Pro Tools compatability list on Mac

Discussion in 'Pro Tools' started by capnbooboo, Jul 10, 2014.

  1. capnbooboo

    capnbooboo Newbie

    Jul 10, 2014
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    i am a logic user and some times i use pro tools for vocal edits (rarely), anyway i had pro tools XVX with just about every plug in out there on Macosx 10.6 but i did no clone my drive when i upgraded to 10.7 nothing worked again, now the plugs and settings have been sitting in folders in newer Mac OS systems and do not load., i may sound paranoid but ive been losing hard drives and think all this iCloud stuff is responsible, i can confirm that by not using iCloud at start up during a maverick re install it managed to work again with our destroying my hard drive.

    I want to have pro tools and plugs up and running but like to know whats compatible with which OS.

    Can anyone tell me what plug ins and Version fo pro tools (k'ed) is compatible on 10.6 and or 10.8/Maverick ??

  3. karlarsch

    karlarsch Ultrasonic

    Feb 10, 2012
    Likes Received:
    PT 9.03 on 10.6
    PT 10.3.9 for later
    Forget Your I-Cloud para.
  4. Iggy

    Iggy Rock Star

    Jun 21, 2011
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    The stage, man
    I've been interested in getting into PT for a long time now -- I've been using DP, which is incredible for MIDI and crap for audio, and wanted to be able to mix and edit audio properly. DP's not terrible and it's getting better all the time, but something as simple as setting non-destructive markers for audio track editing (every time you make a non-destructive edit in DP, it actually creates a new audio sub-file, which gets old real quick!) seems to elude MOTU entirely. Good to know which version I should be looking into! And not looking forward to scouring the internet for or reinstalling TDM/RTAS versions of my legions of AU plugs and VIs ...
  5. copylefter

    copylefter Producer

    Mar 3, 2012
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    Iggy, you should use 10.3.9, XVX's 8 and 9.0.3 works only on 10.6.x.
    Be aware that you will pass from having a daw that's great at MIDI and crap at audio
    to a daw that's great at audio and total crap at MIDI. :rofl:
  6. Iggy

    Iggy Rock Star

    Jun 21, 2011
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    The stage, man
    Yeah, I'm not getting rid of DP for MIDI. In the olden days of 9.2.2, I used DP 3 for MIDI work, exported projects as MIDI 1 files and loaded them into Vision DSP to record audio and mix on (Vision DSP was really awesome for audio). I've avoided PT all these years because I mainly do MIDI composition and I always knew it was crappy at that, but my hope that I'd be able to do it all in DP 7-8 gets dashed every time I try to edit or work with an audio track. I've even considered doing MIDI and recording MIDI tracks to audio in DP and then using something like Harrison Mixbus to edit and mix the audio files.
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