How to use Waves 9 R18 in S1 64-bit?

Discussion in 'PC' started by tkrojam, Aug 17, 2014.

  1. tkrojam

    tkrojam Guest

    Hi, everyone.

    My OS is Windows 7 64-bit, May I ask how to use Waves 9 R18 in S1 64-bit?
    Also, how to break that master .dll down into separate component .dll?

    Sorry for my bad english. Thanks in advance.
  3. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
    Likes Received:
    have you installed them as vst2 only or vst3? they are for adding fx to your instrument/vocal tracks, for improving the mix/mastering etc
    you don't need to break down any master .dll you should see all of them in the effects panel
  4. Diabulus in Musica

    Diabulus in Musica Platinum Record

    Jun 7, 2011
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    1. Install and select the respective folders for "WaveShell-VST 9.2_x64.dll" and "WaveShell-VST 9.2.dll".

    2. Run KeyGen.

    3. Done!

    Now when you'll run S1 it should recognize the "WaveShell-VST 9.2_x64" and all the plugins should appear in the effects section of the browser! *yes*
  5. Studio 555

    Studio 555 Producer

    Mar 7, 2012
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    @ Tkrojam,

    I don't really understand the 'deep' meaning of your question (?) :dunno: ... but you must to use any of the (desired) 'Waves' Plugins as any other of your VST Plugins, simply by loading it (them) within your usual DAWs (in your case, within 'PreSonus Studio One') *yes*

    For this, you must to use 'shell2vst64' (the '64bit' Version in your case). *yes*
  6. tkrojam

    tkrojam Guest

    When I use shell2vst64, this appears and nothing happens...


    Also, WaveShell-VST 9.2_x64.dll cannot be scanned and detected by S1 64-bit during startup
  7. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
    Likes Received:
    I think you have not installed waves correctly, when you start S1 you should see S1 scan and load WaveShell-VST 9.2_x64.dll, then all the waves plugins are available in the effects browser panel

    there is no need to try and run waveshell independently, this is just a vst wrapper for the waves plugins and won't work outside of a DAW

    take another look at the nfo file and follow the installation instructions, especially when applying the patch
  8. Studio 555

    Studio 555 Producer

    Mar 7, 2012
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    @ Tkrojam,

    :dunno: :unsure: :wow: :dunno: Rather strange...

    In this case, I think that 'SirSillySausage' is right when asserting :

    or maybe that you don't have 'patched' it correctly (thanks to the 'Team R2R' Keygen/Patcher').

    As also said by 'SirSillySausage' :


    If properly installed (and authorized), you should to see these info during the launch and scanning process of your 'Studio One'. *yes*

    then you'll find all your installed 'Waves' Plugins within their proper 'Waves' Folder (near the bottom, due to the 'W' of 'Waves', of the List of all your installed Plugins)... *yes*


    'SirSillySausage' is also right when he said that you don't need to 'Waveshellized' your Plugins (mainly because you can have them as is within 'Studio One'), nevertheless this process can be useful in case that you also use a DAW that doesn't support 'Shell VST' properly (as stated by 'Waves' Developer itself !). *yes*
  9. n12n0

    n12n0 Kapellmeister

    Jul 12, 2013
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    Well .. i will keep it simple from the beginning.

    part 1: installation
    part 2: setup in studio one
    part 3: seperation of plugins

    1. installation: (noone explains it better than r2r itself...)
    NOTE : Remember the Installation Folder where you placed r18 @ 64bit

    2. in some cases (espacially if you installed r18 into another folder than standart) Studio one Will NOT find these plugins ! You have to point to that folder in studio one settings..

    in my case...

    i installed r18 here


    64 shell of component of r18 in here


    so i have have to point studio one to the "64" folder...

    like this...
    to find in the options under "Folder"


    apply and restart studio one...

    now you should be fine....
  10. tkrojam

    tkrojam Guest

    I have followed the steps you mentioned but unfortunately, S1 still cannot scan and detect any Waves components... :(
  11. Studio 555

    Studio 555 Producer

    Mar 7, 2012
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    @ Tkrojam,

    As it seems that you're still facing some troubles with your 'Waves' Plugins Bundle Version, why you don't get the new Version ('v9r20') from 'Team R2R' which is available these days (where you know !), and try to Install this one instead... *yes*
    After the numerous Users comments posted on this 'Brother's Site' (aka 'AudioZ'), and mine too, that new Version ('v9r20') works great for almost all the Users that have installed it... :wink:

    Then, if after the Installation of that new Version you still face some troubles, we will try to find another solution(s) to get it working properly within your System. *yes*
  12. tkrojam

    tkrojam Guest

    Thanks all brothers! It works now!

    However, I found there are 2 Element VSTi under the list:

    Why is it duplicated?
  13. n12n0

    n12n0 Kapellmeister

    Jul 12, 2013
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    to be honest.. no clue.. both vst3 or maybe 1 of these vst2?
    with r18 and only vst3 installed there is only the "Element Stereo" vsti .. can´t tell you anything about r20. I´m a windows user @ DAW´s Cubase7 and Studio One so... no need for me to upgrade to r20..

    anyway... if "Element Stereo" works fine... all good stick to that..

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