[SOLVED] Sharing Audio Driver Problem

Discussion in 'DAW' started by Evorax, Sep 2, 2014.

  1. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Bowerstone Castle
    From the last 4 days, i'm facing some audio driver priority issues.

    Basically, i was able to have my DAW opened, working in it and also playing songs/audio files with another audio player program such as BSPlayer/VLC/Itunes/whatever without having to close one software in order to play the other. I was able to play them both but now... i mean from the last 4 days, if i open the DAW and work in it, any other program i start it won't make any sound until i close the DAW and vice versa if let's say i have the player opened and i try to open the DAW.
    I just don't get it... and also i don't know where should i tweak anything. I tried also to go on Youtube while i was having my S1 opened and it had the same issue, no sound until i close my daw. I don't know how this "exclusive" priority thing happened because i don't remember to install any new software in the last 2 weeks.
  3. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Have you changed your DAW audio driver? I'm thinking asio is now your daw audio driver and this will hog your audio. Try changing it. You probably have been using another driver (using wasapi) which will allow you to run your DAW and other audio applications at the same time.
  4. n12n0

    n12n0 Kapellmeister

    Jul 12, 2013
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    Hey Evorax,

    1. What´s your soundcard?

    if you have multiple outs available you can try to route your DAW main outs to 1/2 for example and your other programms like .. media player&co can give audio out over "multichannel" or 3/4 and so on..

    Multichannel is a good one if your audio unit has that routing option

    -The multichannel doesn´t block multiple audio throughs like other channels. So you can use them simultanios with more than one programm/audio sources.
    -If it´s about sampling you can choose the "monitor" channel to sample sound without routing conflicts

    If you are an onboard sound guy...

    Like already metioned by SirSillySausage "wasapi" is an emulation to create a virtual "multichannel". This is for user with onboard soundcards or minimal outputs available. a good one for asio4all users. But the software have to had it available in audio options.. Also a good one to try. But this would be my last escape..

    The youtube thing.... You can try this...
    Right click on the speaker icon bottom right (windows) there you can handle the windows sound output (also for apps youtube) & set another audio out as standart out. This does not affect your asio setting inside your DAW.

    peace dude & good luck + sorry for my bad english
  5. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Evorax there are a few topics on this subject, use search. Check to see if there is an exclusive mode for your audio device in Studio One. If there is just remove the check.
  6. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Bowerstone Castle
    Thanks a lot guys,
    I have a Focusrite Forte right now which never had any problems regarding the drivers and the "Exclusive Mode" type of thing and the fact that made me curios was why this started since 4 days ago when i haven't changed any setting or installed any new software.
    I tried both the card driver and Asio4All but on both of them i have the "exclusive mode" problem. Anyway, i'll do more research about...

    Thanks Cata, i'll check them out.
  7. n12n0

    n12n0 Kapellmeister

    Jul 12, 2013
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    Oh.. an usb device.. plugged into another usb port? maybe an usb 3.0..

    anyway ... Inside Studio One


    i only can deliever a pic from my german software but i think you can find this still..

    Enable this function and try again... this should gave any background programms the right to use your audio device while s1 is opened..

  8. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Bowerstone Castle
    I saw that it's not only about Studio One. I tried Reaper and Fl Studio as well but they behave just the same, negatively.
    And the problem is not only about that particular DAW but also if i open a player first, for example playing a song through BSPlayer and then opening the DAW, the DAW has no sound until i close that program and this it doesn't happens only with StudioOne but also with any other DAW i tried. :dunno:
  9. dipje

    dipje Ultrasonic

    Jan 15, 2014
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    You probably changed the samplerate somewhere.

    The drivers _usually_ (not always) share fine as long as they're working in the same samplerate.

    If you start a videoplayer or something that works in 44.100hz, the audio device will be set at 44.100hz. If your DAW then tries to open it at 96000 or something, it can't.
    If you first start your DAW at 96000hz, and then open the video player (still at 44.100), there's a good chance that Windows will see that the device is operating at 96000, and will upsample whatever the videoplayer outputs, thus sharing without problems.

    So, matching samplerates is always a good idea, and making sure you start your DAW first after a fresh reboot (watch out for things like Skype or Steam auto-starting and doing something with audio)

    edit:, oh and I forgot something. If you have Vista+ (I hope you do, audio sharing in XP can be a real pain) you can right-click on the volume icon near the clock in the lower right, go to playback devices, right click your interface and go to properties and then to the advanced tab. You can there tell Windows (DirectSound) to use a certain sampling rate and quality mode for when regular Windows applications are using the soundcard. This should _match_ whatever you are using in your DAW, so that the sharing is OK. Some drivers (my Focusrite Saffire Pro for instance, but NOT my old Focusrite Scarlett 2i2) set this option automatically when you change samplerate in your DAW, others don't allow you to set it at all and take control over it.

    Either way, make sure that value matches the samplingrate that your DAW (and interface) is set to, and it should often share without problems (and fix the issue of having to start your DAW first, if Windows already opens it in the right samplingrate).
    If you have Studio One or something, where the samplingrate is _IN_ the project file, that means that the samplingrate may change whenever you load a different song, and thus it's very easy to get sharing problems with the rest of Windows.
  10. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Bowerstone Castle
    Hey :wow: :wow:

    You were right!
    In that Advanced Tab of sound "Properties" in Control Panel i had the sound set on 48Khz and my DAWs were set on 44Khz. So i changed the samplerate to to 44Khz to match my DAW. Also there were two checked boxes mentioning about "exclusive control" and "exclusive mode", i unchecked them as well and everything seems to work now. :grooves:
    Now i remembered that i installed some windows updates when it asked me for like around the same period when i started noticing the "exclusive mode" thing. I guess that should've screw up my settings, i don't know :dunno: . Anyway, i'm glad it's solved now.

    Thanks a lot guys! I'm really grateful! :bow: :mates:
  11. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    It was the exclusive checkboxes not the sample rate that solved the problem (just to make a distinction) but that's a good point that was brought up. Usually it should notify you that the sample rates don't match, at least it did for me.
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