Logic 9.1.8 Mavericks crashes right at AU scan

Discussion in 'Mac / Hackintosh' started by anoriginaljohnsmith, Jul 24, 2014.

  2. Rolma

    Rolma Guest

    The crash report loads badly as text file. :dunno: lol
  3. Alraun

    Alraun Member

    Sep 17, 2012
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    Sounds to me as if one of the remaining 25 plugins is still incompatible with Log 9.1.8.
    Are there still third party plugins in between?

    If you could find out which of the plugins is responsible for the calling out in the crashed thread....
    Try minimizing the remaining plugins and you will know.

    I guess it's a trouble with a demanded font.

    Sometimes it's even a problem with an internal plugin. I know that people had some with plugins
    in 9.1.8 starting with "AU" in their title, but i don't remember the exact plugin names.

    I have Logic 9.1.8 running on OSX 9.1.4 with about 180 validated plugins.
    Altiverb 6 doesn't get validated. Maybe a hint?

    Another tipp: try AU scan after deleting the file com.apple.audiounits.cache in User/Library/Caches.

    P.S. for a better read: it's not necessary to post the complete error log. Important is only the data of the crashed thread (in this case: 0).
  4. Im not sure where the rest of the 24 AUs are, I deleted everything in the folder, is there another hidden folder?

    I've already deleted com.apple.audiounits.cache

    Ok thanks!
  5. Alraun

    Alraun Member

    Sep 17, 2012
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    I checked it. These are the plugins:


    They must be part of a binary, that's why they can't be found with a regular search.
    I don't know where they are located. Maybe in System/Library/Components/CoreAudio.component

    Do the following: run Logic without loading core audio (hold down the ctrl key while Logic is starting up).
    It will ask "do you want to run core audio?". Choose "No".
    Logic starts now without scanning the plugins.
    Now go to Preferences/ AU manager and deactivate all those plugins.

    Close and start Logic again.
    Does Logic now boot up without crash?