Hanz APC 40 Python script for Ableton Live

Discussion in 'Software' started by kenstowicz, Aug 11, 2014.

  1. kenstowicz

    kenstowicz Newbie

    Aug 10, 2014
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    I saw today that on fabrizopoce's website "Please be informed that I stopped supporting the APC_64_40 script. More information is available on this Ableton forum post (including a link to older versions of the script). The original creator of the tool has been informed. " If you haven't used this script before Its something you don't want to miss. It includes a series of "User Modes" including the best step sequencer for the APC 40 I've found, Being able to play midi instruments and drum racks with clip launch buttons, and mapped undo/redo features+ a whole bunch of more goodies. Ive uploaded His Scripts for Apc40 live 8, and 9/ and His older script for the pac 20 to my Dropbox https://www.dropbox.com/s/84vyad363i66kef/Hanz%20Apc%20Scripts.zip

    Have Fun! Installation instructions are in the quick start guide
  3. copylefter

    copylefter Producer

    Mar 3, 2012
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    Thanks, this is great.
    Sadly i sold my APC40 almost two years ago cause i was in a bad situation.
    I'm saving to buy v2 in the next months, hope these python scripts can be reworked for v2.
    I suck at python but i will try to rework them when ill tet my hands on the controller, hopefully without fighting with py indentation too much :rofl:
  4. kenstowicz

    kenstowicz Newbie

    Aug 10, 2014
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    Happens to the best of us man i had to sell two of my guitars and my amp a couple years back because i was in a bad situation. Now I try to look at it as a blessing in disguise because I picked up making computer music as a result (which i would have never done had i not sold my equipment). I myself am not fluent at python script i hope that you get the Apc40 MKll ( I think thats what you mean by version 2?) to work with one of these scripts. If you haven't already i know Hanz has written a"class" on the subject of midi remote scripts. deff worth checking out heres a link to part 4(A link to part 1 is in the first paragraph) http://remotescripts.blogspot.com/search?updated-min=2010-01-01T00:00:00-05:00&updated-max=2011-01-01T00:00:00-05:00&max-results=4

    Best of luck man!
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