Inside the Dark Web

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by SillySausage, Sep 5, 2014.

  1. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Twenty-five years after the world wide web was created, it is now caught in the greatest controversy of its existence: surveillance.

    With many concerned that governments and corporations can monitor our every move, Horizon meets the hackers and scientists whose technology is fighting back. It is a controversial technology, and some law enforcement officers believe it is leading to 'risk-free crime' on the 'dark web' - a place where almost anything can be bought, from guns and drugs to credit card details.

    Featuring interviews with the inventor of the world wide web, Sir Tim Berners-Lee, and the co-founder of WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, Horizon delves inside the 'dark web'. :mates:
  3. filtersweep

    filtersweep Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2014
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    assange is a narcissist and it's getting a bit boring watching him preening about and acting like the "robin hood" of the web. the so-called 'dark web' has existed since about 5 minutes after the 'light web' was born. this is just another exercise in self-aggrandizement for assange. i have a lot of respect for tim berners lee ( sorry SIR tim), but this bit of a frothy and unsubstantial doc, by horizon standards anyway. it's a bit willfully naive to act as if arms trading and child pornography didn't exist until the interwebs came along. we all know that just ain't so... any technological innovation is almost immediately seezed upon for the more nefarious concerns. look at cinema and porn films...
    thanks for the link though..
    to balance things out a little watch this : Pirate Bay: Away From Keyboard
    it is fair to say that the so-called 'collateral murder' video is beyond shocking but had to be seen, by everyone, and the rest of the stuff people cannot look at but it's a-happening every day... perhaps the web is not as dark as some would like it. i certainly don't choose to see beheadngs or people spilling their faeces all over the shop, but i have seen it, and there is no getting it out of your brain once you have. perhaps we should be grateful that maybe MAYBE kids cannot see it either. assange is utrying to cement celebrity/notorious status. i am sure he doesn't give a f**k that Bradley Manning ( sorry, CHelsea or Bunty, whatever) is in a cell, in isolation for, on paper at least, 35 years for leaking that little beauty... what a screwed up planet...
  4. Levitate

    Levitate Producer

    Nov 27, 2013
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    Ummmm,well that may be so,he may be a narcissist,but facts are still just that.And far as narcissist's go,90% of every man,woman,and child on this planet is a narcissist or display narcissistic tendencies/qualities.Especially in the U.S. The media supports and encourages that way of acting. I will say that I agree with you totally on what a screwed up planet.

    And yeah that video was messed up,if it's the one I'm thinking of it was the one where they mistaken a camera man for having a rocket launcher and killed everyone with a mounted 50 cal.I mean everyone,I'm pretty sure they even about cut the ambulance in half that came to the aid of people if I'm thinking of the right vid.The most disturbing thing to me even as brutal as that was,their attitudes and absolute lack of human compassion.They were joking and laughing like "oops".That was not cool.

    Also agree that once you see stuff like that it stays with ya for awhile.I don't know about yall but it kicks the fight or flight thing in with me.I've seen too much stuff like that right in front of me,let alone on video.It has made me more paranoid and survival minded.I walk around literally everywhere I go armed and ready.And I mean way more armed than I need to be.Multiple weapons at all times.And my eyes are open looking for possible threat every second I'm out in public.I love people,and I love helping people,but I don't trust people a whole lot.I've seen what other people can do to each other.I've been like this ever since I went to prison 10 yrs ago,it's calmed down a bit but it's still there every second.I have weapons in strategic places all around my bedroom.I meticulously lock up and peep scene every night,and I have a pitbull.My children are all trained to use weapons to defend themselves.And I made sure they respect them so they don't do anything stupid with em.But they aren't exactly lil kids anymore,I'm a firm believer of if you don't tell your kids or somebodies kids what is really important no one will.There are a lot of single mothers out here raising multiple kids that are getting paid for by the government and they are still struggling and juggling to make ends meet and barely have time to handle things like that with their kids because these punk ass men wanted to make children then not take care of em or even be in their lives.I've seen a lot of that.I'm not against welfare and that.I grew up on it.And I had another one of those dads as well.I swore I would never do that to my children.

    See when you don't have a dad you miss certain lil things that would be instilled from a fathers point of view.For one wasn't long ago that dad used to whoop his kids when they messed up real bad or did something they really weren't supposed to.That taught children at a young age that there were consequences for their actions.See they got soft with this "Don't spank your kid" stuff.And wonder why we got all these lil bad ass kids walkin around.All that freedom without consequence.I'll tell you what,I catch one of those bad ass kids in my neighborhood,I info gather on em,then I do recon to meet his parents so when he steps out of line I can with their parents permission personally yoke him up by his ear and drag him to his momma. :rofl: Is what it is I got kids.And mad respect to these women who have stood up and did the best they could with what they had.

    Never underestimate women,I treat them as equals.I've seen women have more gumption and backbone than half these men out here.Don't think so? Have a look at a womens prison.They don't play,they gang up on you in a heartbeat,right now.
    A real woman will also speak her mind about what she doesn't think is right too,and could care less what anyone thinks about it.I can relate to that.

