pilz971 Kapellmeister

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Olymoon, you SERIOUSLY believe voting has anything to do with who makes the decisions regards our rights?

    Victim? No Sir, not I Sir! This all started a very, VERY long time ago when your voting hadn`t even been invented as way to make the peasants believe they had a say.

    Is it fair to blame just the Rothschild family? No, probably not. Others have been instrumental in our entrapment. Defo got to include the Rockerfeller`s, Schiffs, Morgans, Windsor`s, etc, etc, etc.

    Did you know that Rudolph Diesel`s first internal combustion engine ran on hemp oil? Only John D Rockerfeller had all this lousy gasolene that he was dumping into a river until it caused a MASSIVE fire. Money changed hands and the fuel we now use changed to the extreme detriment of the planet. Check out all the central banks, the debt paradigm, etc, etc. Makes for some VERY sad learning my friend.

    Start the video at 5mins 40secs for the facts about Diesel if 13 minutes is too long. Once you start peeping down the rabbit hole it can be a most liberating and also frustrating journey but, who knows where it will take you. Be blessed. :mates:

  15. Resonance

    Resonance Newbie

    Apr 15, 2014
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    Hemp has so many uses, paper ,rope, medication,etc
    Wasn't it the Simpsons who did a bit about it and pointed a finger at logging company's
  16. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    The video you put up say The Declaration of Independence was written on cannabis. Not true. *no*

    Some drafts might have utilized the plant but the final draft was written on parchment. Oh YouTube...perpetuating so much of the world's confusion.
  17. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    No, I didn't even used the word "vote", vote is a trick, but politicians are the puppets of the real power.
    I say it's all about action... And the choice of action is always about decision and priority, and this is something personal.
    It's not true that you cant do anything.
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