The proof that money controls our life.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Evorax, Aug 26, 2014.

  1. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    Absolutely "amazing". :sad:
    I was like *jaw-dropping*. It reminds me of a recent movie... so... it seems that our future starts to keep up with the movie-like reality. :sad:
    It's so fucked up.
  3. phenomboy

    phenomboy Producer

    Aug 25, 2011
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    Dude... seriously, you wanna learn something amazing on youtube ?
    Go watch Vsauce, CGP Grey, SmarterEveryday and stop wasting your time on this kind of videos
  4. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Bowerstone Castle
    Man, the way you watch 'Vsauce, CGP Grey, SmarterVeryday' that's the way i watch my stuff too.
    I never asked you to leave your PREFERENCES, so why do you ask me that???
    There's nobody capable of changing or trading my way of thinking and perception.
    You don't like it? Fine. But don't try to bring down my taste just because you don't agree with it.
    That's not a nice attitude from you. Nobody forces you to watch it, all you have to do is to move on.
    Thanks. :bow:
  5. phenomboy

    phenomboy Producer

    Aug 25, 2011
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    Man you came here telling that you have the proof that money control our life. I was expecting some deep analysis on how debt is used to control the average citizen, how the financial system is basically behind everything nowadays and how they decide basically what policy is applied or not. So i'm a little bit disappointed when i see that it's "just" another prank video. So yeah posting it there may cause a reaction. Mine may seems condescending after a second reading so my apologies if you felt so.
  6. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Bowerstone Castle
    I see your point, but did you thought about trying this experiment BY YOURSELF in order to make sure you don't have to trust a "fake" video?
    You can whitness this kind of stuff in everyday living, wherever you go. All you have to do is to go in the middle of your city and start looking around you.
    You don't need proof to realise that almost everything nowadays is about money. Even by taking the actual music industry as an example and you'll quick realise it.
    I posted this video for entertainment, for the fams here. It's not supposed to drill in the people's heads with some sort of "pranked" reality. The intelligent people,
    such as you, can easily figure out for themselves if this video is right or not.
  7. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Bowerstone Castle
    Let's think about the system and the leadership of a state.
    What does a lider needs to control and manipulate us? Power.
    What does Power means? Money & Resources.
    What if you have only Money and not Resources? Then you still have resources because you can buy them. What if you have resources and no money? Then you can sell them so you can get money too. What does all two means? Power. See, they're inter-connected. What do you need to live decent and also happilly decent? Money, because if you can't afford to pay your food, bills, etc. and starve to death whining about how much your life sucks, then that's no more happiness. People came to a point nowadays where they would trade anything for their safety and happiness. Yes, there are still some great things in life which are more important than money, but nowadays, if we point to the musicians for example, a guitarist can't be a guitarist without a guitar, and if he can't afford that guitar, then he can't be a guitarist because he don't have the necessary resources to in order to develop his dreams. When we don't have money, then everything we got left are only our will, ambition and determination(which generate the hard work and right behaviour essential for our dream's development).
  8. kunkan

    kunkan Newbie

    Jul 14, 2014
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    what a waste of time. thx man
  9. stoiximan

    stoiximan Platinum Record

    Dec 8, 2013
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    Money does not control our life,this video is no proof that money control his life ether.You don t even know him so you dont know why he was doing all that stuff.Maybe he took the money and walked down the street and gave it to somebody who really needed it.Anyway i believe that greedy people control our lifes up to the point that we let them by buying all that crap they throw at us,smartphones super computers etc.Sorry for my bad english.
  10. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Bowerstone Castle
    Yea, but the way he reacted in the end after he read the words written on that bill, it clearly shows that he didn't got "satisfied" with the situation.
    Anyway... the thing is... Nowadays it's not something uncommon for somebody's life to be controlled by money. I understand you opinion, this video is no proof, ok, but that doesn't mean that this kind of thing is inexistent in the real life, because let's face it, unfortunatelly this shit IT REALLY IS existent in A LOT of people's life. There's so much crimes because the need of money. Even the robbers, are pushed to behave like that because the need or desperation regarding money. Most of them don't do it because they love to rob, but they actually do it because they need that money, so that's still a proof that people are pushed to do bad things in order to get their hands on the money, so still though, there's alot of everyday proofs you can find even randomly.
  11. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    I enjoyed the video, why are you making such a big deal about it? He can post whatever he wants so long as it doesn't break the rules. The option of whether to watch it or not is up to you. Who needs debt analysis anyway, this is a microcosm of all that. The idea that one person is willing to go to extreme lengths for money. Truth is always simple.

