Video-Editing-Software like FL-Studio?

Discussion in 'Working with Video' started by Someone, Aug 16, 2014.

  1. Someone

    Someone Noisemaker

    Feb 11, 2012
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    Is there a Video-Editing-Software that works similair to FL-Studio? Something with a Playlist and a Mixer for effects (I mean basicly adding effects to video clips works the same way as on audio clips). Alternatively I would be satisfied with a sofwtare working with a good playlist, a simple option to add effects and control them via envelopes, because envelopes kick ass.

    But basicly I just wanna edit videos made with an action cam to make motovlog videos, so if there is an easy-to-understand software around to do that, that would be great. Sadly what I tried so far (some free programs like WAX and Avidemux) look like shit made in the last millennium, and nothing is even close to work properly...
  3. krameri

    krameri Rock Star

    Jul 20, 2014
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    I've used Sony Vegas (Windows-only) for many years and recently switched to Final Cut Pro (Mac-only).

    I know little about FL Studio except that it's Windows-only and I'm guessing then that Vegas will work for you. Vegas is laid out like a multi-track environment, which many audio guys find intuitive when starting out in video. As far as I know, Vegas is the only app with that workflow. Final Cut Pro can do it, but it uses a "magnet" and connection-points which can be frustrating for a person coming from Vegas, lol.

    You can draw envelopes for fades and effects in either Vegas or Final Cut Pro.

    Your export/render settings will have a big effect on both size and picture quality and they can be confusing. If you're sharing them on the internet, go with MP4 (h.264) with an average of 3,000 kb/s at 720p for starters. Move up to 1080p with a higher 7,000 kb/s rate if desired. Both of those are assuming your footage is "HD" of some sort.

    If you have other questions, just holler. I've been doing this for a very long time.

    P.S. Sony Vegas 13 is on the other site now if you wish to try it ;-)
  4. Regz

    Regz Producer

    Jan 15, 2014
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    Can't tell, sorry..
    Sony Vegas like krameri said, or Adobe Premiere.
    And btw, Vegas is more lightweight than Premiere, so it's a good choice.

    Since you talked about FL Studio, most of the video tutorials from Image-line are edited in Sony Vegas. :wink:
  5. Someone

    Someone Noisemaker

    Feb 11, 2012
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    Well okay, I guess I give Vegas a try. Thanks for your help :)

    Does it have an option to work with patterns and a BPM rate? Would be very useful for cutting music-videos... Just thinking of what I might like to do some day.
  6. krameri

    krameri Rock Star

    Jul 20, 2014
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    Using "patterns" is more of a VJ concept rather than something to ever do with video you intend for people to watch. There are guidelines to editing video just as there are with audio/music. For example, just as you wouldn't change a song's fundamentals every four beats, you would not change a video scene (or angle or anything) every four seconds. If your video is intended to be what's called "wallpaper" at a nightclub or other environment in which people are not strictly viewing your work, you can disregard some guidelines and instead chop your video to pieces. If you intend for it to be viewed for any length of time, there are many facets to learn and remember before you make a mess on the 'cutting room floor'.

    That said, I remember it being possible to set the ruler in Vegas to beats+measures (thus you would input a tempo in project settings).

    I've done video production for some recognizable names in EDM. I can point you to a couple of online examples of my work and then point out some examples of editing within it. I don't want to do it publicly though, simply because of propriety and professional appearances. Message me if you want that info.
  7. Baxter

    Baxter Audiosexual

    Jul 20, 2011
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    Lol. Linear timebase, serial or parallel composition, inserting (video/audio) effects, "EQ"/color-grading/correction, sidechain compression/color and luma matte comping, fade in/out transitions, time-stretching, etc etc
    Audio composition and video composition has alot in common IMO.

    Edit: Premiere, After Effects, Photoshop and Lightroom here.
  8. Someone

    Someone Noisemaker

    Feb 11, 2012
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    Thats what I thought...

    Did I spot a FL-Hater there? :D Just kidding, who cares anyways...


    I just tested Vegas a bit, looks nice and the help is pretty good and detailed. I managed to do some simple stuff like cutting, creating a time envelope and moving stuff around without any pre-knowlegde about video editing (with WAX I wasnt even able to load the fucking video clip because the format wasnt AVI... what kind of video editing software makes it difficult for the user to load anything else but AVI???), and the interface itself is somehow clear and easy to work with (still, it could look a bit nicer...).
    So again thanks for the tip :) , that will be the software I'll now stick with since it just works... And another piece of software I have as a warez because I have not enough money to pay for what I wanna do... Just sucks, but fuck it.
  9. Someone

    Someone Noisemaker

    Feb 11, 2012
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    I only read two posts of you but I honestly got the feeling you're just searching for some kind of conflict. Whats the point?
  10. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    Also, be sure to pick Sony Vegas 10.0e in 32bit version. You'll escape a lot of headaches how to get 32bit codecs working in 64bit NLE. Also avoid v11 and newer - very, very unstable.

    Actually video is far more complex than audio, at least in digital domain, as you need specific configuration of video/audio stream and respective container. Also you have chroma sampling, interlacing, I-Frames, DC Precision, GOP, IRU-601, color spaces, chroma matrix, interleaving, etc.
    But in most cases, you need to retain lossless format throughout your processing chain, which means running frameservers on dedicated machine (VfApi, Avisynth). Even Vegas can be a frameserver, but its chaining becomes way more complex.
    When working with HD Video, you may need intermediate codec and/or frame index, unless you work with lossless video (Lagarith, Huffyuv). All wrapped up through libavcodec or ffmpeg (L-SMASH / FFVideoSource) multiplexed in Haali.

    Anyway, if you're new to video, don't want to sound discouraging, but be prepared for lots and lots of technical nitty-gitty. :dancing:
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  11. Someone

    Someone Noisemaker

    Feb 11, 2012
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    I ahve Vegas 12 something, just grabbed the first version I was able to download, and it works so far...

    I gotta say Vegas is cool, so far I was able to do all the stuff I wanted. Dont know something? Just look in the help index and you'll find out somehow. Thinking about FL Studio some stuff could be easer, but maybe I only think that because Im used to FL Studio.
    Anyways, I think I'll be able to do just fine with Vegas, Video Editing isnt actually that complex when you got a programm that works and you dont plan on doing some fancy stuff. Basic video editing is way easier than basic music production.
  12. yomav

    yomav Member

    May 31, 2023
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    Although I do take stills, my real love is over 3D video. Will there be editing software in a near, future date.
  13. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    I'll settle this right here and now:rofl:.
