Organizing plugins in Studio One

Discussion in 'Studio One' started by RMorgan, Jul 21, 2014.

  1. RMorgan

    RMorgan Audiosexual

    May 17, 2014
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    Hey guys,

    I hope you're all fine.

    Well, do you have any ideas on how to organize plugins in Studio One?

    I mean, it would be very handy to organize plugins by type, i.e; eq, compressors, saturation, etc...

    I believe S1 doesn't offer this feature, but maybe you guys know of a trick or workaround that could make it possible.

    I literally have hundreds of plugins, so I get really lost sometimes.

    Thanks in advance,

  3. filipeadubeiro

    filipeadubeiro Newbie

    Jan 30, 2013
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    There is a way but it takes time...
    I uninstalled all my plugins and re-installed them in separate folders I created inside my main vst folder.
    I created separate folders named "dynamics", "modulation", "reverb", etc. And then installed the plugins in the category they belong.
    Now on the effects tab I just go to folder view and I have all my plugins organized inside the folder they are supposed to be.
  4. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    Sadly, i tested Studio One on windows : it doesn't "see" shortcuts. So my usual method (dummy plugins folders with shortcuts to plugins) and working with Ableton, will not work here.

    Try this method :
  5. n12n0

    n12n0 Kapellmeister

    Jul 12, 2013
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    Like you sad bro. there is no plugin-management component in this daw. It´s a DAW made by pro´s for pro´s. (in no case an offensive statement, only want to say that for now you have to know your gear)
    But Presonus is already working on a plugin-management component for the next build (you can find a statement on twitter)

    There is a small workaround for FX. But in you case ("hundreds of plug-ins") it´s simply a nowgo. In theory you can drag all you compressors/delays ... to the insert of a channel and save this as a plugin-chain. After you have saved that chain you can drag&drop that chain to any other channel in any other track/project and activate the plugin of your choice... But with your plug-in storage... a mess i guess :)

    So stay tuned for the next Studio One Build and be happy then..

  6. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    I use the technique in the video suggested by pippotron
    There another way, it's called "studio one helper" google it
  7. Studio 555

    Studio 555 Producer

    Mar 7, 2012
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    @ RMorgan,

    I have a solution for you... but it will ask you some patience and some work too ! Do it when you have some free time to spend... *yes*

    Load on a Audio Track the desired Plugin that you want to be sorted by 'Type'. When done, simply save that Plugin (with its name) as a 'FX Chain'.
    When saved, you'll find it in your : ...\User (You !)\Documents\Studio One\Presets\PreSonus\FX Chains\... <-- here.
    Continue the process till you have saved all the desired Plugins to be sorted. When done, simply create Folders for each desired Category and place all your saved Plugins inside their respective Folders.

    As an example for you to understand, I created within my 'FX Chains' Folder, a Folder named 'Guitar Amps & Preamps, where I placed 3 different Guitar Amps Plugin Models that I saved previously individually as 'FX Chains'.
    You can then create other Folders (e.g. 'Dynamics' for Compressors, Limiters,... ; 'Modulation' for Chorus, Phasers,... ; 'Reverbs' for... you guess !).

    Simply place the respective kind of Plugins inside each respective Folder, then 'Refresh' your 'FX Chains' Content (via the 'Studio One' Window to the right), you'll find then all your created Folders, and inside them... you guess : each type of Plugin related to these Folders.

    As previously said, I created a specific Folder named 'Guitar Amps & Preamps', where I placed 3 different Guitar Amps Plugin Models.

    This way, next time you'll need, for instance, a Compressor... simply scroll the 'FX Chains' Menu, select 'Dynamics' (in case that you sorted your desired Compressor Plugins under that name !), then you'll find all your previously saved Compressor Models sorted by name... *yes*
    The last step is to simply select (among your Compressor Models) the desired one and load it within your desired 'Audio Track(s)', 'Send FX Channel(s)',...

    Hope it helps ! :wink:


    @ Filipeadubeiro,

    :wink: :bow:

    That's what I done when I worked a lot with 'Samplitude' in the past. *yes*
    At my knowledge, it's certainly the only valuable method to working pleasantly with Plugins within that DAW...
  8. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Studio 555 can I offer you a 48 hour coupon?
  9. Studio 555

    Studio 555 Producer

    Mar 7, 2012
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    @ Catalyst,

    My Dear Mentor :mates: ... YES ! With a Great Pleasure !!! *yes* :rofl:
  10. Guitarmaniac64

    Guitarmaniac64 Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    I call them former Steinberg coders who started a new company and built a DAW that Presonus later bought thats why it look and acts a little bit like Cubase not so much Pro there.

