Life hit hard

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Someone, Aug 17, 2014.

  1. Someone

    Someone Noisemaker

    Feb 11, 2012
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    Has been a while since I've been on AudioSex...

    Maybe some of you still remember me.

    Well as the title suggested Life has happend to me. I moved out of my parents house, started a apprenticeship (I think thats the right english word), which means I'm pretty damn low on the work-life-ladder. No, actually I'm right at the shitty end of it, since I have to work full time with long hours if I have a bad day, without being near to a fair payment. And I hate my job, even though I tried so hard finding something meaningful and nice... But well, thats how we treat our youth and work-starters here in germany...
    So with work and having to organize my complete life alone, which as most of you will know can be pretty time consuming and sometimes stressfull, I didnt had much time for making music. That sucks, and its very sad because making music was the most important thing to me just 5 month ago, it was therapeutic and opend the door to such an amazing world...
    I guess I'm just the type of guy who has a hard time dealing with reality, since I always looked at the world with a bit of a distance, being different, dreaming and thinking a lot... I don't know, maybe some of you understand that.

    The last 5 month I didnt make much music, and very little of what I made was good. I made two songs which are important to me, but actually I have to admit these to songs really mean a lot to me. One is basicly about the feeling life gives me, somehow frustrating and dream-crushing. Because thats what happend, I didnt dream of archieving more anymore, the possibility of getting more out of this world seemded to be so far away that I let go.

    Well however, the second song is about what got more important than music for me, what became my new therapy to deal with all this crap: Riding. Yeah, I bought a motorcycle from what I earned before I started being a valuelessly piece of shit.

    Whatever, dont want to get into to much details... I just bought an action cam and I wanna cut videos and all that shit, also I'm hoping to get back to music and combine it with motorcycling and dirt riding. Making something meaningful for a change. At least meaningful to me...

    I don't know why I'm sharing this, but I used to share quiet some stuff on this forum, so why not share this? Most people would be like stop whining around and grow up, but thats the one thing I dont wanna do since that generaly seems to mean dieing inside... But I'm sure some of you will find some nice words. That was always what was special about this place, people being helpful, understanding and open to stuff.

    I dont know if this is a good-bye or a new start... Let's just see how it will turn out.
  3. I hear you brother. Sometimes we all seem to have periods of hard times that seem that they will never end, but thankfully for most of us that time will dissolve and fade. The motorcycle probably will help as the wind whips past your body and blows all that negative vibe away. Be strong in the knowledge that you are not alone in your predicament and there are always voices here at AudioSEX that have ears to listen. You are loved.
  4. mercurysoto

    mercurysoto Audiosexual

    Nov 23, 2011
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    The bottom of the rabbit hole, next to Alice's
    I'm sure it is a start. I remember you, someone. An indeed, you are a fine, collaborative kind of guy. Life happens. Period. I can tell a lot of us are misfits ourselves and have a hard time getting though. All I can tell you, if I must, is that life gives you all kinds of twists, and if you are brave enough not to let go, you'll see the light. I love your biking escape. You know, the artist is one step away from the madman, for they both escape reality in a way no one else understands. I am 41 and I've been down te road of meaningless desperation myself. It's all about finding an angle. At this point in my life I juggle a preteen kid, a daytime job as a teacher, music production as much as I can, gigging with a band, and all those roles new to fit in "real life." And this is the fine part of my life. Don't get me started on being officially bankrupt and living off the grid, losing an apartment in a divorce, replacing failing equipment in my home studio (all at once this year), and fortunately for me, my health isn't failing yet, though I push myself to the limit. Anyhow, you'll find many stories like this, and I'm not complaining.

    I decided to be happy. Like a loco. I read you and I want to assure you that it all will pass. One day one of us will make it big, and they'll be the hero of the day. Some people are already big heroes, all of them fellow mates here. No names need be mentioned, you know them all, some of whom are dear friends to me although I've never met them as I might never do.

    Stand up ad stand by, my friend. A new day will surely come.
  5. pilz971

    pilz971 Kapellmeister

    Jun 5, 2011
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    It DOES get better Someone and hell yeah I remember you!

    I went through the whole apprenticeship thing, 3 years as the "low one"! That all seems so long ago now though. I`ve been a fully skilled Carpenter for 17years now. I make good money doing stuff that is basically child`s play because of the hard work I`ve put in over the last 20 years. I expect to be moving into management (current job has GREAT prospects!) in the next 2 or so years with the money and percs that go with it.

    I know it`s hard Bro and it seems so far off in the future but trust me, the times you are living through now, so long as you ALWAYS remember to keep your humour, will be great memories in the coming years. Laughter makes ALL the difference, at least for me it always has.

    Be strong, stay the course and keep thinking, this is but a brief time in what is to be YOUR LIFE! Be blessed my friend. :mates:
  6. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Here and there.

