Could some of you Mac guys please try this.

Discussion in 'Software' started by bigcat1969, Jul 23, 2014.

  1. bigcat1969

    bigcat1969 Producer

    Nov 16, 2013
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    Trying to make a functional AU instrument from Maize. I have no idea if this will work.

    From the Maizesoft forums...
    "You have to copy the entire .component folder to /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Component, not just the content folder."

    Also I'm going to start trying to creating some simple (read fairly ugly) Maize VSTis for people without Kontakt. From peoples' perspective should I create Win 32, 64 and Mac Vsts along with Mac AU? If AU is created does there need to be a Mac VST? Is 64 bit universal enough to abandon 32 bit?
  3. copylefter

    copylefter Producer

    Mar 3, 2012
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    I have no time today (better, I have machine busy with some stuff I can't stop now), tomorrow I'll try it.
    For the question AU vs VST, on Mac surely AU is the most common format, almost any daw use it, but if it's not a problem to compile it in VST maybe is better,
    for those who uses Cubase i.e. (should be an automated process I guess - aka no coding - with Maize).
    For 64bit, many still are on 32, and consider the fact that if someone want to use it wrapped (or inside a virtual patchbay like BC Patchwork) in ProTools,
    a 64bit vst/au can't be wrapped in ProTools, unless it is PT11.
    The same applies, if it's not a pain to compile it as x86/64, do it. The samples should be the same,
    so the filesize won't get much bigger with both architectures implemented, few MB more maybe.

    Appreciate the experiment with Maize, I once downloaded it years ago, with the idea to try and make a couple of libraries for my own use, and maybe for sharing if successful,
    but then I never had the time to try and dumped it.

  4. remyboy20

    remyboy20 Member

    Jun 28, 2014
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    I have tried that software before but it was only for a limited time. But it was pretty simple to get around the interface and everything is pretty much laid out for you. You just manipulate the sound.
  5. krameri

    krameri Rock Star

    Jul 20, 2014
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    I'll participate in your Maize experiment. I haven't use it in years.

    I'm on Logic Pro X, which requires 64-bit AU. But I have Patchwork which functions as a VST wrapper (among other things) and can test 64-bit VST for you also. There's a nice app called 32 Lives which allows 32-bit AU to work in Logic Pro X, so I can also test your 32-bit AU. The one I can't test at all is a 32-bit VST as that would be a wrapper (JBridge) to make it 64-bit for Patchwork (another wrapper) to make it function in Logic. Two wrappers on a single plugin is unreliable at best.

    So, AU 32/64 and VST 64, I can test.

    Would it be a hassle for you to make stripped-down versions for testing? Or are you at that final testing stage and need your full version tested? I ask because the one AU download alone is 450+ MB.
  6. Pm5

    Pm5 Ultrasonic

    Oct 20, 2012
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    It's good to have both if you can. AFAIK :
    - cubase only handle vsts
    - logic only handle au
    - other (reaper, s1, live, ...) usually handle both
  7. Jannegirl40

    Jannegirl40 Ultrasonic

    Sep 20, 2012
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    I've tried it, and I have to say while it sounds good, It requires me to move up one octave to play the correct note, meaning that everything is pushed down an octave.
  8. bigcat1969

    bigcat1969 Producer

    Nov 16, 2013
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    Interesting. Thanks for all the feedback. Very helpful! I was basically trying to convert that one, rather large piano over to AU based on a request on my blog for now. It seems like he got it working, so that's cool.
    Eventually, after this fun soundfont project and some little K5 orchestra projects, I'd like to start working more with Maize since I can create true zero cost instruments. I've gotten feedback that folks that are running on a small budget or no budget might benefit since much of what I do is really about starter instruments, though I claim a certain organ scripted by a chap from this forum stands up to most commercial releases. When I get that going I'll probably keep it low key and ask for your help testing especially on Macs, until I'm ready to drop a bunch of VSTis at once.