    And know your gear is something you gotta do for every DAW not just S1
    This is very similar to CARS every builder run there own race use different product for the same purpose
    That is why there is so much option when you want to buy spare-parts just take those plastic clips that hold the inside part of the door where the handle and on many cars a speaker is on the sheet metal door
    Why doesn´t they all use the same model? instead you see hundreds very similar but with a little difference in size and shape now that is not how to save this planet or eco friendly...

    DAW creators try to make own ways of some function or simply just rename the same function that in another DAW is called clips it can be called Audio-parts or something else:)
    For us non native english guys that can be a little confusing.

    They basically all can do the same stuff but some has gone to specialize the DAW for some style of music like Live and FL studio
    Others for task like mastering like Sade and Sequoia
    Some or should i say most DAW:s is so advanced nowadays that there is no way you could remember every thing you could do with it (especially if you never use that function) and most people dont even know every function in their DAW.

    I guess that is why i and many other tend to use different Daws for different tasks even if i believe you can do the same thing in just one DAW.

    So what is Pro made by Pro´s?

    Pro-Tools producers (Do you know that Pro-Tools was and still is the industry standard DAW?) that has used that DAW for ages nowadays move to Reaper the most affordable DAW made by the coder who first invented and built the media player Winamp
    Is he a Pro?
  11. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    PM sent. :mates:
  12. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    @ Guitarmaniac64 : "pro" is a perfect example of non-sense term. Like "natural". How many ppl realize petrol is "natural" ? :rofl:

    ProTools was a nice name choice, because sheeps follow more names like that than Fruity Loops.
    It was a nice solutions in the days...but frankly, waiting PT11 to get offline rendering :rofl:
    Especially for "time is money" "pro" ppl.

    Do you know why Fruity Loops was renamed FL Studio ? Because Image Line received a lot of complaints from
    ppl who didn't wanted to use a DAW named like cereals for kids...stupid but true, like human nature.

    If they named it ProLoops, it would be the best selling DAW :rofl:
    And why not calling ProTools > Fruity Tools ? :rofl:
  13. RMorgan

    RMorgan Audiosexual

    May 17, 2014
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    Hi everyone,

    Thanks so many for your help, guys. Really.

    I've tried the workarounds suggested by Pipotron3000 and Studio 555...They're similar in principle, but Studio 555's technique is better, in my opinion.

    I'll take my time to organize my stuff...It really helps the creative process to have everything organized properly...I'm sure you know how easy it is to get lost between plugin choices and configurations.

    Anyway, Studio One kicks ass. It's an outstanding DAW. I hope they'll be able to add plugin organization tools in their next major release.

    Thanks again,

  14. Mykal

    Mykal AudioP2P

    Jun 20, 2011
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    I'm Right Behind You
    Am I the only one that uses the "Vender" tab instead of folder?? Seems like a no brainer to me. I know what I have bought, what it's for and who made it
  15. Guitarmaniac64

    Guitarmaniac64 Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Hmm i just wanted that boy n12n0 to wake up

    Presonus in no PRO company
    Their outboard gear is not PRO even if the monitor controller is very good there is more "PRO" monitor controllers than Presonus..

    Well to simply "qoute" Paul White editor in studio magazine SOS

    Companys that make REAL PRO gear NEVER put the word PRO on their stuff
    It is always non pro companys that put the word Pro on their stuff in order to make people believe their stuff is pro..

    Do you see the word Pro on a SSL desc? or a Neve mic pre ? or a API compressor?
    or 3 quested monitor systems etc etc..i dont think so.

    Then there is of course Pro-Tools :) according to my statement that DAW is not Pro well i certainly think there is better option than Pro-Tools and Studio One is not one of them
    But never the less it is still the industry standard DAW no one can take that way from Pro-Tools

    I just mention that Daw because i felt that n12n0 consider S1 to be a Pro DAW even if it is very young and dont have many users like Logic or Cubase or Pro-Tools or even Sonar..
  16. n12n0

    n12n0 Kapellmeister

    Jul 12, 2013
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    first of all this boy is 35 year old. furthermore a mixing engineer with round about 12 year work experience. When i said Pro i meant it. A Pro makes money out of his work Job wise.... no offensive potential in it.. only someone who want to find something in it starts hating that way.

