Beginning to feel guilty...

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by MrAnonymous, Aug 10, 2014.

  1. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    All im saying is this whole "it's ok if u don't make money with it' malarkey is pretty much just a nonsense justification to me.

    I'd rather admit I'm stealing this stuff (taking what is not mine without paying) than try to justify that I'm somehow a better person cos 'I'm not making money' with it.

    Additionally, to be honest, I think the majority of folks that espouse the "try before" terminology probably aren't buying any or much of it either. (Alltho I know some do)

    Sorry if that's cynical but I would be shocked if it was otherwise.

    The 'exploitation' is of those spending their lives honestly slaving over their computers making this stuff in the hopes of a better life.

    It's my opinion that if letting people use your product for free as long as they wanted.. led to more sales.. Companies would be doing just that :wink:

    Additionally, if that's the case.. many companies offer fully functional demo's... and still get cracked and distributed by the 'try before buyer's'

    Nonsense..IMO.. just a weak justification for taking what is not urs. (For those that never buy)

    As I do.

    But I admit I'm 100% wrong.

    Guilty? Maybe, but I've got far graver things to repent for before this floats to the top of the list.
  2. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    hobbyists are helping devs more than professionals, because there are a LOT more hobbyists buying than professionals. Just because they are more :wink:
    Only a few hobbyists will EVER earn any money with their audio work.
    Some very well known professionals don't buy their softs (search "get caught using warez sylenth" and you will get some).

    So what we can conclude ?

    There is no bad karma, some ppl with a lot of money don't feel guilty.
    Most dev money is made with hobbyists who will never make a dime, and some professionals never pay their softs, but as they promote them...they never get in troubles.

    For most, warez are just toys.
    For some, it is just money gain.

    I will not feel guilty anymore by "toying" around with my warez.
    I will buy what i can IF i get any money back...if not, i will simply stop my audio projects, sell all my hardware and go grow some vegetables and fruits.
    Yes, i'm a thief, but there are more important things to fight in my own mind.
  3. New Model No.15

    New Model No.15 Newbie

    Dec 16, 2013
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    You know there are adult film awards ceremonies etc?.. the whole point of being a popular porn star is having as many people as possible watch your movies = more work = more money = more cocaine..

    Popularity is the whole point, its a career. no offence but i think your guilt is misguided.

    the porn stars of silicon valley- hmm the only thing id feel sorry for is their consumerist, materialistic superficiality.
    nothing wrong with an uninhibited sexual culture, all for it! just dont make it about justin beiber or kanye west. cheers!
  4. New Model No.15

    New Model No.15 Newbie

    Dec 16, 2013
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    First off, its obviously not stealing. you might have been conditioned to think it is, but this isn't bank account details we are discussing here, its a freaking soft-synth. a TOY. just like the music, just like the movies.

    Your remarks about the percentage of people who make money with warez are unfounded approximations, i dont think you or anyone else knows the numbers.

    And about the "slaving" going on, what do you about that? could very well be extremely cushy for most? this isnt a 3rd world sweatshop churning out vsts cheap. more like 1st world, very comfortable and clean compared to most!

    And coders, musicians, directors, sculptors etc do work because thats their passion/interest/forte, & not just stagnating and moving paycheck to paycheck.
    This is a luxury to be able to live like this in life! Sounds like consumerism rearing ts greedy little head again..

    What about roadsweepers, or piss bucket collectors in india etc? do you think they do it because they like it? or because they are good at it? or becuase they hope to become some poser slackjawed talent-less DJ drooling over girls at partys?

  5. 53Y35

    53Y35 Member

    May 26, 2014
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    ...what I'm guilty of is being human.
    All materialistic and grotesque reality that surrounds us and of which we are all responsible ... product which is the rotten system of values, absurdly represented by the economy. The proof that this system in which the market is based is somewhat outdated that contorts in the last throes of death, can see everywhere ... the existence of piracy refers to tools for creating is just another symptom of the above, would be complex to explain here, and has no place.
    and yet ... it really does is promote the popularity of some software, which for its price few could taste.

