
Discussion in 'Internet for Musician' started by Levitate, Aug 19, 2014.

  1. Levitate

    Levitate Producer

    Nov 27, 2013
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    Greetings Audiosexuals!!!

    So just out of curiosity...

    How many of you have used or heard of Usenet binary newsgroups and used them?

    Like Usenext,Usenet.NL,and Binverse? Or do you use another way.Like grabit or newsbinpro,newsleecher,etc and a usenet account like newsdemon,or easynews,or giganews,etc?

    Just curious if anyone knew an awesome free alternative?

    I've had a Usenext,Binverse and acct before and have tried the other options.The other options(NewsbinPro/newsdemon) seem very slow compared to premium Usenext,,or Binverse acct.

    I have 15 MB/s down. I was DL'ing 15-22 MB/s CONSTANT at least 15 MB/s avg speed with Usenext and all behind SSL.
    (A nightmare for anyone else using my network(hella lag,how about that ping speed,lol),but awesome for me :rofl:)

    Usenext is the only way I know to actually download at the speeds of your network. I've seen over 50 MB/s on a friends internet.

    I believe Usenext holds the record on transfer speed.

    Also not sure if you guys know this or not but...

    alt.binaries.audiowarez and alt.bin.sounds.samples are prolly some of the most rarest and hard to find content online.(At least it was last time I checked)And completely different than any of the sites we know or even torrent. Just totally different content.

    I just kinda thought about it for the AudioZ guys.They could contribute posts of different content than you can find from torrent or DDL link searches online.Even better than on private sites.

    Anyway,just brainstormin and really wishin I had $20 to get another Usenext acct.LOL

    Look forward to reading your responses. And really hoping those of you with a credit card will find this extremely useful.

    I cannot recommend a Usenext acct enough. I declare it's the best thing I've seen next to Audioz.

    Audioz will always be the best!!! For both content and the people.
    Long Live SAiNT & Audioz!!!

    I've said it once and I'll say it again,SAiNT is my friggin hero.And seriously the most awesome guy on the planet :bow:

    No one in the history of the internet has made 1 let alone 2 sites I like as much as here and the Z.

    And he made sure to staff if with only people that are as cool as him.Moderation team,here's to you.[​IMG]


    If I was a recluse,I'd be using only Usenext and not sharing this info,and also If I were a recluse I would prolly just be a regular old member.And would prolly never have contributed or cared. Or gotten to know any of you.If I just used this place to leech uploaded accts and awesome info after I made an account,where would I be right now? So I encourage all of you to contribute,even if you think that what you have to offer may not be of any value for someone else. You're good enough,believe me. *yes*

    If I hadn't tested the waters,I'd have never known my opinions and help and contributions would mean so much. Every one of you that aren't contributing is capable of great and amazing things.Whether you think so or not.Don't believe me? I can prove it.For 1 you are here and reading this. If you need more proof PM me.I'll give it to ya. Everyone here is amazing.Some of you just don't know it yet.


    Peace all. :mates:

  3. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    most of them are so slow and lots of older stuff inst there anymore.
    and the DMCA is for the usenet also still valid, so releases vanish there too and that really quick.
  4. tater_one

    tater_one Kapellmeister

    May 15, 2013
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    Daytona Beach, FL
    I was an avid newsgrouper for years. I loved the newsgroups! I refuse to pay for NNTP server access though. It used to be ISP gave you access to NNTP servers for free. Seeing as it is one of the oldest forms of server there is. I would say around 2003 my ISP stopped offering NNTP access. And that is when I stopped using them because I refuse to pay for access. I wonder how hard it is to make your own NNTP server?
  5. dipje

    dipje Ultrasonic

    Jan 15, 2014
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    newsgroups / usenet has been around since before HTTP existed :P.

    I always had newsgroup access, as a coder it's a very valuable resource to take part in discussions on big opensource projects and such.

    Of course, everywhere where there is a world wide data synchronisation network, there are binaries (and porn :P).

    I've had paid access for a while. Search, click, get instant full speed and done. There was less garbage posted (primarily only real releases) and almost no spam.

    The last few years it's a mess though. Nobody even uses it for posting text messages, the word usenet is associated with the binaries, every release gets cloned with spam and malware within hours and the DMCA requests are fast and brutal (and 70% of the time not correct or justified). Me posting the latest Formula1 race a week after it has aired but with custom commentary: Here in NL everything that has aired on the (here limited :P) cable-TV system is considered 'public domain' a week after the air. The same reason why the 'you may not record this' flags in transmissions never took hold here and are banned by law. The video material is public domain, I'm allowed to re-use it however I see fit. Yet the US DCMA puts in an automated request to take it down 2 hours after I posted it.. wtf?