    I can´t tell you when i started djíng and makeing music cause i didn´t remember. I was a continuous cubase user from v3.1 to 7 and i am forced to use ProTools and other DAWs as well. additionally all those great gear you called out of your plugin folder ... i used it. and yes you can mark them with the adjective "pro". but like i said... not what i mean..

    And my statement is S1 is the best DAW i ever used. (besides Live)
    That's a matter of argument which can fill a bunch of threads by his own and i don´t want to claim that i am right..

    But don´t call me boy. in contrast to your factoid filled condescending way of argumenting i marked my argumentation with "no offensive" to make clear that it was at No offense meant. (cause i know how some forums members are acting) in addition to it .. off-topic hate with no thread sensible content? for what? posts count ? i don´t get it..stop hating we are a community bro..

    besides that ...

    sorry for my bad english & have a nice day anyway.
  17. Gulliver

    Gulliver Member

    Jun 6, 2011
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    Nope, you're not alone *no*

    I also use the "Vendor" tab since day 1.
  18. puw

    puw Noisemaker

    Jul 29, 2014
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    Thanks for the tips before I get in too deep Like Mr Morgan (and since this is just a short thanks post, no need to count it in my post count :) )
  19. brian7oe

    brian7oe Newbie

    Jan 21, 2014
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    Batam - Indonesia
    Mainly i dont use many plugin so my way is using Ctrl+F to find my Plugin *yes*
  20. DjTorke

    DjTorke Member

    Jul 1, 2012
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    Me too xD thats the advantage of know what u have and what u need... but S1 needs a vst organizer, for those people who preffer keep it organized by fx type than the manufacturer... but at the end of all, its just a matter of tastes, presonus just need to keep happy the most of their users, so they should have one organizer. an advice, this kind of things should be asked on S1 Forums...

    also (and I wanna make clear than am not referring to ANYONE in specific, at least at this forum, if somebody feels attacked, its his/her problem, not mine) a few people i personally know, told me about that like an disadvantage, but when u ask why, they just need to have a folder with the name EQ or DELAY on it because they have 51561136156 plugins (but they only use 4, and really know how to manipulate it correctly 1), so an alternative to fix this problems could be "keep it simple, and learn what you have, and how to use it", before spend (or download) on a bunch of vst, and ignore what da hell do u have on ur Hard Drive...
  21. Gulliver

    Gulliver Member

    Jun 6, 2011
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    There is a very simple and efficient way of organizing your plug-ins in Studio One: it is by storing all your plugs as PRESETS.

    Make a top folder for all your plug-ins anywhere on your system, and inside make sub-folders and call them DELAY, COMPRESSOR, EQ, and so on.
    In the S1 browser, you can add a new tab under "files" for this plug-in folder you just created.

    Now you insert all your EQ plug-ins on a channel, and then simply pull them each individually into the browser per drag & drop into the EQ folder you created. This will create presets for each of the plug-ins, which you can use to load the plug-in in future.
    You repeat this process for all your compressors, delays, saturation plug-ins, and so on...

    There are several advantages to this method (besides organizing your plugs the way you want):

    - You don't have to move DLL files around
    - Both VST2 and VST3 plug-ins can be organized this way in the same folder
    - You can name the presets any way you like (doesn't have to be the exact plug-in name)
    - You can include a folder FAVOURITES, where you can create presets for just your favourite EQ, COMP, etc. for immediate access to these plug-ins
    - You don't mess up your organisation by re-installing plug-ins to different locations
    - You can include FX chains into this system: if you find yourself always loading the same 2 or 3 plug-ins one after the other, store this chain as an FX chain preset

    and, very handy:

    - You can make changes to the plug-in settings before storing them as a preset. This way the plug-in will load each time with a start setting YOU want, and not the one decided by the manufacturer.
    I'm sure you can all think of a plug-in, where the first thing you do after inserting it is changing a particular setting, right?

    For example: most T-RackS compressors have the make up gain turned up +2dB when you insert them, which I hate.
    So with this system, I just turn the gain to +- 0dB, and store it as a preset like that.
    Or, most of the time you will want to engage a hi-pass filter on an EQ... so why not store it with the filter engaged, so you have it turned on automatically each time you load the EQ?
    These are just two examples, I'm sure you can think of more practical applications.

    Hope that helps *yes*
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