what kinda chords are these?

Discussion in 'Education' started by paraplu020, Aug 4, 2014.

  1. paraplu020

    paraplu020 Banned

    Jan 24, 2012
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    Sewers of Amsterdam
    Hi all,

    I'm really digging the chords in this beat, could you guys school me a little bit where to look, what to learn etc to eventually make chord progressions like this?
    Also, in which era were these kind of chord progressions really popular? Then I can search for some songs with similar vibes to sample... Thanks in advance! *yes*

  3. kearnsy

    kearnsy Banned

    Jun 9, 2011
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    Not sure what chords they are sorry, but I've heard you can paste in a link to any song on this website and the software will have a stab at identifying what chords are used in the song

    Not sure how a accurate it is or not, but worth a try i suppose?

  4. Kundalini

    Kundalini Kapellmeister

    Apr 11, 2013
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    I would say G and c (G-major and c minor)
  5. Blister

    Blister Newbie

    Feb 15, 2012
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    Sounds like minor and or major seventh chords

  6. Levitate

    Levitate Producer

    Nov 27, 2013
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    1990's R&B sounding. I like. Some parts are kind of smooth jazz sounding. Agree with Blister sounds like 7th chords. Not sure if you're a key player.I can break down maj and min 7th's they are chord extensions.Like for instance.Take Cmin triad,C,Eflat,and G. Well all cmin 7th (C,Eflat,G,Bflat.) is is cmin triad and e flat major triad Eflat,G,Bflat at the same time. Or let's go C Maj 7th.C,E,G,B That's just Cmaj triad C,E,G. And Eminor triad E,G,B at same time. Basically if you are playing a minor triad,you take the middle note and play its major triad at same time. And If you're playin a major triad you take the middle note and play it's minor triad at same time. Hope that helps or makes sense. It's easier to show than tell. 9th's and 11th's and 13th's work the same way,it just continues. I just count scale degrees.1-8 and any other higher #'s I need to figure out I just keep counting into the next octave.

    Best of luck. :wink:

    If you or anyone else ever needs more help with this sorta thing feel free to PM.

    I'll try to help any way I can.

    Eventually I'll continue my piano lessons on here when I get time and find an awesome narrator or vid editor. *yes*

    Also I'd recommend some 90's R&B (Though you will find it in 70's and 80's as well,Luther V,Teddy P,Chaka Kahn,Debarge/Switch,Anita Baker,Atlantic Starr)

    I'd recommend some Jodeci,Shai,Silk,Boyz2men,Babyface,Chris Bender,Toni Braxton,older Mary J Blige,Shanice,Sade (I could do this all day )

    Peace all :mates:
  7. Toccata

    Toccata Guest

    - It's 448 which means you'll likely need to tune from the standard 440.
    - Much of this is a result of voice-leading and not functional root movement.
    - It's better then to learn the parts as an assemblage than try to label the whole.
    - The most prominent note in each chord is: E-Eb-D-Eb (these are doubled at the octave).
    - The E in the first chord slides down.
    - There is a G vox pad that goes ha-ha in the first and third chords.
    - The sax sample flourish plays G-F-Eb-F-G in a groovy dotted rhythm.
    - The one-hand version of this progression could be:
    Chord 1: E-G
    Chord 2: C-Eb
    Chord 3: G-D
    Chord 4: Bb-Eb
    (Bonus: Hold C on a smooth synth pad through the entire progression)
    - The characteristic sound of C-Maj (C-E-G) to C-Min (C-Eb-G) is of importance.
    - The technique to extract is to play C Major then C Minor in various positions.
  8. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Since you wanted to find more of this, check out Pastorbernardlilton on youtube for another great riffs collection, but my fav is Jamal Hartwell whose vids you'll find by the name of Gospelmusicians. He not only has a few really nice products (NeoSoulKeys, MKSensation etc.) but he also gives away video courses for free, and I think he does a great job at it. His vids mostly have a split screen with the actual keyboard keys played shown in the lower part of the screen so you can follow more easily what he's playing.
    His stuff was a revelation for me.
  9. paraplu020

    paraplu020 Banned

    Jan 24, 2012
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    Sewers of Amsterdam
    i have nothing to say except, ur the bombdiggy man!
    can't wait to start struggling with these things you told me... thanks bro! *yes* :grooves:
  10. EBS2000

    EBS2000 Newbie

    Jan 15, 2014
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    Sorry but the real chords including the Bass notes are this:

    CMaj7 lead note G
    AbMaj7 Lead note G
    F6/9 Lead note G
    C-7/Db Lead note Bb
    The last chord would be a Db 6/9 with lead note Bb but i think he play g note not F note.
    If you still playing the lead note G in the last chord also a C-7/Db.
    It's important to take care what note play the bass to know the name of the chords.
    The bass play C Ab F and Db.
  11. Mynock

    Mynock Audiosexual

    Jul 14, 2012
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    The chord progression is attached.

    Dude, if you like this stuff you must study functional harmony (first!) an then, quartal harmony SERIOUSLLY :excl:


    Attached Files:

    • 1.jpg
      File size:
      185.6 KB
  12. EBS2000

    EBS2000 Newbie

    Jan 15, 2014
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    I think the right progression is:
    Cmaj7 lead note G
    Abmaj7 lead note G
    F6/9 lead note G
    C-7/Db lead note Bb or G.
    Important: the last chord the root note or bass note is a Db, not a Ab.
  13. Mynock

    Mynock Audiosexual

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Being more precise:

    WARM REGARDS :excl:


    Attached Files:

  14. Toccata

    Toccata Guest

    I've attached an audio loop contrasting the original beat with
    my own mock-up to demonstrate what I explained in my post.

    I don't have an electric keyboard or sax so I used Massive to
    build a patch and the kontakt trumpet. The other track is a Kontakt
    Choir ah, a sine bass, and a Battery Track (kick/Snare/Hat/Bongo1/2)
    Five tracks, rough levels, no mixing or mastering.

    View attachment Aquinini Mock-Up.mp3
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