    @ Someone

    Hello first of all.
    I find it useful to read real stories of life. And as I've lived also for a couple of years in Germany
    I can understand your “struggles“. It's indeed very difficult to live in that land as “free Artist“.
    I mean especially as unknown Artist, not bound nor related to the "Classical Scene".
    What I can recommend when you hate a Job: just leave it, let go, don't waste your precious time with it.
    Give your own life what you believe is the best in the moment, push up to go into the direction you want to.
    So many people are (sadly) just puppets on a string: controlled by others! They promise them security,
    wealth etc. bla-bla but in the end they're retaining them to do what they love to do.
    Look for instance @ Roger Federer - the Tennis Star. The man didn't even end his studies at school because
    he wanted to play tennis, nothing else. He knew exactly what's the best for him.
    Of course not all people get that conscience in young age…… there's always the right time to re-correct.
    And it's also useful to see not every situation in black & white only, maybe this time will be only
    transitory and then you'll get back to your roots again!

    If life seems to knock you down – give them a PUNCH, let them see who you really are!
    :guitarhero: :guitarhero:
  7. phenomboy

    phenomboy Producer

    Aug 25, 2011
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    This is one powerful line... i can totally relate to your words and coming from someone who hit the rock bottom too, never grow but never give up. Life is full of surprises and ones that will make you forget the bad times. It's great that you've found another passion to hold on because that's the only thing people like us need to keep going. Take care :mates:
  8. ovalf

    ovalf Platinum Record

    Feb 27, 2012
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    If its something important for you, its meaninfull for You and others...
    Loving the process more than results maybe not ahieve others spectations, but love it to be lived with all your body.
    There are só many people that have time for music but the value goês done the toilet as they are distant from the real and itself.
    Só, all the real good things from life emerge from dark shadows, só pain lead us to the beaty.
    Also do not forget that music is about habits, You can do everytime, others realityies and experiences that are not wished give us an extra souce for the even better music...
    Everyone here are listening your amazing song :mates:
  9. arhythmtech

    arhythmtech Member

    Apr 18, 2014
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    Sometimes it may feel like our daily or weekly routine is stifling our spirit, and we could be longing to escape our lives feelings of stagnation. We may need to make new choices in order to attract new situations and people into our lives. If we continue to live, work, and play in the same ways, the outcome will always be the same. If we branch out, the newness we crave will be forthcoming.

    Realizing that the power to create change is within each of us can help us create a life that fulfills us. Each new day offers an opportunity to do something differently or start living in a way that makes us feel good. A large change can seem like it’s out of our hands, but every big change is just a compilation of smaller changes we have made. Accepting that we can make a simple change can make tackling larger changes feel more manageable. Even when we feel less equipped to affect change in our lives, there is always an aspect or two that we have complete influence over. Utilizing our own ability to change our life today will help us find ways to make our day more exciting.

    Count your blessings. You've already found the two best things in the world- music and motorcycles. Stay grateful for the little joys of life, instead of looking for the ultimate happiness. Be fair to yourself. It's hard to be content when you struggle to pay the rent. Each and every moment presents us with an opportunity to choose to see the perfection in our current circumstances. We might not be exactly where we want to be, but we are precisely where we're supposed to be. I'm not distraught about having nothing but what I love. Motivate your passion.

    Anyway, what kind of motorcycle do you have? I have one too- *yes* KX450F
  10. halcyo

    halcyo Newbie

    Dec 11, 2013
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    Make an album about how miserable your day job is compared to your dreams, and how your bike can take you away to a better place. That's your STORY!

    I know it sucks man, I've been there. Sometimes those down and out feelings can make for great art though. USE IT!
  11. Levitate

    Levitate Producer

    Nov 27, 2013
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    Please don't go. I remember you.You are an awesome guy!

    Man,life is hard sometimes.I feel for ya.Try to just enjoy the time you have.It's so precious.We could be gone at any moment,anything can happen,driving down the road semi loses control,game over,laying in bed have a heart attack,game over.
    Sittin in your chair,aneurysm,game over.
    We don't know what's gonna happen 1 sec from now,let alone a min.
    Concentrate on what matters and what is important to you.
    You are the only you you got.
    Look at what you do have,can ya walk,talk,smell,see,hear,taste,feel,think,dream,touch,& smile? And you have a creative and inventive mind!!!

    I'd suggest maybe trying to prioritize,like concentrate on even an hr or two a week if you can to be creative and vent.Whatever you are going thru.Paint that picture.If it takes you awhile because you can only do it when you can,so what? Who cares? I don't see a time limit anywhere.You can't rush perfection. :rofl:

    And you know I've found to just always try and show love and compassion.If you can impact someone in a positive way,you should always try.
    I really love most everyone,and believe in respect and equal and fair treatment as human beings.
    Basically the only people I don't like are those that physically harm the innocent,and animal abusers.If you aint killin an animal for food and/or survival,you have no business harming or mistreating an animal that can't do anything back.Or someone hurting an old lady or a lil kid.I'll hurt someone over that.Like go to jail hurt someone.There's some nasty grimey foul people out there.I've seen it.