    A lil off topic there I know but it stirred up other things in me. :rofl:

    Yeah back on topic the deep/dark web has some foul stuff on it.I remember even 4chan talkin about it many yrs ago,and people postin some nasty stuff on there too.And I'm sure even with as much as they took down from the deep web it still lurks on there,it's the internet.Where literally anything you can think of can be found.It was designed to be information freedom.Though I don't think when they made it they thought people would be researching such foul stuff.I highly advise against digging into the dark/deep web looking for foul stuff,you will find it.

    Yeah the world is an ugly,brutal place.It's one of the reasons I'm always about being genuinely nice and compassionate to people.I have no idea what someone is going thru or may have went thru or how their day is going,there are some people walking around with a lot of burdens and depression or may feel like no one cares or they have anyone to talk to.

    I always try to be that guy if I can.

    I try to be a nice guy,I genuinely care for people.

    But make no mistake about it infiltrators,I am ready for war at any second if it appears you are a threat to me or my family.

    Peace all,and as Jerry Springer says "Take care of yourselves and each other" :mates: ,

  5. filtersweep

    filtersweep Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2014
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    blimey. calm yourself dude.
    and it was not an ambulance that comes to the aid of the victims of that murderous attack.
    it was an unarmed fella taking his kids to school. that's more innocents slane from a distance by some cowards who would shit it if they had to step down on the ground. the man in the van was literally blown to pieces ( that is not an understatement, all because he was trying to rescue one man who had been fatally cut down already, and the guys in the copter are giggling like a pair of right c**ts. Troops move in to sweep up when one realizes there are children in the van, a boy and a girl. the girl is still alive and the boy is almost left for dead but he lets out a weak groan and the soldier realizes that he is still alive, just.. he carries both children to a neighboring house ( one that hasn't been blown to fuck and back_ and miraculously, they SURVIVE... in the street are a few dozen corpses or what passes for corpses when they have been hit by 30 mil caliber ammunition, each one as long as a very long arm and, this is a lovely bit of incidental detail, these little beauty's are filled with depleted uranium. it's an odd thing to bring up but that place is irradiated, even the allied forces have many cases of radiation poisoning but hey, it's incidental. two of the men who were shot were journalists for reuters. their cameras are mistaken for rocket launchers apparently. which would be just dandy if not for the fact that a camera is at least 3 times smaller that a rocket launcher, but hey ho. i admire your willingness to defend your children, who wouldn't, but that's not the issue. even if you just consider the man driving the van. taking his kids to school... and then murdered by some bored hick in a helicopter 1 MILE AWAY. it really must just be like a game to them. i wouldn't really even hate them if it wasn't for the unbridled joy they release at the slaughter. one of them says " they shouldn't bring their kids to a war"... this really is a drop in the ocean. there is so much of this stuff out there and , even though i don't want it in my head, i wonder if i am being a coward to... perhaps it is better left in the dark (web)
    ps. i NEVER underestimate or devalue women. : )
  6. Levitate

    Levitate Producer

    Nov 27, 2013
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    What you mean with that "calm yourself dude" comment?

    I don't know who you think you're talking to?
    But it's pretty clear to any that have payed attention to me on here that I'll express what I wish,how I wish.

    And 95% of the time I have everyone's best interest in mind.My intentions are clearly visible.

    I also said I wasn't sure or rather that I was pretty sure about the ambulance part.It just looked like an ambulance.I only seen the vid once.That was quite enough.And we see what problems assuming has gotten us just by that video.

    Dude I totally agree with you on just about everything you are saying.Please don't misunderstand that.

    And I also was not implying that you do devalue women I was just speaking my mind and opinions.I may have chosen poor wording,but I most definitely was not implying anything of the sort.

    I don't even know why I'm explaining myself,it should be pretty clear from reading my last message.

    Seriously,I have no problem with you.
    Just don't come at me with a comment like "Calm yourself dude" and not expect me to say something about it.

    If you are wanting a debate I am sorry you will not get one from me.I have said what I have said on the matter and I have no more to say about it.

    I wish you the best man.I'm not here to fight and argue.I'm mainly here to help people.
    And ocassionaly I'll speak my mind on something,I'm not trying to debate,just state my point and move on.
  7. pilz971

    pilz971 Kapellmeister

    Jun 5, 2011
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    :dancing: Oooooooooooooooooooooooooh...

    Ying tong ying tong ying tong tiddle eye poooh!
    :dancing: ​

    There should be a daily dose of SirSilly humour made available somewhere and ALL residents of planet Earth MUST take some first thing EVERY morning. It is obviously the ONLY way we as a species can possibly make it through..... *yes*

    What a signature! :wink:

    What a guy! :hug:
  8. dim_triad

    dim_triad Producer

    Mar 17, 2014
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    love the dark web.... dark net.. whatever... just stay away from that "hard candy" shit... I had no idea what the hell that was... but trust me... don't follow any links to it... it s child porn!!
  9. willdathrill

    willdathrill Producer

    Feb 7, 2014
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    "At Your Girls House"
    :rofl: :rofl:
    :wink: :rofl: well said brother, well said