    Sorry for the tirade, and sorry for my google translator English ... but again, what I'm guilty of is being human.

  6. New Model No.15

    New Model No.15 Newbie

    Dec 16, 2013
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    Very true, i agree completely.

    i dont know about denying the existence of karma.. i dont believe in UFOs, but the human conscience is a powerful thing.
    just because god wont smite you doesnt mean you can just forget about being nice.:)

    Why are people so quick to admit to stealing or being a thief? you are caving too easily! These are digial 0's and 1's. Not snatching a grannies purse, not mugging someone with a knife...

    The effect of group dynamics is intense. humans are social pack animals, they need peer acceptance, something to conform to. its too easy to believe hollywood and tyrannical USA.

    I like the fruit and veg idea, was on my list aswell, but not as a safety net, gonna try keep both going. you shouldnt plan to give up so easy! its not a test that will be over in a few years, & thats the real test :)
  7. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Where I dont want to be
    I know about the slaving... I do it.. I work 14 hours a day on average, as an employee and a 3rd party dev. have for years..there's ZERO 'cushy' about it.. I have severe lower back pain, advanced carpal tunnel, my eyesight is suffering now dramatically and there's plenty more..

    WOuld I change it.. no.. I have been doing this too long, wouldnt know how to do anything else if i tried..

    unfounded..? no, that's based on my sales.. Vs. my sales after a product is released publicly for free. DRAMATIC difference... and not in a good way.

    I speak from experience my friend and I do this work, not because i love it so much as it pays my bills.. barely and I'm damn good at it. :wink:

    Your naivety speaks for you. You haven't walked in my shoes, nor does it sound like you know anything about the inner workings of a development team.
  8. Levitate

    Levitate Producer

    Nov 27, 2013
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    I know how that is.Well not the job thing like that.But have had some slaving myself jobs.Matter of fact most of my cpu repair/malware removal jobs,I'm putting in way too much work and effort than they are paying for.But I try not to ever overcharge and always try to hook folks up.And they're awesome people,they always come back when they need help next time.Not that that's any sort of comparative but,the last job I had was 10-14 hrs a day 55-65 hrs a week,and they'd constantly call me in on days off. Ugggh,barely made it by too.Was awful.
    I actually meant more so about the health problems,but sometimes I get to typing and can't stop. :rofl:

    But yeah,got some health issues too...

    Take care of yourself man.You're the only you that you got. I wish you the best. :mates:
  9. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Where I dont want to be
    Thanks Levi'.. :mates:
  10. Sorry man, but your beautiful "trivialities" in an absolutely relative word, and word are nothing but thoughts, written or articulated (= frequencies).
    Your thought frequencies (study QUANTUM PHYSICS, DAN WINTER, the fundmantal laws of our UNIVERSE like yin-yang, +/1, one/zero etc.) reflect(!) your
    general status quo (= energetical state as a energetic being => as I said: study QUANTUM PHYSICS to see beyond the dimension of matter an begin to
    see your true nature).

    By using a word like "trivialities" in the context of illegal software downloads, you my friend are trying to escape from your actual dimension in
    which disrespect and non-empathy dominate. Why? Because you only see bits & bytes, but not the human being who invests months or years in the developement
    and programming of his plugins, libraries or software. You simply are playing games with your brain (= left + right hemisphere = kognitive + emotional
    connections manifested over the time of your life and as a concequence generating feelings, endocrinological releases etc.).

    You simply are trying to avoid the confrontation of your actual state of mind (emotional-spiritual "matrix" as I like to call it) by trivializing your
    illegal actions. If you were able to understand the energetic nature of our universe (as above so below = connected quantums = what you are doing is
    reflected in the whole = your illegal/disrespectful actions are becoming a part of the morphogenetic field every secons = you are manifesting the
    negative/indifferent energies in our society => desctruction of mother earth, exhausting of our planet, degeneration of the species as a whole).

