How can we still trust women?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Evorax, Aug 26, 2014.

  1. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    Imagine that... even if you're walking down the street with your nice wife next to you and a guy with a supercar comes near asking her if she wanna hang out.
    Basically, she will forget all the vows and years spent with her husband just because of a car and money... -_-
    It actually has two sides, it's not completely wrong. At least if you're the guy with the money, let's face it, you can get laid anytime you want. :rofl:

  3. phenomboy

    phenomboy Producer

    Aug 25, 2011
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    Imagine you are a girl walking down the street with your boyfriend when Scarlett Johansson ask him if he wanna hang out sometimes.
    This tells nothing about women in general but just about women in this video. Plus Vitalyz is known for staged his pranks. Not saying it's true or not but if your opinion on women relies in this kind of videos then i feel bad for you. They aren't special or different than men, they have their qualities and flaws just like you and me.
  4. DanteUruzu

    DanteUruzu Kapellmeister

    Mar 3, 2013
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    Not everyone is the same, Evorax.
  5. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    I disagree, I've seen women do some of the most cruel and horrendous things that you could possibly imagine particularly when they're young but don't worry they usually eat a nice slice of humble pie around 30 interestingly when those looks that they feel gives them license to act that way start fading. I know quite a few females that can't stand other females...that should tell you something.
  6. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    Yes, but that's kind of a big issue.
    Believe me, intelligent girls which are true ladies with a high self-esteem will never let themselves "manipulated" by material things.
    And with this video, i don't mean about the whole global genre, but the majority. Nowadays, the majority is like what you see in that video. My opinion doesn't relies on that video in particular. I whitnessed that shit with my own eyes, even when i went to a bank. The employee girl on that bank office started talking with a guy who mentioned in their discussion that
    he's not worrying about messing up his room because he lives alone and keeps everything clean, but the discussion started only after he was asked the account statement of a few hundred thousands euros worth. Even she asked him about what he does with all that money(which was an awkward question anyway) and he answered mentioning again about his "singularity" so after she made sure he's not "taken" she started asking him about his free time, how he likes to chill, where, etc. and then (because i was behind that guy waiting for my turn, and there was nobody else in that bank office but me and that guy in front of me but i was acting like i was writing a form sheet. Anyway, i was starting getting out of patience and i told her "you certainly wanna pick him up after you dropped an eye on his money amounts?" and she responded like it's none of my business, etc. but guess what, that guy responded too but frankly, supporting my side with: "yea, that's a fair question, hahah" then he asked her "Isn't it??" but she certainly blushed and changed the subject and gave up her trials. When the guy left, she started a quarrel with me, telling me that is not nice to invade people's dialogs and stuff, but i told her that she was wasting too much time trying to pick him up while i was waiting for my turn.
    And this is not the same example.
    You find this kind of stuff even in the front of a collage. The majority of the girls represents it. There's even a quote in my country which people often use when they see an expensive car: "With this type of car, you can fuck whatever you want" :rofl: and unfortunatelly it's true.

    However, the girls who are immune to this materialistic stuff, are unfortunatelly THE MINORITY of the global female genre.

    Indeed. :bow:
  7. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    P.S., these guys are not Vitaly and they don't even passed over 100k subs, while Vitaly has 7 million subs which clearly shows that he's forced to stag his pranks because almost everybody knows him. The way that not all women are the same, that is an available fact when it comes about pranksters too.
  8. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    Let me start by saying that I'm 100% sure my wife would tell him to shove it and embarrass him instead. She has a "way with words", you know... LOL :wink: She hates materialism and guys who show off like that. That's why she's my wife. :wink:

    However, being not so well off my whole life [I'm 44 now] and being an anti-capitalist, anti-materialist, animal rights activist, and a cyclist who hates cars, I have plenty of stories to tell about gold diggers and huge percentage of women these days unfortunately are natural gold diggers like this, and they would do anything to be wealthy. So I agree with you completely Evorax, it's just how it is and it's a great shame.