    Yeah but your post...your post is just opening up worlds for me man.
  12. cs2014

    cs2014 Noisemaker

    Jun 22, 2014
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    Don't get me wrong but actually world is disgusting and full of unnecessary toilet smells. So money=crap, world toilets are disgusting, nauseous etc.


    Do people touch the crap still while they are washing their asses in 21th century??? Did you understand what i mean??
  13. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Bowerstone Castle
    :rofl: :rofl: :lmao: that one was lethal for my belly.
  14. lisapower

    lisapower Member

    Mar 2, 2012
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    Money is the most evil tool to control & manipulate the People on our Planet, but only if you let it happen, It's still the Human that gives the value to the Money not the Money to the Human. I would never sell my soul for some Money on companies out there!

    The Money can be used for good or bad! You decide it everyday!

    Jesus had some strong words about money. Many Christians find his teaching hard to accept. Here are some examples from his challenging teachings.

    Woe to the Rich

    At the beginning of his ministry, Jesus set out his core teaching in the Sermon on the Mount. Luke records the version he gave after he had descended to the plain and called the twelve disciples. He covered money in this teaching.

    Looking at his disciples, he said:
    Blessed are you who are poor,
    for yours is the kingdom of God.
    Blessed are you who hunger now,
    for you will be satisfied.
    But woe to you who are rich,
    for you have already received your comfort.
    Woe to you who are well fed now,
    for you will go hungry.
    Woe to you who laugh now,
    for you will mourn and weep
    (Luke 6:20,21,24,25).

    This is fairly straightforward. Jesus had coming to turn the world upside down. Those who have plenty already will be disappointed. Mary had prophesied the same thing before Jesus was born.

    He has filled the hungry with good things
    but has sent the rich away empty (Luke 1:53).

    Those who are poor will be satisfied and made comfortable.
  15. cs2014

    cs2014 Noisemaker

    Jun 22, 2014
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    Please look at my message(#11) i told real and disgusting value of the money, selling soul for what?? I think you are very funny while talking about something like that :)

    What is the value of money?? The food?? I'm telling again food=money=crap=disgusting!!!

    money=even the end of mankind (as health, look at my message above)
  16. filtersweep

    filtersweep Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2014
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    the way that money controls..
    by being perpetually enslaved to economics and is the fastest way to destroy the god-given right of ALL to exercise their/our CREATIVITY. it's an old cliche about the starving artist, but it is generally (unfortunately, a truism.
    wanting to pursue the creativity life means, the large majority, living on the bones of your arse. but i would rather do that than be enslaved to a mortgage and all that shite.
    when i earn money doing art and music, that's a nice bonus, but i make music and art because i LOVE IT not because i want money. it is deep in all our souls ( creativity that is) but the reason this world is fucked is because economics, money,rules ALL.
    until that changes.. nothing changes.
    go read some of Joseph Beuys' writings. sums it up better that i ever could.
    don't mean to sound heavy, i am having a shit day.. because of CASH M-O-N-E-Y
  17. cs2014

    cs2014 Noisemaker

    Jun 22, 2014
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    Please look at my messages too above, i'm not kidding!!
  18. filtersweep

    filtersweep Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2014
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    this is nothing out of the ordinary, after all we are the prurient masses and we love to see people humiliate themselves. or, in other words, act to their most base nature.
    this video is about that, not really money, just that people are so easily led and manipulated.
    so in a sense it is saying some quite sad things about us, after all there is a country that elected george bush, and din't a second time but it was all gerry mandered and rigged so he got in anyway and still the american public allowed this, allowed to be led into ( another illegal war) etc.. what does that say? that money chooses the president, money chooses the war they fight. when a million people marched in London against tony blair, i thought that HAD to change things, but not a BIT. if that 1 million had had solidarity to say no to banks, money lenders, this world would stop turning on it's axis. it seems innocuous this clip, but it's dark undercurrent is all to obvious.
    if you want to have a laugh, check out any youtube documentary about enron, or lehmann brothers... that is REALLY funny - to find out the fourth estate is immune to the law and that they piss all over you and the fact that people in power are engaged in the biggest fraud, the biggest criminal behaviour possible. this is NOT conspiracy, this is REALLITY.
    now stop sweating and scratching your scrotum ( or puanani).. ( did you know that menas 'beautiful flower?) and go an make some music : )
  19. cs2014

    cs2014 Noisemaker

    Jun 22, 2014
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    I'm tellin the real value of money but why did anybody care? DAMN THE FOOD, the world is full of unnecessary smells like toilet, world toilets are disgusting!!!

    Do people still touch the crap while washing their asses?? :)

    So the real value of money is really crap, it equation is so true!!
  20. lerkjurk

    lerkjurk Platinum Record

    May 22, 2014
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    Behind you
    Mind blown?


    Mind blown.
  21. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Bowerstone Castle
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