    It is simple: You are energetically (spirit+emotions) undeveloped and living in a indifferent status quo where deep respect, love for others is
    non-existent. Using certain word makes thinks not better, you are a false (= NOT ACTING BASED ON TRUTH) human being (what of course could be changed
    if someone like you would WANT to ... = WILL).

    Don´t get me wrong, I also downloaded a lot of stuff and tested it as I was seriously sick and lost my first life (engineer and athlete who was riding
    around 20.000 km per year on this road and mountainbikes, including races). I lost all my money, because nobody was able to help me and I had to do
    everything by myself (searched for a solution, paid everything by myself and as a byproduct began to develope my spirit/emotions by studying the TRUTH,
    including politics, religions, money-systems, the "big MATRIX" in which we are living).

    So, CATALYST. You´re are free to do what you want to do. Think always about the fact that you are part of a bigger picture (energetically). You thoughts
    (negative/positive) and deeds always are reflected in others (vice versa). You can try to escape and lie to yourself or begin to look in the mirror (I
    mean it literally: LOOK IN THE MIRROR, directly into your own eyes and SAY: "I´m totally fine with my false nature and love to disrespect other humans!")
    and see what will happen. You´re state of mind is typical for this society based on egoism, non-empathy and disrespect. Beware or the fact that we will
    destroy this planet (as a living organism) and therefor the future of our children. Because of general states of mind like your word...

    TRIVIAL is a relative WORD, it says nothing but reflects only your energetic state (= emotionally/spiritually degenareted/indifferent).
  11. Levitate

    Levitate Producer

    Nov 27, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Anytime! :mates:
  12. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Where I dont want to be
    KanadevaMusic.. wow... i really think I might agree with u.... :mates:

    If I knew what you were taking about. :rofl:

    ( I think I get most of it tho) *yes*
  13. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    You have got to be the most annoying member I have seen in a long time and that's really saying a lot. You don't even know me how do you know what I empathize or don't empathize with, sounds to me like you just make a bunch of assumptions about things which you know nothing about...the sign of a true intellectual (note the sarcasm). Oh but you've included a bunch of new age references, gee you must be right. Every post of yours just gets on my last nerve and I know all too well that I'm not the only one because I get to read people's reactions and PMs about it. You walk around here forcing your "frequencies" down everyone's throat and now you want to talk about being aware that you're part of a bigger picture. Too bad you're missing that lesson when member after member tells you that you're a mook. You clearly don't know the first thing about your impact on the world around you or you would alter your sanctimonious crap behavior. Most of the time it sounds like you just crawled up your own ass and now the rest of us have to deal with the stench. I remember going through your comments here and on AudioZ and in EVERY single one you are rudely critiquing someone (aminomo, Kook, McCookie, me, etc.), too bad you can't do that for yourself or you'd stop being such an insect. I'm going to make it clear for you: you're not welcome here. Get out! [​IMG]

    And just to be crystal clear: you're not getting banned for just this post, it's because EVERY post is a complete misnomer on BOTH forums and I'm tired of even seeing your dumb-ass name at this point. You've been rude and disrespectful to me, other contributors, members...enough. You think the world would just die if it didn't hear your annoying smug little musings. [​IMG]

    Guys you can thank me later. :wink:
  14. Levitate

    Levitate Producer

    Nov 27, 2013
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    I totally saw that coming.

    Where do these guys keep comin from?

    I mean he had 6 posts and 3 thanks and he's talkin trash to the Vice Admin.

    Man,you've been goin through it with someone since I've first talked to ya Cat.

    I don't get what these guys problem is with ya.I've dealt with a lot of people.

    And Cat you always seem considerate and thoughtful.

    You may have your own views on stuff but so does everyone else.

    I just don't get why these guys do this to you.

    I've even seen you be nice and warn em,and they still keep on.