    I can tell of one experience that hurt me the most when I was only 24. She was my first "real love". I've been with a really cute girl for more than 4 years [from when I was 20-24yo] and I thought my world was SOOOO GREAT! Head over hills in love, times two!! :rofl: I also had a band and I was a singer and songwriter, frontman... but after 7 years [since I was 18] my band split. Interesting, not long after that my girl left me, too. Interesting, I met that girl and hooked up with her right after my band had a first concert... She worked at a classy glasses and contact lens store so she could meet lots of rich guys and my band splitting, not being well off, not having a car or an apartment, she just left me for a guy who had all that. She didn't shed a tear. I was the one in tears and I had a mental breakdown, couldn't eat or do anything for weeks, I became a different person... Everybody said to us how cute we are and good looking together. Everybody thought we would get married. I guess when she figured out I'm not going to be a big pop star, which was never an option since we played, and I still play, industrial and politically motivated stuff, her love for me just crumbled. :snuffy:

    Years later we met in the club that we used to go to when we were teens and she pretended like nothing happened and wanted to be friends... I pretty much almost told her to "fuck off dirty whore" in a somewhat polite way... I showed her what I think of her, in other words I treated her badly. That was the last time I saw her. Thankfully. Many people these days have no emotions at all any more and just think of "high life". :( I was never so in love again and never so trustful of women [I even cheated on them, too] again. Until I met my wife. That's sad, but my emotions and pride was badly ruined when I was 24... such women who treat guys like that girl make guys like me become cretins that I hate.

    So I became the one who's taking revenge upon girls. I stopped caring. Until lots of shoddy relationships later I met my wife and we're happy for 5 years now. We just got married this month actually. She's incredible and I'm finally completely in love again and believe in love again! :hug: She made me become my old self. :wink:

    So there's always hope, but it took me 16 years to find her. There's also this thing with years... Yeah, when they turn 30 or more they start seeing the world a bit differently, losing a bit of their self-esteem, in my experience. :bleh: But not all of them. Some of them just stay gold diggers for life... :( That's why there's more and more single old women, as well as single old men who just fuck around, literally, while they can.

    I'd also add that men these days are also very shallow, majority of them, and they would ditch a nice and good girl for some other one with great looking tits and arse. I wouldn't [now at least]. Nor I would cheat. I guess I got what I "deserved" when I was a teen for being a good guy and faithful... :sad:

    However, it's society and social structure to blame. Hollywood films and news that glorify materialism and being rich, "cool" etc.. It is not our nature, I'm convinced of that...

    So to address your question, Evorax: no, you cannot trust anyone any more. Except in very rare cases. One has to be very wise and down to earth to recognise "the one". You also have to be very lucky IMO to find "the one". Especially if you're poor, sadly, or just different. :sad: I forgot to mention that I've been a vegetarian since I was 18 and a vegan for 5 years now... I can consider myself VERY LUCKY that I managed to find myself a wife who is also a vegan and so much like me. We're unbelievably alike! I couldn't be happier now! :headbang: Better late than never... :wink:

  9. armyofone

    armyofone Newbie

    Mar 30, 2014
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    My favourie topic: frivolously shallow women.

    The way I see it is that women have all the choice when it comes to these matters. When you are a walking target for guys then you are able to swap between them without much consideration as to the consequences if you know that there is a line of guys waiting to attract your attention around every corner.

    Bill Burr is a guy that always seems to put these things into great context:​

    There was an even better clip he had of women loving stuff and leaving you when it runs out for another guy who has stuff but I can't remember what show it was on.

    I agree wholeheartedly with you on this. There are women I've seen of who I'm convinced possess no souls but it is mostly while they're still young and while they have the option available to them of re-enacting what they see in music videos and TV shows. It is a staggering drop-off that I've noticed in my own life when a woman hits around 30 and they've aged a lot more than a guy who's 30 and all of a sudden the attention stops and the next generation of women have emerged and replaced them. I'm always reminded of this when I see the type of girl who in her late teens and young 20s would never go for anything other than a specific type of guy who was a complete stereotype himself and now in her 30s and alone with two or three kids all of a sudden she's not as picky and as arrogant as she used to be.

    Congratulations on the wedding man and I wish you much success in your marriage for the future. I agree with you that you can't trust anyone; but that applies to friends and anyone else too.

    There are hoardes of shallow, materialistic, self-entitled, arrogant women out there but it all comes down to what options are presented to them and it can be easy to spot the signs and be blind to them and slip into a trap that you may have seen coming for someone else. But there are plenty of shallow guys perfect for these type of women and due to the aging process and passing of time the universe has its own way of balancing things out in the end. Although it sucks when you're watching it in real time.
  10. Cifrocco