    So I'm really thinking the stop paying for usenet the last few months. If you're only downloaded 0-zero day releases, the torrents can be just as fast since everybody is sharing it at that moment and usenet is the same spammy / garbage mess as the torrents these days.
  6. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Usenet was pretty good, about 10+ years ago, I haven't used it for at least 5, when ISP's started removing the binaries groups from their newsgroups listings, so I found quicker ways of searching :wink:
  7. savadious

    savadious Ultrasonic

    Nov 26, 2012
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    Around 1988 (yes, in the 80's) I discovered usenet.. but just pulling from the top of my head it was known by other college students around me as UUNET or something...

    People would have these insane threads of conversation there - and the person who informed me about it was a cosplay/roleplayer ... they just had massive threads of "roleplay" vampire threads....

    Did not really float my boat but she was into it... she also downloaded lots of adult images there...

    remember... the 1980's... we did not even have hard drives back then... so downloading APPS was still in its infancy....

    The first APP/PROGRAM I downloaded from usenet was a FULL DISK that contained an operating system :wink: - basically it booted up and you got a blinking cursor... that was the beginning of LINUX.... I did not keep at it liek my friends who went off to become stupified millionaires... and who taunt me to this day online from time to time... "ooh heres me driving in italy in my new XYZ car, etc" :bleh:

    I went the other route ... and simply became a collector of public domain (of course) items. You know... those people who downloaded everything but never used it... carried a box a disks to secret meetings and swapped PD titles on occasion...

    While other college friends ran off doing stupid crap like forming some of USA's first IPS's I was much wiser than them and dedicated my time to perfecting the art of usenet downloading...

    Then... as TATER_ONE pointed out... ISP's stopped giving out reliable USENET access ! SO I was forced to move on to paying EXTRA for the once free access to places like giganews (the grandfather of paid usenet providers).

    Giganews was a fat cat... people who still HAD usenet access from their ISP's often used giganews as well because it contained more material than "censored" ISP's had....

    Well... cut a few decades past that time and now you have many alternatives to giganews...


    Many services offer similar file retention as the grandfather (but dont give you the 'free' VPN or other added services)...

    About $8 a month is what I pay... for giganews quality usenet access....

    I used FORTE FREE AGENT for years before moving on to NEWSBIN PRO . . . the software does not REALLY affect your download speed ! You must simply tweak your settings... simple as that...

    TORRENT sites... many like them better... many love keeping good ratios... thats nice... <insert related MEME here> usenet has no restricted sites, no ratios, if 500 gazonkin gazillion people leech and only 1 person seeds/uploads.. it makes ZERO difference... there are no seeders/leechers in usenet.. just put the file there and its there !

    Similar to driving on a freeway and LEECHING A VIEW OF THE LATEST GUESS JEANS BILLBOARD !!! You and thousands of others are visually grabbing that guess jeans pic - and it does not slow anyone down...


    ya.. that hurts ... when you are downloading the latest PUBLIC DOMAIN file.. and its in 200 parts... and it gets a DMCA takedown notice that goes into effect while you are at file 199.... simply enter the name of what you are looking for .. and MOST usenet downloaders will grab it THE INSTANT IT IS UPLOADED !!! Before DMCA notices hit....

    THAT WORKS GREAT FOR YOUR FAVORITE USA TV SHOWS... especially when you are say.. in China ... where you cant watch USA tv... then DMCA removes little house on the prarie Season 1 Episode 3...and you just hope you got the file in time with your automatic download thingy... (you can also request crap.. and people will upload it again)

    Newsbin can auto reconstruct the file even if its missing a piece or 2.... (if the uploaders were smart and added enuf 'safety files' to their uploads)

    there are no mirrors, there are no rapidgators, no way to benefit from usenet uploading... so many suppliers look elsewhere to share their latest PD and shareware releases ...

    anyhow DO NOT PAY $20 A MONTH FOR USENET ACCESS !!! Thats decades old pricing.... its about $8 a month now...

    NEWSBIN gets my support... you can monitor and control it from your CEL PHONE (this is just one of MANY SOFTWARE titles available to access newsgroups)!!!

    Even more... there are tons of "free" usenet downloaders... SICKBEARD comes to mind... and it runs on your NAS... never leave a 600 watt pc on to download... when a simple NAS can do it all... AND REMOTE CONTROL THAT TOO FROM YOUR iOS or ANDROID fone too !!!

    WTF Am I saying?? who knows... I lost track.. so whatever I wrote... I hope it helps someone.... :)
  8. chrisdodge

    chrisdodge Newbie

    Nov 21, 2012
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    Just try ... it is a cheap, reliable and fast european usenet server ... DMCA don not apply on him !!! check this out !
  9. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    It's good when it was more complicated because at least the communities had more respect and weren't lazy. With ease of use comes a lot of minuses in terms of community. If AudioZ had an IQ test it would be a different kind of forum overnight.
  10. junh1024

    junh1024 Rock Star

    Jul 28, 2011
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    Yes, DCMA takedowns have annoyed me. You may be able to find a provider that doesn't do takedowns if you look around
  11. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
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    :wow: :wow: :wow: :rofl: :bleh:
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