    Sorry,but man,I don't even know you but all I can say is be optimistic and enjoy every moment as much as you can.Don't let anyone take that from you.Don't let others dictate your thoughts/feelings/hopes/dreams.It's yours to experience.And bottom line and I get made fun of for it all the time and people like to take kindness for weakness but LOVE.

    But that's not to say let people walk all over you.As many have seen I stand very firm in my beliefs.And I have a breaking point to where I'm not nice anymore.I hate that the good and neutral people have to see that side of me.That's not what I want to be remembered for.I have to do it in real life all day long.
    I will yolk,twist,poke,prod,kick,punch,bite(it can get worse,I'll spare everyone the details)overall mess somebody up they get too far or threaten me or my family.And they will join in too,and my neighbors,friends,homies,teammates and anyone else that finds out about it if they care about me.

    Love is considering others before yourself. Love is action,love is kind.Love is quick to forgive and slow to anger.But hurt someone someone loves and find out what happens.(No pun intended) :rofl:

    Anyway,sorry for the novel.But I felt I had to say something to Someone. :wink:

    Also I suggest you try something different.It works sometimes.

    "If you always do what you always did.You'll always get what you've always got"

    I wish you the best of luck man!!

    Take care!
    :hug: :mates:

  12. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    Well.. we never know what life has in store for us....
    could be better than now... could be much worse...

    None of us are in Iraq getting our eyes gouged out , while our head is being sawed off by an islamic radical in ISIS / ISL whatever...

    You are in a Western country and have more freedom than probably 90 something % of anyone in the world....

    is it your fault? or your responsibility.... I'm not always thrilled with my lot in life... but one thing I end up
    telling myself.. is that mostly.. I have the key to my own chains..

    check this out..

  13. Thankful

    Thankful Rock Star

    Feb 14, 2014
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    Hi Someone, first of all, congrats on your very good English

    What you need is so simple: a plan. You see, the secret of success is deciding what you want and going for it, nothing more nothing less, just decide what you want in life and start to imagine yourself doing that. As soon as you can focus on your plan, you will see how the universe will give you the opportunities and circumstances that you need. Look for Bashar as channeled by Daryl Anka on YouTube, the wisdom will could change your life.
  14. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Hi Someone, Beleive me, this is just the beginning. Fight Fight Fight... You'll get where you want to be. Never give up.
    From where you are now, learn, fill yourself from this experience.
    And this video that Herr Durr posted the link, it's awesome, look at it. Thank you Herr Durr.
  15. chopin4525

    chopin4525 Producer

    Jul 23, 2013
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    I am usually not the type of guy who runs out of words but this time I did 'cause your post could be totally written by me. :sad:
    Anyway don't fall for depression (like this stupid guy that he's writing) and set up your goals in progressive steps. All the obstacles that hinder your progress can be removed. Just work your own way up without sacrificing the best part of your persona. I wish you (and myself too this time) the best luck! :mates:
  16. chd

    chd Newbie

    Jan 10, 2014
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    bikes are cool def down with that...its easy to escape places, situations and leaving worries behind...or getting into fresh ones quickly...don't forget, many quality devices are also battery operated nowadays and support at least 16bit 44.1kHz working resolution or more...why not take the ability with you to record/produce while you are running from yourself...this way you close the distance between suffering and personal expression and by that, and you already know this instinctively, you save the universe in you...bikes are a hobby, making music is practicing healing spirituality...even if you're into death-metal lol... :break:

    once you got this down everything falls into place naturally, its how the universe works...its possible you will have to be patient though :bow:
  17. Someone

    Someone Noisemaker

    Feb 11, 2012
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    I read all the answers twice now, and properly the most important thing about them: They made me smile. People being understanding, giving tips, giving what I only know from AudioSex...

    Every single post is meaningful, and somehow a piece of motivation to start getting back to music, start making videos of what I love... Fuck if Im gonna have any success with it, as long as I'll have fun doing it.

    @arhythmtech: Honda CRF250L, to crazy for normals, not sporty enought for hardcore endurists or motocross-freaks, all in all being an unreasonable or way to reasonable bike to ride for nearly all other riders... But fuck it, I have fun with it and hell no I dont need the best bike or lighest bike or most powerful bike to have fun, I just need my bike.
  18. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    We all need motivation sometimes.. and someone to help look at things differently... if that's gay... so be it..

    glad you liked the vid Oly..
