FL Studio 11.1.1 Release Candidate

Discussion in 'Software News' started by mono, Aug 21, 2014.

  1. mono

    mono Audiosexual

    Jul 23, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Floating Amongst the Stars

    (RC 1)

    - 64bit speech engine added
    - Fixed crash stretching big audio clips
    - DirectWave: fix bugs exporting to FLM .instr files
    - Wave Candy: fixed crash when using some metering modes
    - Wrapper: fixed binary message data handling in VST3
    - Wrapper: fixed crash of bridged Play VST plugin
    - Wrapper: fixed volume of stereo to mono conversion
    - Plugin bridge logging in the Debug window

  3. CaliReign

    CaliReign Noisemaker

    Mar 9, 2013
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    San Francisco
    Anyone know if this fixes the most annoying & longest standing bug in their wrapper that makes sound cut off for any VSTi that is being bridged in FL?

    E.G. - If you're running FL11 x64 & try to use a x86 plugin, you have to click outside of the plugin window for sound to come out of it. It's the same way if you're running FL x86 & trying to run a x64 plugin, the same thing happens.

    That to me is by far the most annoying bug in FL11. It's been an issue for as long as I can remember too.
  4. Levitate

    Levitate Producer

    Nov 27, 2013
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    I'm actually pretty sure that even some 64 bit VSTi's do that same thing on mine.That's annoying as hell aint it?

    I still think they need to up their game with the quantize functions.If they would just implement all the standard quantize timings I'd be soooo happy. *yes*

    That's my biggest gripe about FL.The fact that any song I do between 100-200 bpm if I play faster than 8th note speeds I have to fix it in piano roll as the 16th note quantize and/or others is wayyy off. I would love some 8t & 16t quantize that actually worked too.I can get it to do what I want but it's so much piano roll fixing and snap settings changes Vs any other Daw.For instance Cubase 7 Elements has not a single issue at any timing I play at or quantize,ROCK SOLID!

    Now I don't believe I share Catalyst's gripe about the mixer. I'm just used to the mixer I guess.I can get it to do what I want as far as routing and levels go.I would like to hear his gripe again though,I'd bet he very much has valid points and justified complaints.

    That new vectorial mixer looks pretty sexy though I must admit.

    Lately I'm having issues with my soundcard driver and ASIO4ALL on 64 bit DAWs.It's an onboard Realtek. Happened since the newest driver from guru3d was installed.Which is usually awesome.

    I'm looking into an interface that plays well with ASIO or ASIO4ALL well in both 32 bit and 64 bit Daws on Win 7.But before I switch I'm gonna play with older drivers to try to find a workable solution.May even write who made the latest driver.And if/when I find a solution...I'll make a thread on here.Could help someone else in the future with similar problem.

    It's mainly just with FL 64 bit too.I have to jump thru hoops and do all sorts of weird disabling/re-enabling processes to get it to work.Once I do,it's fine for that project.But if I close and reopen,red x's in asio4all and repeat process all over.
  5. xoso

    xoso Kapellmeister

    Nov 17, 2011
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    eh, still nothing that they should be adding or fixing. At least in my use of it. There are at least 30 things FL Studio SHOULD actually update but I don't see it happening.
  6. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    IL is still doing better as Ableton, there are lots of bugs and features/suggestions ableton have igonred since v7, but IL is reacting faster and also more innovative.
    so i would stop complaining, admit what is there and enjoy it.
  7. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    As ppl who tried almost every DAW on Earth (apart Linux ones), i can tell you for sure there is no perfect DAW...and never will.
    See what happened with Bitwig : supposed to be "the DAW to rules them all", for live and studio composition. Now ppl realize there is no multi-out support (bye bye Kontakt orchestration), no Rewire and more "surprises".

    Reaper ? Very impressive feature set...if you like to crawl endless menus and customize your settings to avoid being lost. Not me.
    FL Studio ? Very nice piano roll and MIDI features, funny and inspiring functions...but bad GUI since the beginning.Bad routing for audio and MIDI. You spend your time looking what plug use what channel and such boring things.
    Sometimes, it is ahead of his time, sometimes it feels like an 90's software. But it inspire me more than most DAWs.
    Reason 7 ? Closed, dongled, expansive...and i left Reason years ago because Props don't even know where they go, changing their mind every 5 years :wink:
    Studio one ? I love it, but still nothing ground breaking.Just an effective tool, not so inspiring.
    Cubase ? I hate it since the beginning, and still do. I never liked GUi and workflow. It kills me, so i avoid it.
    Ableton ? Very nice for live, but not so much for composition. Piano roll ? so minimal it is a joke. Arrangement view is crippled, that's why a lot of complextro/dubstep makers use FL Studio instead (very nice playlist view, clean and effective).
    Logic X ? Garageband like, to please more ppl. But loosing some base users because of consummer orientation. A lot still use L9...

    And more and more...

    Pick your poison, choose the most inspirative tools, because features are nothing if you loose your inspiration when you start your DAW. Even for mixing only :wink:
  8. mono

    mono Audiosexual

    Jul 23, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Floating Amongst the Stars
    @ Levitate you could try a old cubase driver there was one that i used be-for
    i think it came with cubase 2 or 3 i cant find the disk i had it on
    but you should find it on Google.

    if you want to make your own groove templates,
    open the piano roll,draw in a line,one bar will do,
    then press and hold alt and u / sort cut for chop.
    move the time mul till its set to the beat a 8th or 16th
    and make sure to save the score in fsc format.
    after you save it press and hold alt - Q to load in the new quantize files that should fix it for you.

    also if you have the cubase quantize files in midi or any other midi Groove Templates
    you can load them into the piano roll
    and just save them as fsc so fl can read them as quantize.

    ill post this for newbies so you know what your missing out on.


    just so you know you wont find the mpc templates that he,s talking about at Warbeats
    im not to sure if i can post the ones i have here ?
    but there are lots around.

    @ Pipotron3000 i would agree about the bad routing view for audio and midi in fl
    if they put a little box at the end of each row in the pattern block
    with the mixer channel number that it was rooted to in it,
    it would be a lot better,its the best fix they could make in 12
    as well as the new mixer to go with it,

    its now time to go window shopping / took me a while to get that one :break:
  9. xbitz

    xbitz Audiosexual

    Apr 18, 2013
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    fyi, right horizontal scrolling (with the mouse wheel) on a pattern/channel button can select the affected/related mixer track
    inside the playlist window the pattern/channel related clips also can be selected (shift+c), moreover u can see all the project related generators/effects inside the browser so IMO it's working quite fast and effective way, the related things can be found easily
  10. Engernettix

    Engernettix Newbie

    Apr 9, 2014
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    I'm still waiting for user assignable key shortcuts and Piano Roll recall in FL Studio!
  11. mono

    mono Audiosexual

    Jul 23, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Floating Amongst the Stars
    @xbitz I never new about that thanks for the info and screen shot.
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