    Cifrocco Newbie

    Nov 4, 2013
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    You do realize that the video is about as genuine and 'reality TV' as the boobs on Pamela Anderson, right? Right?
  11. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    Just wow :wow: my life story is so similar, at least to the 22 y.o. point where i'm at right now.
    I had a girlfriend from a neighbour country, we had a huge ambition one for another, in order to keep our relationship surviving to the point of marriage, but guess what... -_- In my story, i was actually the one who hurted her, but not because of money, but because of my music passion, being too obsesed in evolving myself and my knowledge, i've got too much stressed, because i had to split my attention in so much directions, school, her, music and practicing and even a JOB in order to invest in studio equippment.
    2 Months later after i realised i lost her through my distant behaviour and careless, i was so heartbroken that i almost got insane... I really loved her and i trully was in love the way you was with your first girl... She was exactly like you describe your wife, but i was her assassin, because i broke her heart first without even realising what i did.
    I lost so much weight, i barely eaten, but aside all that... i don't understand why all this suffering didn't affected my dream about music industry.
    I was working even harder and stuff... but aside all that, it was the first time in my life when i felt so fucking lost inside... like there was no feeling of happiness or joy anymore. I was like dead inside...
    It's so bad to lose "the one" which you loved with all your heart even if she actually was there for you all the time.. :sad: From that day, i was switching girls like crazy after a week or two(intervals)... That was because i've ran out of feelings and i felt like it's not my place next to the new girls i've met.

    I understand you completely and i really enjoyed your quick story. Maybe on a later life stage i'll find the one just as you did... though you did it quicker than me.
    I like to think positive... and if i'm going to succeed and be famous and all that, it will actually turn my "relationship" situation worse, because i personally hate gold diggers. Not because they would waste my money, but actually because they wouldn't love me for what i am, but actually for what i have to offer. :sad:

    Till then... i'm gonna keep it cold... as that's the only option my heart follows.
  12. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    I always love reading your posts man, that video was right on the money. Best 20 minutes I've spent in a while and I was laughing my ass off the whole fucking time. It's a joke that comes at great cost though. You know I talk to a lot of you guys privately and it really amazes me just how many of you have been left an empty shell that derailed your lives over some dumb broad or other, it's been very disheartening to say the least and I really feel everone's pain. I've got a story of my own but now is not the time. Soon.

    Let's not get down because I promised us a good year and I intend to deliver. We've got some really exciting things planned and it will culminate in the AudioSex relaunch and possibly soon after that the introduction of my PostDB database depending on how everything goes timewise. This is the year that AudioSex will have it's coming of age and it will be something that will be remembered for a long time to come so gentlemen suit the fuck up. [​IMG]


    Who cares? I've seen it in person, they make a joke about it because it's so common these days. Even if the conversation is based on something that isn't real, it's real now.

    Congrats for finding a decent chick, I feel like we should make a statue to remember this moment because god knows when we'll see it again. [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Best of luck to you guys and congratulations on getting married. [​IMG]
  13. armyofone

    armyofone Newbie

    Mar 30, 2014
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    Ha thanks bro. Glad you enjoyed it. I'm not a huge fan of a lot of new age stand ups but I don't think any come close to the insights of Bill Burr when it comes to women.

    It's a shame to hear that you too have a tale of suffering but I can't say that I'm surprised, as it takes a certain kind of madness to do what you guys do and what a lot of people on here have done in dedicating so much of their lives to their passion for music. And that will either come from a void that has either been ripped out of you or that was always there to begin with that could never be filled; or an all-consuming passion that borders on the irrational and detrimental. But its that common thread of emptiness that has bought us all here together and on the flipside I can't wait to see what's in store for the sites. I was highly impressed when you relaunched the audioz site into what it is now and I have no doubt that you're going to over-deliver in whatever you drop with.

    Ready to suit up and roll out when you are boss. Just gimme the word.

  14. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    Gosh, I don't know where to start this post. I'll just let it flow. :rofl: First, thank you all for best wishes! :mates:

    My wifey is all I could ever dreamed of, really. It took me 4 years to realise that and finally ask her to marry me. I would also "prescribe that recipe" to each and every one of you: don't jump before you take a really hard, deep look into what you're jumping into! Wait! Marriage can happen at any time, even when you're 50 or so. LOL Wait until the last moment if you must, until she says "are you fucking gonna marry me or what?" if need be. :rofl: You can never be too sure. I know my wifey really well now. I don't call her "wifey" to belittle her, but because she's so cute and I love her so much ;) It takes a lot of time to really know someone. Also, I wouldn't just marry a woman "just because'. If you don't have to or just feel like it, don't. Try living with her without being married. Marriage is overrated anyway. We got married because we needed to for she's a foreigner and I wanted her to be able to stay here without any worries about visa and crap like that. No, she's not Russian nor Thai. :rofl: She's Australian. I've always found aussie women incredibly sexy... :bleh:

    Speaking of Bill Burr, we watched that exact same show together not even a month a go! :wink: She thought he was too sexist... however, she didn't recognise what Bill is trying to say. I thought he was too sexist, too, but then I realised what he tried to convey. There really is a disparity between how men and women troubles are perceived by the general public these days. I would really like to put a stop to that. Especially feminism. Burr brings out really great points like women chose to be feminists when they suit them and just a normal women when it suits them. We are generally always the same, otoh. I really like the example of how people would perceive if some woman cut off man's dick and throw it in the bin as opposed to some man cutting off a tit and throwing it in the bin. The general public would react EXACTLY LIKE THAT! Damn, if you want equality then be equal in every sense of the word, eh?! :wink:

    I'm just about to watch this new Bill Burr show: and have a laugh.

    You've all said so many good things that I don't know what/whom to address. Well, armyofone's "case" got my attention. You tried to do your best and got yourself entangled into doing your best, but in the process you lost your girl. That's a real shame, man. I feel for you. :mates: If money just grew on trees we would all be happy, I think. Money is a big issue and so is public media that makes people think it is cool to be this or that, to look this or that way, and to have this or that. FUCK PUBLIC MEDIA! They're all scum who just want their ratings to be higher and make more money from the advertisements. I don't have a TV and I can wholeheartedly recommend everyone to ditch your TVs and just fill your life with other things! If you need to watch something, watch documentaries and films on the internet. You pretty much don't need anything else, I think. TV is complete crap these days anyway. So many adds every 10 minutes it makes my stomach turn. How can people watch that crap anyway!? Can someone explain it to me? I ditched TV years and years ago and let me tell you: I watch films and documentaries every day for a few hours. No adds, just pure content. Bliss. *yes*


    Edit: I wholeheartedly agree, armyofone! [about your last post, before mine] This forum is no ordinary forum, abso-fucken-lutely! :wink: Catalyst is da man! :mates:

    It's interesting to notice when you don't feel restrained [heavy censorship, watching what you write, watching your wording... you know] as on so many other forums that people kinda tend to behave better? Or maybe I'm imagining things? The feeling I get from reading this forum is of friendship and REAL COMMUNITY, heart-warming. I feel so relaxed here. :wink:
  15. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    There is a philosophical theory about people that says: if you do good, people will do good to you. If you do evil, people will do evil to you. I kinda didn't believe that until my later years and when it comes to web until I encountered this forum. I've also kinda experimented with it in real life and I must tell you that people do tend to behave better when you treat them good, friendly. Try it sometime. :wink: So why do people mostly treat other people like trash? All you get by doing that is being treated like trash yourself. If you know what I mean... but OK, this is a bit OT... even though on-topic I, for instance, treated that first long time relationship girl like she was the last drop of water in my hand in the middle of a Gobi desert and what I got? Shit in my face. It probably just doesn't work with everyone, just like everything else.

    I like science. I like physics, maths and philosophy [and all together] in particular. Statistics is really so logical, so you can always think this way and be mostly right: ~25% of people are cretins, ~25% of people are great, and therefore ~50% of people are kinda middle ground... and the same statistics can be applied to just about everything. VST plugins for instance, or programs. :bleh: It's like a natural law. Think about it... goodnight! :mates:
  16. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    I never had anyone in my life, not even for single-night experience, so I can neither confirm nor deny the gold-digging.
    But strangely most women on online dating websites are 'desperate' for a partner. Once I sent them a message, they immediately stopped reacting and some even deleted their profiles, probably after seeing my photo :rofl:.
    So still waiting for "The One" *yes*

    But even I got a story to tell, but it'll have to wait after my driving exams. *yes*

    And let me feel sympathy for those struck with difficult relationships. It's by no means easy when you lost that part of your heart which was given away to your partner. But it'll get better, it always does. *yes*
  17. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    Online dating websites are most of the time just another way of saying "online whore house", because most of the women there are just looking for a guy who'll "support" them, help them leave their country, maybe get married etc. in exchange for sex to your [customer's?] liking. They are filled with women who essentially sell themselves for money. If that's not a whore house, than what is it? Of course there is a small percentage of women there who genuinely want just to date, really small. They're filled with Thai, Russian, Polish, Chech etc. women. Big percentage of them also have a macro or madam, just like in a real whore house. :(
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