    I feel ya though man,I can't tell you how many times I've seen rude,uncalled for,negative posts in the past from others and ignored it until

    it festered & one day they were a jerk one too many times,and I couldn't keep my mouth shut about it.I can't even imagine what you go through.

    Cat,Don't sweat the petty stuff.Pet the sweaty stuff!

  15. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    His problem isn't even just with me, it's with EVERYONE. You think this is the worst of it? I made a joke on AudioZ and all of a sudden this guy writes an essay being actually serious on morality which I ignore because even reading the first few words of one of his sentences makes me want to vomit plus I know I'm going to let him have it. Then he continues the conversation, in which I am no longer present mind you, and busts out into a diatribe replete with tons of new age "frequency" references and books I should read and how I'm this or I'm that. He thinks he's some fucking guru and he's saying some mind-blowing stuff when it's really nothing but a bunch of sanctimonious babble and the truth of it is he's just some jerk looking to vent his frustrations with his own life onto everyone else. This was the guy that shat on aminomo in detail in a few ESSAYS when out of his enthusiasm to share with our community he designed and uploaded a skin. He called it "laughable", "no self-respecting person would call this a skin" Now he wants to talk to me about me not being empathetic. There are about a million members that would have to disagree with him on that. He even got Alraun (one of the nicest most awesome people I have ever met) angry and he masterfully let him have it in 1 sentence. It was clear who was living the philosophy and who was just some douche that fell in love with the reflection in his own asshole. [​IMG]

    :rofl: on that last bit Lev. You always bring the good vibes bro. [​IMG]
  16. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Where I dont want to be
    Always one in the crowd... but a li'l tidbit of truth in his eccentric words.. before he starting whining about you.

    Don't let it get to ya.. I know u know BS when u hear it..

    Don't get pulled into feeding time Cat. :mates:
  17. rhythmatist

    rhythmatist Audiosexual

    Sep 5, 2011
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    Chillicothe, Ohio, USA
    I think I will go "pick up my guitar and play---just like yesterday...."-or drumsticks and a mouse. Or listen to Paul Simon-"Think too Much".
  18. uber909

    uber909 Member

    Feb 12, 2012
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    Neo Bangkok
    I had to disagree with Cataly5t on certain topics by the past, but at least I understood his point.

    But YOU sir, are FULL OF SH...T and arrogance.
    Even when you think you're clever (we are killing the earth... sob) you are so stupid => The earth was there before us and will be here when we'll all be long gone.
    Do you seriously believe that some tiny people living on the surface will kill the core of the planet... how ? With an extinguisher ? :rofl:

    The sad thing is I'm sure you don't realize it.
  19. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Here and there.
    To get back to the topic:

    Wait a moment and think good about it. WHO is using the word “stealing“ or “piracy“ the most?
    Of course the sales representatives of the Industry, developers and their allies.
    Now go back to the past when exactly the same alliance of people lamented and warned about
    home Tape recording: "(Home) Tape Recording is killing the Music!" they moaned!!

    Now they are still doing the same but nowadays they say:
    "Sharing of pirated software is killing the Industry!" What a brain-fart!! :rofl:
    It's maybe killing their monopoly + control, what indeed they fear the most.
    Why? Because pirated software bypasses all their imposed barriers and limitations.
    In reality pirated software can help people to focus on their true talents + strengths.
    Why this? Because they don't have to work hours and months like slaves to go and buy
    luxury things like overpriced software clones. So, precious time saved to use it for playing,
    experimenting, working with what you like to do, tweaking etc…

    Like Jaz Coleman (Killing Joke) sung:
    "Let your work shine unto the ends of time, unto the ends of time…"
    :wink: :guitarhero: :guitarhero:

  20. lukie

    lukie Newbie

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Are you one these top Dj,producers that's on billions bucks but wont't buy any software.
    Or are you one of the F-in bankers that F-ed 99% of people on this planet.

    If you are not any of the above then I would say don't worry.

    "DON'T MAKE MONEY OFF WAREZ" Ironic really as most stuff downed someone is making money.
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