Greetings ladies and gents, brothers and siters So I'm trying to go through my legit serials and samples and see what isn't on Audioz already. I'm still staggered by the volume of releases everyday, a lot of which have led to my legit purchases. The point of this thread is that I'd like to give back a little in a different way. I was thinking that is there anything that you haven't seen out there yet, be it a sample pack or software that is on top of your list and you look out for it everyday hoping that it pops up? What have you always wanted to see on here that you thought was a classic and somehow got missed along the way? Sort of like filling in the gaps rather than looking forward to something that will very likely be on here as soon as it drops. Bear in mind that if it's software then it has to be crackable and I'm on a Mac so Windows users may be disappointed if it requires doubling the cost for me to get both. Thus, it might be fairer for all for me to look at sample packs. Most of the incredible stuff looks like it's already out there and I did start to go through the request section but it got a little overwhelming as it's hard to rate which may be more useful or more anticipated. I do have a soft spot and tendency towards dirty sounding breaks myself that can be used in Hip-Hop and urban genres. I think that there's a lot of great EDM stuff already out there but I'll look at everything, especially if it's highly recommended. And one other thing. Please don't let the recommendation be one synth or plugin that breaks the bank Not unless it's spectacular and hasn't been dropped yet and can be shared with the community. I will consider all requests and would much rather be able to knock a few of them out of the requests section than just the one big release. Just one last thing. I'd prefer not to say what I've purchased and when it's going to drop. It will get to the right channels so I guess just keep a look out as normal and hopefully you'll see them up on that beautiful purple board of neverending dreams soon. Many thanks to Catalyst for the green light and to all of you for your suggestions. Just trying to add a drop of water into the ocean that was already filled by the time I got here by so many before me.
Anything in particular Andrew? I know you do great work in your reviews. Please don't hesitate to be specific if you have something in mind. It helps me narrow things down
I can hit harder if you want? Just joking, I don`t "need" anything. But I wonder a little why this one hasn`t made it`s way (was on sale n`stuff), most likely a vast number of people would appreciate it. Nice Topic. Cheers
dune2, but the installer/vsts are watermarked, so yeah we need 2 copies. if you can help, send me a pm.
ReValver 4 for windows? Mac version appeared, but pc never did, i think it was said that both could be cracked but the presets needed decrypted or something. I don't care about the presets! Even without them would be kickass
I was wondering about this post, and then I read your thanks to Catalyst, so guess this is safe...? I've been waiting for yonks for this one and, I think, many others are waiting for it are as well: And I've started to lose hope of it popping up. Are you the saviour?
I think Ken Lewis "Keyboard for beatmakers" will be nice to see, esp to step our composing game up but then its not a sample library or software tho
Ahh if only people still knew how to read. Dune 2 doesn't make any sense to purchase since we would need two copies and that would be $338. Also anyone suggesting libraries that are watermarked would need to consider that the watermarks would have to be removed. We should also be more sensible in what we're asking of the guy, some of these libraries are really expensive. I'd just like to say thanks to armyofone for the initiative which is very awesome no matter what he gets for us. PS I have a 48 hour Uploaded coupon with your name on it if you need one.
CDSM VTMC-M2 - Vintage Tube Mastering Compressor but maybe a bit pricey and probably marked whatever comes always appreciated